Home Learning for Rabbits – Friday 15th May

Good Morning Rabbits – and Whoopee it is Friday!

For this morning’s work – I am going to ask you to continue your flying project with another task.  You will have a bit of maths to do for this and also some English.

Project:  Yesterday, I asked you to make a map of the places your favourite flying character would go.  I hope you have had fun doing this.

Firstly, you can now do some maths work that adds up the length of time the journey took.  If you wrote the times down on your map this will be easier  if not, you can either look at the website to time the journey or have a good guess.

You need to draw up a table and enter the timings into the table in the correct columns.

Mrs Cooke’s Flying Flamingo Journey

This is a bit of a ‘tricky’ maths task – but do your best – I know you can all do this!  If you struggle a little – have a look at this page to help you.  Counting Time

Once you have that completed, you can get to work on your own ‘Flying Adventures of ……….’ and I would love you to do another comic strip to chart the adventures of your creature or machine.  Draw pictures of the locations they visited, and a short text for each drawing about what they saw there.

English:  The BBC Bitesize have another lovely class for you today.

Maths: Please do the TT Rockstars and I have also included a maths times table activity for you to do afterwards.  https://go.educationcity.com/mycity#/view/939253/

If I have fuddled your brains with the counting of time – please don’t worry.  I hope that you have had fun time with your flying project.

Please remember to be kind and helpful to your family and to have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Cooke x