Dragonfly Class – Friday 5th June

Morning all,

It has been so much fun to talk to so many of you this week… Many of you are trying your best to do some of the tasks I set – a HUGE thank you and WELL DONE to each and every one of you for everything you are achieving. These are strange times and I hope you can see your school work as a helpful way of keeping in touch – keep going or find a task of your own that you’re going to challenge yourself to! 🙌🏼🙌🏼👏🏼👏🏼

It really does mean a lot to talk to so many of you. And the big message from me: keep going, stay positive and take one day at a time until we’re all back together again! 🤩🤩

Here are your learning activities for today:

  1. Reading: There are activities on Reading Eggs set up for you today.

2. Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.

Year 3 Spellings Week 1

Year 4 Spellings Week 1

Year 5 Spellings Week 1

3. Maths:

Play some games using this website: Topmarks Maths. Which ones are the best? Which ones do you not rate? I like this one….!

Place Value Millionaire

4. English: 

Option 1: Link to Bitesize English

Option 2: Lesson 4/5 News Reports

Other ideas for Friday:

  • Topic: Ancient Greece: cookery! What did the Ancient Greeks like to eat? See what you can find out and perhaps produce your own Greek menu!
  • TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament  continues – your next match against each house! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.

Have a lovely weekend; stay safe and happy. Miss you all 😊

Miss Whit 🙂