Clive Cross Country – tomorrow!

As a reminder, Clive Cross Country is taking place tomorrow (Saturday 30th March) at Clive Primary School. ALL children in Year 3,4,5 and 6 are welcome and encouraged to attend on the day.

The Races

  1. Year 3/4 Girls 10.30 am

2. Year 3/4 Boys 10.50 am

3. Year 5/6 Girls 11.10 am

4. Year 5/6 Boys 11.30 am

Parking for the event is in Clive village; please give yourself plenty of time to park and walk up the hill to the school. Children need to meet Miss Whit 15 minutes before their race please.

Good luck to all our runners!

Football with Myddle & Baschurch

A great evening was had by all on Wednesday evening when Baschurch and Myddle primaries came for another football friendly. The sun shone, supporters cheered and the children put on a super display of football!

Year 3/4 Boys:

Baschurch V Myddle – Myddle win

Ruyton v Myddle – Myddle win

Baschurch v Ruyton – Ruyton win

Year 4/5/6 Girls:

Baschurch V Myddle – Baschurch win

Ruyton v Myddle – Ruyton win

Baschurch v Ruyton – Ruyton win

Thank you to all the children for a grear afternoon of sport, and also Jonny Hughes for his continued support and refereeing.




Weekly Celebration Assembly led by Worship Council


Rhys V – for careful effort in maths, striving for the correct answer!

David B – for consistently good homework, repeating his My Maths homework until he understood it

Lily (Hedgehogs) – extra effort

Harvey D- for much neater work

Reuben – for good problem solving

Alfie GP – for good effort in RE work

Zac – for practising spellings

James T – for good computing work

Han C – Maths progress

Lottie – for progress in maths


Showing Values

Amelia – showing trust and honesty

Luana, Eva – caring for Bella when she was hurt

Golden Book

Elsa – 15th Award

Jess M – 23rd Award


New Dinner Equipment

Our brilliant school cook, Paula, presented the children with their new plates and bowls for Dragonfly and Owl Class, with thanks to the Friends for this donation. The children can’t wait to use them!


Tag Rugby

The Tag Rugby Team were celebrated for their brilliant achievements this week, coming 2nd in the large schools Tag Rugby competition.

Next week: football vs Myddle and North Shropshire Netball Competition.

Tag Rugby Superstars

A huge WELL DONE to our Tag Rugby team who competed in the Large Schools North Shropshire Competition  at Oswestry Rugby Club today. We are thrilled to announce that they won 2nd place!

This is a brilliant achievement for our small school, just missing out to Market Drayton primary.

The results:

Market Drayton 4-3 loss

Welshampton 3-3 draw

Whitchurch – 5-3 win

Whittington – 8-3 win

The team improved as the morning went on, earning awards for all the sports values from other coaches for determination, honesty, respect, passion and self-belief. We were very proud to receive a whole-team award for “teamwork” from Whittington Primary.

Congratulations  to Billy, Will, Max, Darren, Oli, Henry, Rory, Lottie, Ellie and Ffion. Miss Whit was a very proud teacher to be coaching such a dedicated team who showed brilliant sportsmanship!B941CEDF-0D78-47A8-ABBD-32976793F61C B95A82B5-3332-4177-A3E2-DE4218EB2863


Local Schools Swimming Champions!

We are incredibly proud to announce the success of our Year 5/6 Swimming team today at the local area gala against eight local primaries. Enjoy the event report by the children below!

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Swimming Gala 2018

On the 21st of November pupils from St John the Baptist and seven other schools competed to win the shield of Oswestry Swimming Gala of 2018. From our school the following people went to this event: Charlotte, Will, Max, Izzy, Arthur, Ellie, Lucy, Ffion, Noah and Rory.

Each competitor competed in at least one race. These were the races:

  • Girls freestyle: Charlotte 3rd
  • Boys freestyle: Max 1st
  • Girls breaststroke: Izzy 2nd
  • Boys breaststroke: Arthur 2nd
  • Girls backstroke: Ellie 1st
  • Boys backstroke: Will 1st
  • Girls relay: Ellie, Lottie, Izzy, Ffion 2nd
  • Boys relay: Rory, Max, Will and Arthur 1st
  • Mixed relay: Lucy, Noah, Ffion and Rory 3rd

In the finals these were the races and results:

  • Girls freestyle: Lottie 3rd
  • Boys freestyle: Max 1st
  • Girls breaststroke: Izzy 3rd
  • Girls backstroke: Ellie 1st
  • Boys backstroke: Will 3rd
  • Girls relay: Lottie, Izzy, Ellie and Ffion 3rd
  • Boys Relay: Rory, Will, Max and Arthur 1st
  • Mixed relay: Lucy, Ffion, Noah and Rory 3rd

We won the whole gala with 110 points! Second place was Baschurch with 75 points and third place was Nesscliffe with 64 points.

We loved the gala and had a great time. WE LOVE SWIMMING!!

By Will, Max, Ellie, Izzy, Lucy


Cross Country superstars

Another successful evening at the Corbet tonight where many of our children took part in the 3rd race of the series. Miss Whit is very proud that every child managed to beat their race time from last week and improve their own performance!  Furthermore, Sam managed to win his race – his perseverance and consistent effort paid off. Well done team!

Last race next Tuesday… bring it on!


Cross Country Race 2

Well done to all the runners this evening who participated in the second cross country event – an amazing 28 children chose to take part! Individual race times have been logged and are ready to get beaten next week! Thank you to all the families for their continued support with these events; lots of encouragement and pride all round today. Go team Ruyton!

Cross Country Event Reminder

The next cross country event is taking place at the Corbet school on Tuesday 6th November (first week back). 3.50pm start for Year 3 race then other year groups to follow. ALL children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 are very welcome to attend. As usual,  parent / guardian responsibility for transport please as this event takes place after school. Please see Miss Whit for support with this if necessary.

We had fantastic participation for the first event – thank you to all those who attended.

Dates for your diaries: Race 3 on 13th November, Final Race on 20th November.

Hi- 5 Netball Champions

Well done to our Hi-5 Netball team who were successful at the local area competition today, consequently earning a place at the North Shropshire Level 2 Tournament.

The team made their way to the finals where they competed against Baschurch Primary which resulted in a 7-2 win to Ruyton!

Congratulations Billy, Will, Max, Owen, Ellie, Izzy, Lottie and Ffion! Good luck in your training for the next round.14CC5FF9-D4D0-4859-AB6E-F594B9EEAC78

Cross Country

Congratulations to all the runners who competed in the first Corbet Area event where we saw fantastic participation from Ruyton and some super results!

Y3 Boys team: 2nd

Y4 Girls team: 3rd

Y4 Boys team: 3rd

Y5 Boys team: 3rd

Y6 Girls team: 1st

Y6 Boys team: 3rd

Next race: Tuesday 6th November

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See the school website for photos: