Our Aims

The school aims which are encompassed within our core Christian Values of Hope, Love and Respect, can be summarised as follows –

  • to develop a school community which promotes concern and respect for others within the church school ethos
  • to encourage curiosity and a positive attitude to learning
  • for pupils to acquire knowledge and skills that are relevant to adult life and employment in a fast changing, increasingly technological world
  • to foster self-reliance within a secure and happy environment
  • to develop qualities of independence, self-motivation and self-confidence
  • to promote high standards of attainment
  • to provide for the needs of every child
  • to reinforce positive standards of behaviour
  • to raise children’s awareness of their own and others cultures
  • to develop the ability to work co-operatively
  • to develop the school role within the community

These aims are presented in a meaningful and stimulating way. Areas of the curriculum may be encompassed within a thematic approach and through direct experience, including visitors, artefacts and relevant educational visits, some of which may be residential.

Certain aspects of the curriculum also need particular consideration separate from the theme on an ongoing basis – these include mathematics and literacy, as well as PE and games.

By endeavouring to provide a stimulating working environment every child is encouraged to reach their maximum potential and wherever possible work is matched to their particular needs. Learning support is given to any child when it is considered necessary and for as long as it is considered necessary and may take place mainly in their classroom as a normal activity, or in small group or individually as deemed necessary and appropriate.