Firstly, thank you to everyone who has donated to our Children in Need Bake Sale this week; your donations have been greatly received and there have been some amazing creations entered into our Bake Off (more photos to follow!)
Here are the Bake Off Competition winners for Children in Need 2023! Keep an eye on the School News for further details from our Courageous Advocacy School Council!
Sports News
This week saw a group of Year 4/5/6 children head off to the Corbet School for the School Games Competion. Our team played brilliantly and were very proud to WIN their group stage! The organiser commented on their talent and skills too. They were unfortunate to go out in the semi-final, but very much made Ruyton proud! Well done team!
Weekly Celebrations
School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):
Year 6 – Amelia for ‘Respect’ – Amelia always meets class expectations and tries her best every day!
Year 5 Charley for ‘Friendship’ : Charley has shown great friendship to others recently – she has shown she is looking out for others!
Year 4 Caitlyn for ‘Perseverance’, ‘Tolerance’ and ‘Wisdom’: Caitlyn has had an amazing week trying her best in everything!
Year 3 Logan for ‘Friendship’ and ‘Love’: Logan has been an amazing member of our school community – we will miss him very much! Good luck in your new home and school Logan!
Year 2 Toby for ‘Perseverance’ ‘: Toby has been working really hard in all parts of his learning this year – his attitude to learning is brilliant, keep it up Toby!
Year 1 Hallie for ‘Friendship’, ‘Love’ and ‘Respect’: Hallie is a joy to have in Rabbits – she is kind, friendly and always willing to help a friend in need – she is a fantastic role-model!
Reception Tommy for ‘Love’, ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Tolerance’: Tommy always quietly joins in with everybody and everything in class, he contributes with thoughtful answers and the biggest smile!
Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)
Plus an extra winner in Rabbits Class as they had the most tickets this week, and another for Rabbits for being the superstars of Worship this week 👏
Congratulations to all our winners this week!
Other celebrations:
Hallie has earned a fabulous Children in Need Badge from her Girl Guides for all her hard work – well done Hallie!
Congratulations to James who has earned his ‘Yellow Stripes’ for Martial Arts this week!