Weekly Celebrations :
Homegrown Show Winners!
Congratulations to all our winners of the categories for the Homegrown Show which took place in the village last weekend. Our children produced some fantastic art which were very much enjoyed by the judges – well done everyone!
School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):
Year 6 – Tilly for ‘Respect’ and ‘Wisdom’ : Tilly has worked brilliantly by showing us what she is really capable of; her passionate writing about tigers has inspired us all.
Year 5 Sophia for ‘Hope’ and ‘Friendship’ : Sophia has already brought many smiles, much fun and friendship to the classroom! Thank you Sophia!
Year 4 Magnus for ‘Perseverance’ : Magnus has done some fantastic work in maths this week – well done!
Year 3 Charlie for ‘Wisdom’: Isaac has confidently shared his ideas and knowledge this week.
Year 2 Aoife for ‘Friendship’ and ‘Love’: Aoife is such a kind and helpful member of class. She cares about everyone in class and wants them to do well.
Year 1 Laurie for Wisdom: Laurie is a phonics superstar! He uses what he already knows to help him with his reading and writing.
Reception Memphis for Friendship and Respect: Great listening to adults and friends, very caring and thoughtful – well done Memphis!
Bumblebees Julian: For settling into Bumblebees so well – it is like he has always been there!
Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)
Plus an extra winner in Rabbit Class as they had the most tickets this week
Congratulations to all our winners this week.
Other celebrations:
Super swimmer!
Congratulations Nancy on achieving her 20 metre swimming distance badge!
Fantastic footballer!
Well done Magnus for achieving this medal at his football club (Baschurch) where he played as Goalkeeper against older children too – very brave Magnus!