Celebration Assembly 22nd February

It’s been an active week at Ruyton this week! Bikeability, Cross Country AND a Dodgeball Championship!

Firstly, a huge well done to our Year 6s who underwent Bikeability Training from Shropshire Council. This entailed two days of working with instructors to prove their ability to ride their bikes on the road safely including independent decision making around traffic in the village. We are proud that everyone who took part completed their Level 2 Bikeability!

Well done Year 6 🌟

Our KS2 Dodgeball Team then attended the Thomas Adams School in Wem for the North Shropshire Finals of the competition (following their success in Autumn Term).

Incredibly, our team – consisting of Year 4,5 and 6 players – got through to the semi-finals before narrowly losing out!

A massive well done to all the players involved – it is a super achievement for our small school and you represented us fantastically well.

Cross Country @ Corbet

All children in KS2 (Year 3, 4,5, 6) participated in a cross-country event at the Corbet School on Wednesday. Everyone completed the course – many for the first time- and showed super determination to achieve their best. Well done Team Ruyton!


Weekly Celebrations 

School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):

Year 6 – Harry for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – For making a great effort in class and sharing ideas.

Year 5 Charlie for ‘Friendship’ and ‘Respect’: For always showing friendship and respect to others. 

Year 4 Sam for ‘Perseverance and Friendship’ : During Cross-country Sam showed great support to all his peers.

Year 3 Ruby for ‘Perseverance’: Ruby has shown super perseverance in her writing this week

Year 2 Harry for Perseverance and Wisdom!: Harryhas been working really hard on his writing this week.

Year 1 Imogen for Perseverance and Wisdom : Imogen has been working really hard on her writing this week – she has been producing lots of neat work!

Bumblebees Nancy for ‘tolerance’ of the younger children in her group. Well done Nancy!

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

In other news…

Mrs Beddoes modelled these new hi-viz coats which have been kindly donated by Stop n Go. The jackets will be worn by our Bumblebees children so they are more visible to everyone at playtimes. We think they look great!

Weekly Celebrations – 26th January

Here are this week’s awards…

Weekly Celebrations 

School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):

Year 6 – Brooke for ‘Perseverance’  – For making a great effort towards improving writing!

Year 5 Sophia for ‘Perseverance’: Sophia has  been working really hard on her writing and has transformed her work lately. Well done Sophia!

Year 4 Emilia for ‘Perseverance and Friendship’ : Emilia shows perseverance in all her work and has been a great team player!

Year 3 Emilia for ‘Friendship and Love’: For being a fantastic and caring friend on our Young Voices trip. She had an amazing time singing and dancing!

Year 2 Aoife for Perseverance and Wisdom!: Aoife is a STAR! She always tries her best, she wants to do her very best and takes pride in everything she does. you’re amazing Aoife!

Year 1 Freddie for Perseverance and Wisdom : Freddie is becoming a fantastic writer! He has brilliant ideas and is taking pride in his work – well done for your hard work in handwriting too!

Reception Harrison for ‘perseverance’ and ‘wisdom’ : Harrison has worked really hard to complete his homework and spellings. He has a super attitude to learning, well done Harrison!

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

Out of school awards…

Laurie has achieved his Level 2 Learn to Swim! We’re really proud of you Laurie and can’t wait to see you in action for summer swimming lessons!

Layla brought in her sash from Brownies for us all to see – very inspiring Layla, thank you.

Millie showed us her playscript for a play she is taking part in with her theatre group, Stage Coach. Good luck Millie!

Congratulations to all our winners this week!


Weekly Celebrations 12.01.24

Welcome back to our new school term, we hope you all had a great Christmas break!

Here are this week’s awards…

Weekly Celebrations 

School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):

Year 6 – Lucy for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – For working hard and always giving her best.

Year 5 Skyler for ‘Hope’: For starting the term and each day so positively.

