Rabbits – Home learning for May 5th 2020

Good morning Rabbits.

How are you all getting on?  From your photographs, I see that you are having fun and working hard so well done.


Handwriting – it is so important to keep up with this – I have attached a few choices for you.  Please pick one of the pieces of writing and copy out – then decorate with a border around your work.  Handwriting Task Cards 2

Maths:  I have put a few maths games onto the Education City page.  Please also follow the WhiteRose Maths lesson for today.  www.whiterosemathshub.co.uk and click on your year group and the day.  Please check in with your TT Rockstars.

English: BBC Bitesize offers another great lesson today.  On Education City there are also the grammar games and activities that you can do any time.  Just pick one per day.

Reading:  Reading Eggs is still offering great books and activities for you.  I have added these pieces of reading for you to do.  They are supposed to be quick-thinking reading and questioning.  You can do either of the two. Great Galapagos   –   Incredible Invertebrates!

Creative Challenge:  I have been doing a lot of colouring in and drawing over the weekend and one of the activities I found was drawing and colouring in Mandalas.  These are circular patterns that are found in different cultures, but in particular are found in India.  I have put some pictures below of a few mandalas. Your creative challenge is to make your own.  You can colour it, paint it, make it out of pieces of material or paper, you can even make them from sand.  See what materials you can use and please take a picture of your mandala.  I will do the same and will post it tonight.  Good Luck!  mandalas

If you want to look at more – here is a good web page  https://pixabay.com/images/search/mandala/

Have a lovely day everyone.
Mrs Cooke

Hedgehogs Home Learning Friday 1st May 2020

Hello everyone

Today is the start of a new month and the end of a busy week. I hope you have had fun learning at home this week.

Thank you for looking at these pages every day and trying your best to do the tasks and activities. We know that it isn’t always easy to carry them out and that your house might be very busy at times. If any of the activities don’t make sense please do email school to ask for help or for us to explain things another way.

We try to make sure the links to other websites are working, but technology doesn’t always work so please let us know if you are having trouble getting activities to work!

Thank you

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

This morning I’d like you to draw a shape on to a piece of cardboard. You can draw a heart, like in the picture, or a rainbow, car, animal or person. Cut out the shape and using a hole punch make a line of holes around the edge, and some in the middle too if you can. Now use wool or string to thread through the holes. You can use different colours or textures of string/wool too. If you use a big needle to help please be careful and ask a grown up to watch you!

Lacing hearts 1st May


Reception – Please use a dice to play the roll and read game Reception oa 1st May 2020

Year 1 – Can you spell the words using the correct ‘ur’ spelling? The answers are on page 2 but no cheating! Year 1 1st May 2020



Your activity for today is ready for you on Education City.


Reception – Your activity today is the end of the ladybird theme Day-5-What-the-ladybird-heard

Year 1 – Today you will be making arrays Lesson-5-Y1-Summer-Block-1-WO4-Make-arrays-2020


Today Jamie is leading a ‘Peace Out’ calming session called cosy cats!



Your reading task today is to find your favourite story and snuggle up somewhere cosy (you can even build a reading den using blankets) to read the story to someone in your house.


Rabbits – Home learning for May 1st

Good Morning Rabbits – pinch, punch, first of the month!  Happy May Morning to you.  There is a tradition in Oxford for the choir to sing on the top of Magdelane chapel on May Morning but they can’t do it this year – perhaps you would start your day with a lovely song to get you in the mood for learning?  Here is a link to the choir if you are interested in hearing them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7a-sD2PA8w

English:  More fun on the BBC Bitesize for you this morning.  www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/homelearning.

Maths:  Please access either MyMaths today for a few exercises on division, or you can follow the WhiteRose Maths (www.whiterosemaths.homelearninghub.)  I have also set some on-line games for you if you get bored and it is raining – they are on Education City.

Reading:  I have another reading and comprehension task for you to do. Please access this link to do the worksheet.  It is all about Captain Moore – who is now Colonel Moore.  There are three levels of the work sheets – I suggest you have a go at the middle one if you are year 2 and the third one if you are year 3.  Captain Moore Comprehension

Handwriting:  As extra practice, could you write a thank you note to Colonel Moore – you can say whatever you wish but it should be polite, quite short and should be addressed to him as Colonel Moore and you should sign your name.

Project:  The work that you are doing is wonderful – today is the last day of the Shropshire Project and I have some investigation work for you to be doing.  I have put a link to some Shropshire Words – these are unusual words that are only found in our county – I would like you to create a dictionary with the words and their meanings – you could add pictures if it helps.  When you have done that – put all of your work together with the map, flowers, cartoon and animals and make yourself a Shropshire Brochure.  You can even add some of the other place names to your map if you wish.

  • All Around The Wrekin – A circuitous or meandering route or method to get to a particular place, thing, or conversational point.
  • Bostin’ – Great, wonderful, fantastic.
  • I’m gooin’ – I’m going.
  • Dunno – Don’t know.
  • Durst? – Do you?
  • Clemmed – Hungry.
  • Pither – Worry, complain, although an alternative translation is to “mess about.”
  • Towd mon & umman – The old man and woman
  • Nurker – Somebody who is one of the lads.
  • Ow bist? – How are you?
  • Wench – Girl, woman (as in “owd wench”).
  • Shammocks – Legs.
  • Mucker – Mate, pal.
  • Shoosby – Shrewsbury.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs Cooke


Rabbits’ Shropshire-themed home working from Monday 27th

I am so pleased to see these lovely word-searches, tally charts and fabulous artwork based on Shropshire Flowers and the poetry of Mary Webb.  Well done Rabbits!

Image (1) Ella’s work on Fairy-Led – beautifully illustrated.

image0 (2) Amber’s hand drawn Shropshire Map – well done – that’s very tricky!

Andreas' Shropshire Brochure

Andreas’ Shropshire Brochure

image0 (4)  Amber’s Botanical Drawingsimage1 (2) Amber’s illustration of Fairy-Led.

Harrison's Shropshire Flowers

Harrison’s Shropshire Flowers

Harrison's Lockdown Wordsearch

Harrison’s Lockdown Wordsearch

Harrison's garden tally chart

Harrison’s garden tally chart

Hedgehog challenge

The children in Hedgehog Class have been asked to develop their fine motor skills by placing pasta, buttons and other things along wiggly lines, zigzags and swirls. To make it even harder, they can use tweezers to pick up and position the objects.

Sophia got straight on the task today and has done an amazing job. Well done Sophia!Sophia bugs!