Weekly celebrations!

Weekly Awards

Harvey: for trying so hard to write more

Abbie: for showing respect at all times in her school day

Tyler: perseverance in handwriting

Andreas: love and kindness towards friends

Zac: love towards others

Amy: for showing improved determination

Lucy H: for excellent writing

Liam: for good effort on the class trip

Lowri: excellent perseverance

Hannah: working hard to improve writing

Ella: super effort in maths

Oliver: for taking good care of our class

Maya: for showing fantastic friendship to younger children

Golden Book

Congratulations to the following children for earning their Golden Book award from a culmination of Class Stars…

Izzy – 16th Award

Xenia – 11th Award

Max – 21st Award and Golden Star Badge

Arthur – 16th Award

Cross Country Celebrations

The Cross Country Team were celebrated for their participation, determination and achievements in the Corbet Cross country league. Congratulations to Billy, Oli, Ellie, Lucy, Sam, Henry, Charlie L and Amy who have earned a place in the North Shropshire Championships!

A huge three cheers also went to the swimming team for their success in the Oswestry Gala this week – local area champions!

Children in Need

All the children were congratulated for having such a brilliant disco, bake sale and charity effort this year. A whopping £292.15 was raised! Well done everyone.