Year 4 Sam for ‘Respect’ and ‘Wisdom’: For showing great knowledge in maths and showing respect to others in discussion.

Year 3 Beau for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’: For working enthusiastically and independently in maths.

Year 2 Toby for Perseverance and Wisdom!: Toby always takes pride in his work and always tries to produce his best.


Year 1 Delilah for ‘Hope’ and ‘Wisdom’: Delilah has been working hard to improve her independence – she has done some fantastic independent writing this week!

Reception Tommy for ‘perseverance’ and ‘wisdom’: Tommy is always so kind with his thoughts and words. He is becoming independent in class and is always willing to lend a helping hand.

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

Congratulations to all our winners this week!

Other celebrations:

Hallie earned her Stage 4 swimming certificate… lots of skills were involved for this one – well done Hallie!

Mwaita showed us an array of badges she has earned from Rainbows – keep it up!

Seren has earned this certificate in her recent ballet exam – we’re so proud of you Seren!


Dodgeball – Corbet Area tournament

On Wednesday, a squad of 8 players from Year 4, 5 and 6 headed out to the Corbet School for the area Dodgeball competition. We are absolutely DELIGHTED to announce that the team had amazing success and finished second, qualifying for the North Shropshire Finals in Spring term! Well done to all the children – especially Year 4 Otto for stepping-up and facing the older opposition!

Celebration Assembly – 17th November

Firstly, thank you to everyone who has donated to our Children in Need Bake Sale this week; your donations have been greatly received and there have been some amazing creations entered into our Bake Off (more photos to follow!)

Here are the Bake Off Competition winners for Children in Need 2023! Keep an eye on the School News for further details from our Courageous Advocacy School Council!

Sports News

This week saw a group of Year 4/5/6 children head off to the Corbet School for the School Games Competion. Our team played brilliantly and were very proud to WIN their group stage! The organiser commented on their talent and skills too. They were unfortunate to go out in the semi-final, but very much made Ruyton proud! Well done team!

Weekly Celebrations 

School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):

Year 6 – Amelia for ‘Respect’ – Amelia always meets class expectations and tries her best every day!

Year 5 Charley for ‘Friendship’ :  Charley has shown great friendship to others recently – she has shown she is looking out for others!

Year 4 Caitlyn for ‘Perseverance’, ‘Tolerance’ and ‘Wisdom’: Caitlyn has had an amazing week trying her best in everything!

Year 3 Logan for ‘Friendship’ and ‘Love’: Logan has been an amazing member of our school community – we will miss him very much! Good luck in your new home and school Logan!

Year 2 Toby for ‘Perseverance’ ‘: Toby has been working really hard in all parts of his learning this year – his attitude to learning is brilliant, keep it up Toby!

Year 1 Hallie for ‘Friendship’, ‘Love’ and ‘Respect’: Hallie is a joy to have in Rabbits – she is kind, friendly and always willing to help a friend in need – she is a fantastic role-model!

Reception Tommy for ‘Love’, ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Tolerance’: Tommy always quietly joins in with everybody and everything in class, he contributes with thoughtful answers and the biggest smile!

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

Plus an extra winner in Rabbits Class as they had the most tickets this week, and another for Rabbits for being the superstars of Worship this week 👏

Congratulations to all our winners this week!

Other celebrations:

Hallie has earned a fabulous Children in Need Badge from her Girl Guides for all her hard work – well done Hallie!

Congratulations to James who has earned his ‘Yellow Stripes’ for Martial Arts this week!






EFL Kids Cup @ Shrewsbury Town

We were delighted to be invited to the EFL Kids Cup at Shrewsbury Town to take part in a football tournament against other Shropshire schools.

Our team this year are working so hard in matches, with particular courage shown by our five Year 4 boys who are facing players two years older than themselves! But we don’t let this stop us at Ruyton 🙂

Although we didn’t win on the day, a great time was had and staff were impressed by the teamwork and sportsmanship shown. Well done team!