Welcome back to a brand new term in Dragonfly Class! There are lots of fun things planned this autumn term and I hope you are all full of energy and enthusiasm to get busy with our learning.
An overview of this term’s topics and learning can be found here:
Overview Autumn 2020 Dragonflies
As you can see, much of our learning will be exploring the theme of ‘Rainforests’; our classroom will slowly be turning into a jungle!
Here is our weekly timetable so that you know what each day looks like (it may change sometimes but usually it will look like this):
Timetable for Children Autumn 2020 Dragonflies
Homework will usually go out on a Wednesday each week. Currently we will not be using Homework Books (due to Covid) but a new homework sheet will be sent home each week with your tasks and passwords.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. I look forward to a productive autumn term in class!
Miss Whit 🙂