National Walking Month Challenge… the RESULTS!

Thank you to those of you who competed in our National Walking Month House Challenge. We asked you to send in your weekly steps in an hour each day to count as points towards your house. And the best bit – the staff played too! But did they win…?

A few of you made a BRILLIANT effort towards this challenge.

The results:


3rd: Staff: 195,872 steps – a SPECIAL WELL DONE to Mrs Farmer who made a brilliant effort towards steps for the staff team!

2nd :  Wykey Red with a whopping 204,232 steps (well done Rhys for a super effort for his team)

1st: Shelvock White : 237,154 (with a huge well done to Amber and Devon for their contributions in steps!)

Congratulations to the winners and all the children who took part. Superstars!

Team Collins South African Marathon!

We received a lovely update from the Collins family over half term that Jamie and Ella’s friends will be amazed to see!

To Jamie and Ella: We are so proud of you for all your achievements below and particularly for thinking about other children in need. You are an inspiration! Thank you for telling us all about it. I wonder what plan you have for June?!? 

Here is their update:

“Our family decided for the month of May …we would challenge ourselves to do the South African virtual Comrades Marathon, completing 90km by either walking or cycling.

We were thrilled to see Mrs Viner’s challenge of Harry’s Rainbow run🌈 and dedicated the first sponsored 10 km to Ella and Jamie’s “Harry’s Rainbow run”(see plotted it on our map.🐸🌈)

Thank you so much it was a really positive addition to our personal challenge and was good for the children to feel they were fundraising for a great cause! Jamie said “ I feel proud that I could be active in lockdown and do something good for the Harry Johnson Trust.”
I’ve logged and plotted their progress each week and there is an interactive virtual map. In South Africa this marathon alternates as an uphill race from Durban to Pietermaritzburg and then downhill the following year.
We followed the virtual 2020 route which is a down ‘run’ ( walk/ cycle for us!) from Pietermaritzburg to Durban. Normally it starts at 5.30am and cut off is at 5.30 pm ,thank goodness we had the whole of May!! We are thrilled to announce that Ella and Jamie finished their 90 km target this morning !!! They did a lap of honour around the Roundabout!🙂🌈🚲

The Comrades Marathon should be held on 14th June but has been postponed. We thought it was a good focus for our month of May activity, and our well-being really benefited , through the lockdown, from this too.👍🙂

A message from Jamie and Ella…
“Thank you for your challenge Miss Whitt and Mrs Viner we loved doing it!”
Please see pics of the progress map and pic collage.

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Virtual School Games – Team Ruyton!

With our summer sports currently on hold, the School Games team have created a BRILLIANT virtual challenge which we would love as many of you to do as possible. There are medals, certificates and t-shirts up for grabs!

Plus – if any of you are interested in the School Games Has Talent competition, get your entries in soon. This includes musicians, dancers, artists – everyone is welcome!

Here is the information PDF to give you the details:

Virtual School Games Important Information


Week 1 Dodgeball

Check out the link above to get involved with this week’s challenge. I know Team Ruyton can smash this challenge!

Remember: All videos/photos and scores of the challenges should be sent to: along with the child’s name, age, year group and school and whether there is parental consent for videos/photos to be shared on our social media platforms

Miss Whit & B’s VE Day project 🐾🇬🇧

Inspired by our children, Briar and I have done our own VE Day project linked in with National Walking Month! 7.5 miles in Boris’ hour of exercise with 7.5(9) average pacing! 🇬🇧🇬🇧 Well done to everyone who has sent in their weekly step counts so far  👏🏼 Enjoy your VE Day celebrations – we look forward to hearing all about them!


National Walking Month Lockdown Challenge – beginning today!

Today, Friday 1st May, is the beginning of National Walking Month! Consequently we are going to have a new Inter House Challenge with awards and a special guest team: the TEACHERS!

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Record how many steps you take on a walk each day  (if you bike, record this instead) but being mindful of the government advice and hour of exercise. For example, yesterday I ran 7,000 steps in my hours exercise. You could even do this around your garden! NB: By the end of the day I’ve usually walked around 20,000 steps but we are only counting the recommended HOUR of exercise.

2. Each Friday, send us your total steps for the week! That means sending in your weekly totals on Friday 8th May, 15th May, 22nd, May and 29th May to the school:

We will then calculate winning children, year groups, classes and houses for awards! 

If you miss a day, don’t worry! Just keep moving on the days you can.

Good luck!

Memo to the teachers:- WE CAN NOT LOSE TO THE CHILDREN! Get moving! 😆🏃‍♀️🚶‍♂️🚲 – Miss Whit 😊


Good luck sports teams!

Good luck to our sports teams who are heading out tomorrow (Wednesday). Firstly, lots of KS2 children are heading to the Corbet for Cross-Country where they will be competing in Event 2 of 4 (4pm start with Deejay – Devon’s mum).

The football team are also in Shrewsbury at a tournament – good luck to the U11 squad!