Rabbits – Home learning for May 1st

Good Morning Rabbits – pinch, punch, first of the month!  Happy May Morning to you.  There is a tradition in Oxford for the choir to sing on the top of Magdelane chapel on May Morning but they can’t do it this year – perhaps you would start your day with a lovely song to get you in the mood for learning?  Here is a link to the choir if you are interested in hearing them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7a-sD2PA8w

English:  More fun on the BBC Bitesize for you this morning.  www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/homelearning.

Maths:  Please access either MyMaths today for a few exercises on division, or you can follow the WhiteRose Maths (www.whiterosemaths.homelearninghub.)  I have also set some on-line games for you if you get bored and it is raining – they are on Education City.

Reading:  I have another reading and comprehension task for you to do. Please access this link to do the worksheet.  It is all about Captain Moore – who is now Colonel Moore.  There are three levels of the work sheets – I suggest you have a go at the middle one if you are year 2 and the third one if you are year 3.  Captain Moore Comprehension

Handwriting:  As extra practice, could you write a thank you note to Colonel Moore – you can say whatever you wish but it should be polite, quite short and should be addressed to him as Colonel Moore and you should sign your name.

Project:  The work that you are doing is wonderful – today is the last day of the Shropshire Project and I have some investigation work for you to be doing.  I have put a link to some Shropshire Words – these are unusual words that are only found in our county – I would like you to create a dictionary with the words and their meanings – you could add pictures if it helps.  When you have done that – put all of your work together with the map, flowers, cartoon and animals and make yourself a Shropshire Brochure.  You can even add some of the other place names to your map if you wish.

  • All Around The Wrekin – A circuitous or meandering route or method to get to a particular place, thing, or conversational point.
  • Bostin’ – Great, wonderful, fantastic.
  • I’m gooin’ – I’m going.
  • Dunno – Don’t know.
  • Durst? – Do you?
  • Clemmed – Hungry.
  • Pither – Worry, complain, although an alternative translation is to “mess about.”
  • Towd mon & umman – The old man and woman
  • Nurker – Somebody who is one of the lads.
  • Ow bist? – How are you?
  • Wench – Girl, woman (as in “owd wench”).
  • Shammocks – Legs.
  • Mucker – Mate, pal.
  • Shoosby – Shrewsbury.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs Cooke