Good morning everyone.
I hope you have had a lovely week so far and that you and your family are all well.
Your tasks for today are below. If you would like to share photographs of what you have done this week please email them to and we will put them on the school website. If you’d rather we didn’t put them on the website please say in your email, but we’d still love to see the photos!
If your child is in Reception, you can also share photos with Miss Horton and I on Tapestry (these won’t be put on the school website).
We love to see what you are all doing, whether this is school work or your own games, projects and activities.
Mrs Johnson
Fine Motor Skills
How many elastic bands can you put on a food tin? You could use different colours and sizes of bands too. I wonder who will have the most?!
Reception – today we are learning the ‘er’ sound as in her.
Reception ‘er’ colour activity 14th May
If the ‘er’ sound is a bit tricky, please do this activity all about CVC words instead.
Reception CVC read and draw 14th May
Year 1 – your sound today is ‘or’ for fork that we did last year.
Year 1 ‘or’ colour activity 14th May
Please log in to Reading Eggs today and use one of the activities of your choice.
Use the look, cover, write, check sheet to learn to spell the words with your phonics sound today.
Reception – her, fern, herd, herb, term, farmer OR sun, box, cab, man, bin, rat
Year 1 – fork, morning, corn, cork, torch, thorn.
Reception – Sing the nursery rhyme ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ together. Print out and cut up (or draw) the different parts of the rhyme. Can you put them in the right order? Write a sentence to say what is happening for each picture.
Children in Reception spell using the sounds they know as well as remembering some short, everyday words. So the sentence ‘He climbed up the drain’ might be written as ‘He climd up the drayn’. This is ok, and you don’t need to correct every word. Try to encourage children to spell common words correctly, but other words are brilliant just sounded out!
Year 1 – Please complete the BBC Bitesize Year 1 English activity for the day…
Reception – Your task today is all about ‘doubles’ using spiders and the number of legs they have…
Year 1 – Today you are comparing number sentences. Begin by watching the video and then complete the worksheet.
Please choose one or two activities from the Pablo activity board below.
Pablo activity choice 14th May onwards