Hedgehogs Home Learning – 20/4/20

Good Morning Hedgehogs!

I hope you had a lovely Easter, and you didn’t eat too much chocolate!

I’m Miss Horton (some of you might remember me when I came to see you and we went to forest school, but it seems like a long time ago now!). I’ll be teaching you while Mrs Farmer has some time off to have her baby. I was really looking forward to seeing you all again and hopefully we’ll be back in the classroom together soon. You might have to bear with me while I get to grips with all the online websites but this work should keep you busy for now!

Exercise:  Make sure you’re doing some exercise to keep your brain and body active! You could try Joe Wicks or Oti Mabuse (from Strictly Come Dancing) does daily dance lessons on her Youtube channel – lots of fun! Remember to try and get some fresh air and enjoy this lovely sunshine.

Phonics: Reception: ‘sh’ Roll and Read  – Roll a dice, see if you can read the words that the number on the dice matches up to on the sheet.

Roll and Read ‘sh’

Year 1: ‘y’ Board Game (you can play this on your own or you can challenge somebody else in your house to play!) – Each player takes it in turns to roll a dice. If you land on a word, read the word. If you say the word correctly, you get a token. When all players have reached the finish the player with the most tokens is the winner.

Board Game and ‘y’ Tokens

Handwriting: Reception: Practise writing 2 of the one-armed robot letters. Use the video to help you see what the letters should look like. Can you think of any words that start with these letters?


Year 1:  Please practice writing the following words: today, of, said, says, are, were. Try doing ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’ – look at the word, say it out loud, cover it up, have a go at writing it and then check if it is correct. You could get an adult or an older brother/sister to test you!

English: Have a look at these pairs of sentences. Can you think of a way to join them together?

Daisy drew a mouse. Daisy gave him a name

Let’s put the craft things in tins. Let’s put the pencils in pots.

Then the rain had gone. Then the room had gone too.

Soon they were sticking stars on the sofa. Soon they were sticking fishes on the floor. Soon they were sticking monkeys on the fireplace.

E.g. Daisy drew a mouse and gave him a name.

Can you see what word I added and what word I took away? See if you can follow the rules that I used to write out the other sentences. Remember that your sentence should start with a capital letter and end with a full stop. Reception if you are struggling with the reading/writing get and adult to write out the sentences for you and cut them out, you can choose where the word should go to join the sentences together and which word you should cross out.

Maths: These links should take you to the correct page for each year group. We’re starting from ‘Summer Term – Week 1 w/c 20th April’. There is a video/powerpoint for you to watch and then an activity/worksheet to complete. They sometimes give you ideas of some extra things you could do.

Reception: Day 1 – Supertato https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/

If you want to know all about the evil pea in the ‘Supertato’ story, there are a few videos on YouTube of the story being read. I’m looking forward to seeing what you trap and what you use to trap them! Remember to be careful with your measurements.

Year 1: Lesson 1 – Make Doubles https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/

Science: This term we will be looking at plants.

Have a look at this video https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zpxnyrd/articles/zw2y34j

What plants can you find outside? Have a look around your garden or even when you’re on your daily walk to see if you can find any of the plants on the sheet below – tick off all the ones you find. Remember the “No pick, No lick!” rule from forest school.

Flower hunt sheet

I hope you enjoy your day!

Miss Horton 🙂