North Shropshire Cross-Country Competition

Congratulations to our squad of 12 runners who qualified for the North Shropshire level of cross-country following the series of events at the Corbet School this winter.

All of our runners completed the tough course with several top-10 finishes!

Next event:Clive Cross Country, Saturday 24th March.

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Football Success

Our A Team managed more success tonight in the John Hatfield Small Schools Trophy.

The results were close: 1-0 loss to Bicton, 1-1 Minsterley then 2-0 win against St Lucia’s.

In the end it came down to goal difference and Ruyton went through as runners up!

Next round: March 7th. Well done boys!

Goals goals goals!

A brilliant night in Shrewsbury with our Under 11 team this evening. The boys faced Condover and Whixall in the Small schools Trophy, playing each team twice to determine the overall winner.

Against Condover we drew 1-1 then beat them 1-0 in two closely fought games. Jack performed brilliantly in goal during these matches – well done!

St John’s teamwork excelled against Whixall with a 1-0 win followed by a superb 4-0 win! Will T continuously challenged their defence with his endless energy whilst the overall teamwork was a pleasure to see.

Well done to the boys who go through as overall group winners, next round: 14th March.

PE & School Sport – Gold Award

We were very proud to receive our ‘Gold’ Award plaque for PE & School Sport 2016-17 today, delivered by the North Shropshire School Games Organiser, Mollie Croxon.

This is our second consecutive year of ‘gold’ standard which is achieved through standards and opportunities provided including extra-curricular clubs, competitive sport and curriculum PE.

Congratulations to all the children who give a tremendous effort towards PE and school sport. Also, a big thank you to all the families who continuously support the school and children with transport, training and cheers (even in the rain)! Bring on the hat-trick!


See the school website for a photo of our Gold Award:

Sportshall Athletics Superstars!

An athletics team from Ruyton Year 5 and 6 attended an indoor athletics event at the Corbet tonight which was full of edge-of-your-seat competition against West Felton, Myddle, St Andrews and Baschurch.

The results:

St John’s Girls Team – WINNERS!

St John’s Boys team – WINNERS!

Next round: North Shropshire Championships (early February).

Well done to Will, Alfie, Will, Max, Oli, Billy, Lexie, Amey, Caitlyn, Cara, Emily and Ellie – you were brilliant this evening. Also, a special ‘thank you’ to the energetic support team of parents on the sideline who had their own work-out as cheerleaders! Your continued support is greatly appreciated when possible.

image image image image image imageSee the school website for Emily’s event photography:


Corbet Cross Country Results

Well done to all our children who chose to compete at the Corbet Cross Country League this season. Forty children from KS2 attended at least one of the three races – superb effort by all!

Overall Results:

Girls: Year 3 – 3rd, Year 4 – 2nd, Year 5 – 1st, Year 6 – 2nd.

Boys: Year 3 – 4th, Year 4 – 1st, Year 5 – 1st, Year 6 – 2nd

North Shropshire Finalists

The following runners have now qualified to compete at the North Shropshire Final in February…

Amy GP, Elsa, Sophie, Ellie, Lexie, Amey, Rory, Oli, Billy, Max, Will and Alfie.

Congratulations to all the children involved for their effort and determination in rain, wind and frosty conditions – I’m incredibly proud of you! Miss Whit 🙂


Football success!

Our U11 football team had super success this evening in the first round of the Lloyd Burton County Plate.

A 2-0 win against Wilfred Owen followed by two goalless draws against HLC and Shrewsbury Cathedral resulted in an overall win for Ruyton in their group.

Well done Will, Will, Jack, Thomas, Alfie, Max, Oli, Rory and Billy.  What a team! Next tournament: January 18th.


See website for photos: