
Ruyton Runners were out on Wednesday – well done to all the children for completing their races and earning house points for their teams.

Conbratulations to: Daniel, Maurice, Rhys, Charlie, Jamie, Thomas, Anouk, Lily, Elizabeth, Amy, Laila, Matthew, Toby, Sam, Torin, Andreas, Arthur and Alfie.

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End of year Football Tournament 1st & 2nd!

6E44472C-462E-49A0-9126-EE8680B9BF05 B0DD0F34-34AC-469E-A388-CE33F367924D 7741C9CF-F814-4F31-B11F-09229E6C7BA7 0678E64C-0CA9-4B6C-90B8-108632D9BE53Our sports teams finished on a fantastic high today at a local tournament hosted by Baschurch and joined by Bicton and Myddle primary schools. Our girls team won 2nd place with Bicton just leading the table, whilst our boys went on to win the tournament!

A huge thank you to Mr McGrath and Mr Hughes for organising; what a great way to end our football year. I couldn’t be any prouder of our children, thank you for such a brilliant effort – Miss Whit 🙂


School Games Day

This morning Hedgehogs enjoyed a brilliant Games session organised by the Year 5 children! The Year 5s planned and delivered the activities with the overall winners being Yellow team. Well done to all the children involved, especially Henry, Rory and David for recognising our sports and school values in action when Yellow Team put the equipment away after each activity, ready for the next team.

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Celebration Assembly 7th June

A busy first week back to school after half term….

Acorns (to celebrate special or notable achievements this week)

Noah – for quietly getting on with his grammar sheet

Bella and Skyler – for tidying up other people’s work

Bonnie – for fab handwriting and science enthusiasm

Andreas – for detailed DT homework

Ffion – for always setting a shining example, she is so helpful

Alfie – for fantastic fractions

Esme – for completing all her work

Owen – for being a fantastic helper – so hard working

Ella – super DT homework

Harvey – great reading

Skyler – super writing


Golden Book

Congratulations to Maya for achieving her 14th Golden Book!



Our Year 4 tennis team were celebrated for their brilliant effort on Tuesday at the Corbet area tennis tournament where they finished an impressive 3rd place!


A huge well done to Amber who has achieved her 20m swimming badge – what a superstar!


Baschurch Junior Football Club

Well done to Dominic who won an award for “being a great sportsman” to all other teams, Rhys for being the “bravest defender” and Liam for being a “good learner” during their matches and training for their football club. It’s great to see that you demonstrate our school values in your hobbies too!


Dundee FC player returns to Ruyton

We were incredibly lucky today as Dundee Football Club goal keeper, Callum Ferrie, visited us and spoke to children about his career in football so far. Callum, 19, used to attend St John’s as a child and began his football career on our pitches and as a part of Ruyton School Football team! 

He spoke to the children about the challenges and setbacks he has faced, plus the work ethic of footballers and the values that he has had to show to achieve what he has done today. Callum was an inspiration – the children were amazed that he had been told he wasn’t good enough by two big clubs but still persevered to achieve his dream. Also, they were fascinated to hear that he has studied sports psychology whilst working towards his next goals in his career. Thank you so much Callum; we will be cheering you on all the way!

Charlie P: “He taught me not to give up, even when people told him he wasn’t good enough he kept trying.”

Harvey: “If someone tells you you can’t do something, try and try again.”

Jamie: “no matter if you go through lots of stages and people say no, if you really want something you can word hard to get it.”



Miles of smiles in pyjamas!

A huge thank you to our Friends this morning who organised a fantastic sponsored Breakfast Fun Run in Pyjamas to raise money for sports equipment. Many families joined us for a sausage bap, whilst all the children enjoyed a well-earned yoghurt after their run, kindly donated by Carol Aspinall on behalf of Muller yoghurts. What a treat!

We would like to say a big thank you to Carol, Steve, Deejay, Laura, Alison and Liz who made this event happen so successfully – what a great way to end half term. Watch this space to see how much money has been raised…

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Clive Cross Country

A huge WELL DONE to our ten superstars who participated in Clive Cross Country at the weekend. Miss Whit was very proud of you all, as we shared in assembly this morning. A special well done to Arthur for being the only Year 5/6 Boy runner and also Amy who missed her race (Year 4) and happily competed in the Year 5/6 race instead, finishing a very impressive 10th place! You were all brilliant and role models for sport in our school!

Well done Amy, Charlie P, Charlie L, Liam, Toby, Arthur, Ellie, Lottie, Lucy and Elsa.


