A strength of the school is that staff are welcoming to parents who are also encouraged to call into school and discuss any concerns or bring to our attention any matters which may affect the children’s happiness, welfare or academic progress. Discussion at an early stage and a shared approach to difficulties avoids small problems getting more serious. The school encourages parents to make an arrangement with the teacher or office for the most appropriate time to come in and meet with staff and talk over the problem informally so that school can help in every way possible.
Parents’ support at concerts, performances, church services, fund raising meetings and events are all welcome and valued. We have a thriving ‘Friends of St Johns’ who organise and run many successful fundraising activities and events.
More formal arrangements for you to see and discuss your child’s progress and work are organised twice yearly, in October/November and again around Easter. A written report is provided at the end of the Summer term and parents are invited to discuss this with teachers if they wish.
Parents are also invited to come into school either occasionally or on a regular basis to support individuals or groups with reading or maths games, help with swimming or Forest Schools, lead or help lead clubs, and share any skills and / or talents in a wide range of activities and ways.
Newsletters are sent home weekly via our website – please sign up to our newsletter. All correspondence and notices are posted out via Parentmail, our website and/or our Facebook page. Parents are encouraged to check these regularly to ensure they have received all the information.
There are openings for parents to become Governors and when a vacancy arises nomination letters are sent home to parents explaining the process. Parents make a very valuable contribution to our Governing Body.