Homework for Rabbits set on 21/11/19 for completion by 27/11/19

Homework for Rabbits 21st November 2019 – handing in by 26th November 2019

To continue work on grammar by writing sentences that contain the words

He  she  they  we  his   her  our  your

We are using pronouns in our Quest Narrative, the children can think of some suitable sentences that contain each of these pronouns.  Please complete the work in the homework books.  Thank you.

Victorian School Trip Planning

For homework this week the children have a leaflet about Park Hall Farm and Victorian School.  Can the children please write down a list of at least 5 things that they are looking forward to doing at the Victorian School.  Also, can they write down 5 bullet points about what to remember when going on a school trip.  This might be about their behaviour, staying safe, dressing correctly or any other ideas they might have.  Work needs to be brought back to school on Monday morning.  More information about Park Hall Farm is on their website.

Rabbits Class Homework

This week we began our maths topic on Measurement.  For homework, can the children please find a recipe at home.  Write out the recipe and note down the measurements used, this can be either grams and kilograms or other measures such as teaspoons, cups, pinches etc.

Can they please copy out the recipe in their homework books.

Children MUST read to you or another person over the weekend and make a note of this in their reading diaries. Please then ensure both reading books and diaries are in school each day.

We are challenging the children to find a ‘fun’ or ‘silly’ time to read to another person – for example while someone is cooking the dinner – sitting in the kitchen reading. Alternatively reading to a sibling while they take a bath, reading while waiting for a bus – the children can find a fun time and place to read.

Spellings are listed on the spellings page.

Celebration Assembly

Acorns & Stickers

Charley – super writing

Eleanor – careful writing in English

Will – for always working sensibly and quietly

Jamie – for being so welcoming every morning!

Laila – for being so helpful every morning to Miss Whit

Lily – brilliant effort towards writing

Luana – for making such a brilliant effort to improve her writing

Bonnie – English – she’s trying hard and showing a positive attitude

Liam – good effort in maths

Maisy – good effort in story writing

Abbie – superstar worker in class, setting a great example

David – good all round effort in all he does

Xenia – super writing, great improvements

Billy – Great work in science


Golden Book

Xenia – 13th Award.

Henry K – 22nd Award

Max E – 28th Award

Jess M – 25th Award

Darran – 13th Award


The Rounders team were celebrated for coming 3rd in the North Shropshire Championships! This was a fantastic result against some tough teams from bigger schools. Well done to you all.


A huge well done to Lucy for achieving her 5 metres swimming badge!


A helicopter lands at St John’s!

On Tuesday we were very lucky to receive a visit from an RAF Helicopter flown by Tony Grogan and pilot Dan who also gave up their time to talk to the children and answer all their questions about life in the RAF as part of our careers work in school.

It was a brilliant surprise for all our children who patiently waited believing they were taking part in a whole school bird watch! Soon enough, the helicopter circled the school and Hedgehog Class did a great job of shouting “come back!” to entice it to land on our field.

The children were fascinated to hear about the helicopters and missions Tony and Dan had experienced, but also the skills needed in their roles including teamwork , trust, determination and perseverance. A special thanks to Cathy Harmer for organising and of course Tony and Dan for their time and engaging with the children to give them a taster of their experience in the RAF and Navy – it had quite an impact on our pupils. What a treat!

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Isle of Man TT Sidecar racers visit school!

We are still buzzing with excitement today after a special visit from Steve and Kevin Morgan with their sidecar which they are competing in over the next week at the famous Isle of Man TT!

The children (and staff!) were excited to see the sidecar up close, hear its engine and ask their questions to Steve and Kevin who are both from Ruyton and are competing in this race for the first time.

A huge thank you to Steve, Kevin and our school governor Simon Gittins for making this visit happen and giving our children a brilliant opportunity. Good luck to Team Morgan; we will be following you and cheering you on!

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D95E6AC7-A434-47FB-8622-EF3E36F5ADDB C421390B-A982-48B2-9B78-F9F2D914156D

Clive Cross Country

A huge WELL DONE to our ten superstars who participated in Clive Cross Country at the weekend. Miss Whit was very proud of you all, as we shared in assembly this morning. A special well done to Arthur for being the only Year 5/6 Boy runner and also Amy who missed her race (Year 4) and happily competed in the Year 5/6 race instead, finishing a very impressive 10th place! You were all brilliant and role models for sport in our school!

Well done Amy, Charlie P, Charlie L, Liam, Toby, Arthur, Ellie, Lottie, Lucy and Elsa.


