Learning New Skills!

Throughout this term, the children in Hedgehog Class will be tracking the growth of buds from various trees at our forest school site. To ensure that they continue to monitor the same bud, they have made their own labels using wood. Under close supervision, the children learnt to use a saw and a drill to make their wooden labels. They were excited this week to find that some of their buds had changed already!CE93B550-201E-469E-8268-FD98A3C3577B 131BEE08-9259-4E78-995E-6717993EB47E 6702F86E-9A30-4364-95F3-247617472A03 8F1597E5-3B3B-4471-8D2B-D27F718AE1E1 E0EE41CA-40BB-44FC-B590-8397FFA3EFB2 AC0F1CB4-2482-4AC2-A833-34A72F94A90E