Dragonfly Class – Friday 12th June

It’s Friday!!! End of another week and I hope you’re ready for a good weekend – whatever that may involve!

Here are today’s activities:

  1. English: Find today’s task on Bitesize or complete the Grammar pack below.

Year 4 English

Year 5 English

Grammar – Home Learning pack

2. Spellings: Learn your year group list below (feel free to have a look at other year groups). Test day! How well can you score?

Y 5Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

Y3 Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

Y4 Handwriting Practice – Continuous Cursive

3. Maths: 

Today, spend time on TT Rockstars or Number Gym!

4. Reading: Reading Eggs – continue the book I have put up on there… it will be there for you to continue reading until Sunday 🙂

Other ideas:

  1. PE: Continue working on the Virtual School Games activities!

School Games Competition

2. Topic: The Legend of the Trojan Horse

Learn about this legend online – here is a resource to get you started: The Trojan War

Task: Retell the story of the Trojan Horse in your own way. Perhaps: Write it as a story, act it out and film it, retell it verbally or draw it as a cartoon! Good luck.
Have a great weekend – miss you all very much.

Miss Whit xx