The Magic Box by Max Clifton-Moore, inspired by Kit Wright

Check out Max’s poetry below where he had chosen impressive language and description. I really like “the fuzziest bumblebee” and the “hinges are the jaws of a pussy cat”! Brilliant work.


The Magic Box by Max Clifton-Moore, inspired by Kit Wright

I will put in my box the crinkle of a crisp packet on a Sunday afternoon, the smell of burning from a red toaster, the sweetness of sugar on my Weetabix.

I will put in the box a cherry blossom off a tall tree, the pollen from the fuzziest bumble bee, the pattern from the wing of a butterfly.

I will put into the box the bones of an ancient fish, the swirl of an ammonite, and a tooth from the first shark.

I will put into the box a blue lemon and a orange banana, a cat with no legs and a dog with eight legs.

My box is fashioned from solid gold limes and lemons, with a silver rim and recyclable plastic. Its hinges are the jaws of a pussy cat.

I shall sit on my box in a dungeon beneath the deepest, darkest castle, then I will use my box as a plate as I eat my dinner.