Celebrations of the week – 19th January

Here are this week’s awards…

Weekly Celebrations 

School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):

Year 6 – Freddie for ‘Love’, ‘Hope’  – For showing great courage over recent days and being so positive and hard working in some challenging times.

Year 5 Tilly for ‘Respect’ and ‘Perseverance’: Tilly has been working really hard in all her lessons and showing her best!

Year 4 Otto for ‘Respect’ : For trying his best consistently.

Year 3 Oscar for ‘Respect’: For always following class rules.

Year 2 Harry for Perseverance and Wisdom!: Harry has been working really hard on his writing – re-reading and editing his work.

Year 1 Hallie for ‘Love’ and ‘Friendship’: Hallie is a great friend to everyone and shows the values by the bucketful everyday!

Reception Jasmine for ‘perseverance’ : Jasmine is working really hard on her handwriting – super effort!

Bumblebees Ruairi for settling so well this week!

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

Congratulations to all our winners this week!


Weekly Celebrations 12.01.24

Welcome back to our new school term, we hope you all had a great Christmas break!

Here are this week’s awards…

Weekly Celebrations 

School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):

Year 6 – Lucy for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – For working hard and always giving her best.

Year 5 Skyler for ‘Hope’: For starting the term and each day so positively.

Year 4 Sam for ‘Respect’ and ‘Wisdom’: For showing great knowledge in maths and showing respect to others in discussion.

Year 3 Beau for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’: For working enthusiastically and independently in maths.

Year 2 Toby for Perseverance and Wisdom!: Toby always takes pride in his work and always tries to produce his best.


Year 1 Delilah for ‘Hope’ and ‘Wisdom’: Delilah has been working hard to improve her independence – she has done some fantastic independent writing this week!

Reception Tommy for ‘perseverance’ and ‘wisdom’: Tommy is always so kind with his thoughts and words. He is becoming independent in class and is always willing to lend a helping hand.

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

Congratulations to all our winners this week!

Other celebrations:

Hallie earned her Stage 4 swimming certificate… lots of skills were involved for this one – well done Hallie!

Mwaita showed us an array of badges she has earned from Rainbows – keep it up!

Seren has earned this certificate in her recent ballet exam – we’re so proud of you Seren!


Disney+, Parental Controls on new devices – latest updates for Ruyton families

Here are the latest updates from The National College – there is really useful information for us all, especially over the Christmas period.

Parental controls on new devices – Iphones, androids, Nintendo Switch, Playstation, Windows, iPads, Smart TVs – Are you up to date?

Disney +  – Are you aware that you can set an age content with pins and not all content is child-friendly?