Here are this week’s awards…
Weekly Celebrations
School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):
Year 6 Brooke for ‘Wisdom’, ‘Love’ and ‘Respect’ – for always being such a lovely member of Owl Class! Brooke has returned from holiday with 100% effort in all lessons.
Year 5 India for ‘Wisdom’ – for producing brilliant Science work, showing fantastic knowledge and understanding.
Year 4 Lucy for ‘Wisdom’ – for creating an amazing project based on our topic work in her own time at home. We love the enthusiasm you show across all subjects Lucy.
Year 3 Sky for ‘Perseverance’ – for working really hard and improving her handwriting, well done.
Year 2 Nancy for showing ‘Love’, ‘Hope’ and ‘Perseverance’: Nancy shows all of our school values everyday, however this week she has shown what a strong young lady she is becoming! Miss Horton is very proud of you Nancy.
Year 1 Maggie for ‘Friendship’ and ‘Respect – Maggie is such a lovely friend – she is kind, caring and wants her friends to do well. You’re a star Maggie!
Reception Jasmine for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom – Jasmine is taking great care with her handwriting and uses her phonics brilliantly to spell words – she writes some super sentences!#
Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)
Other achievements…
Alfie has received his white belt with yellow stripe in taekwon-do! He even demonstrated a four directional punch to the whole school. We know not to mess with Alife now!!
Hallie has received a medal and a teddy for taking part in a gym competition at the weekend. She had to perform three different routines!
Freddie has completed his 5m swimming badge, a fantastic achievement!
Charley and Percy both attend ‘Oswestry Olympians’. They now both hold records, Charley for running and Percy for throwing. Great work guys!
Some of our KS2 children attended ‘Area Sports’ at Bomere Heath Primary School this week. They had a fantastic time, and we away with lots of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place certificates – great work everyone!
Sophia, Percy, Alex, Millie and Tilly all attended a Maths event at Shrewsbury High School. They had to use their mathematical and computing knowledge to crack some codes – they all had a brilliant time.
Congratulations to all our winners this week!