Hedgehogs at home – week beginning 23rd November 2020

Hello Hedgehogs at home

Please find all of your activities for this week below. If you need any help or if you have any questions about the tasks please get in touch as we will be glad to help you.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Johnson


Monday – Choose some of these high frequency words to write on to bunting (which you can find here bunting but it’s easy to make your own too) to make a word banner decoration for your house!

High Frequency word mat Phase 2

Tuesday – Today’s writing task is part of our RE lesson. Please see ‘RE’ below for instructions of what to do today.

Wednesday – Today we are thinking about the different parts of the Three Little Pigs story. Draw a picture for what happened first, next, then, after that and finally. Can you write a sentence or caption for each of your pictures to explain that part of the story?

Thursday – Listen to the story ‘There’s a pig up my nose’.  What would you do if you had a pig in your nose?! How would you get it out? Can you think of a funny way to remove the pig? Draw and label a picture to show your idea – the funnier the better!

Friday – The pigs have finally had enough of the wolf! Design a trap to catch the wolf and label all the different parts and pieces. Write a sentence about how the trap works and how you will lure the wolf in!


Monday – Please watch the video here https://vimeo.com/480768128 and worksheet 23rd November worksheet

Tuesday – The video for today is here https://vimeo.com/480769444 and worksheet 24th November worksheet

Wednesday – Your link for today’s video is here https://vimeo.com/480324356 and worksheet 25th November worksheet

Thursday – Please watch the video https://vimeo.com/480325207 and worksheet 26th November worksheet

Friday – Your final video for the week is here https://vimeo.com/480325729 and worksheet 27th November worksheet


Have a look at this PowerPoint all about the human life cycle Life Cycle PowerPoint and then cut out the pictures on the worksheet below and see if you can put them in the right order to show how humans grow and change from birth. You might like to write a sentence about each picture too.Sequencing life cycle pictures

Design Technology

We will be thinking about how to safely prepare food in our DT this week. Please think of all the different ways we keep our food clean and record your ideas here …Food hygiene activity

You might like to look at these posters for some ideas Food hygiene posters


Please join in with the Letters and Sounds daily lessons and activities here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/videos


Please practice forming your letters correctly. You can use these sheets to help you Letter families handwriting sheets


This is Tuesday’s English task, with RE as our focus.

Print out Nativity charcaters or draw your own characters from the nativity story. Can you write who the characters are and their part in the Nativity?


Please use this PowerPoint to read some CVC words Reading cvc PowerPoint