The school follows Shropshire’s agreed syllabus for RE, which is in line with the 1988 Education Act, i.e., that it should
“reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of the principle religions represented in Great Britain”.
Thus teaching about Christianity must have a major but not exclusive role in our RE programme. Knowledge of other religions will enable the children, during the course of their school life, to appreciate the way that religious beliefs shape life and conduct; to begin to make their own response to the claims of religion; and to respect religious convictions where they cannot share them.
The children will be introduced to some of the elements of the Christian and major religious traditions as they are found in stories, anniversaries, festivals and moral codes. There will also be an introduction to stories of people, past and present, whose lives exemplify qualities universally valued.
Throughout the curriculum, and as part of the whole school ethos, there is a strong emphasis on moral education. We are agreed that the implementation of the stated aims necessitates a full and active commitment by all staff members to the agreed policy. We feel that it would be pointless to have RE, if the day to day life within the school did not reflect a caring, considerate environment, based on Christian principles, where the needs, opinions and beliefs of all are respected.
The school meets daily for Assembly.
Assemblies and RE in school provide opportunities to reflect on those aspects of human life and the natural world which raise questions, answers to which can cause the children to recognise a spiritual dimension of experience.
Assemblies and RE are a statutory part of the school day and curriculum, however parents have the right to withdraw their children from these, provided written notice is given to the headteacher.