Dragonfly Class Homework 17.3.22

Times Tables

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book by Wednesday 23rd March.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book by Wednesday 23rd March.


We have been looking at plants in Science as part of our topic on Living Things so your task this week is to create your own new species of plant.  Remember that there are so many different types of plant including some that we have talked about like the Venus flytrap and the Sensitive plant (Mimosa) as well as beautiful flowering plants such as sunflowers or roses or perhaps you will design a new type of tree that produces weird and wonderful fruits or seeds.  You may choose how to present your design e.g. drawing/painting, a model or even one made from natural materials but don’t forget to name it and tell us all about it.  We would like your creations in by Wednesday 30th March (2 weeks).

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.