Well-being Wednesday
Good Morning 👋 all and what a lovely day it is! ☀️ The sun always makes me feel happy!
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the topic this year is Kindness.
Over the last few months I have not only seen many acts of kindness in the news (Captain Tom) and the community, I to have tried to play my part by being kind to others, by helping get shopping to some elderly people in our village and telephoning relatives who are on their own.
The added benefit of helping others is that it is good for our own mental health and wellbeing.
It would be lovely if this week, you could share with me any acts of kindness that you have shown someone, or that have been done to you.
Just remember giving someone a smile 😁 or a wave 👋 could really make their day!
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Viner 😃