Hedgehogs Home Learning Wednesday 17th June 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Please find all of tomorrow’s activities below. I hope you have fun!

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Please choose an activity from the grid.

FMS activity grid


Reception children have two lessons each day. The first is at 10am for those children who are learning to blend sounds together. The second is at 11am and is aimed at Reception children who can blend confidently.

Year 1 children, your lesson is at 10.30am.



Please choose some new words to learn this week from the choices below. Here is the grid to practice them on too. Look cover write check Please practise them every day!

Reception first words to spell

Reception next words to spell

Reception hard words to spell

Year 1 words to spell

Year 1 challenge words – ready for Year 2


Reception – Please practice these words this week. The first set of worksheets are single letters and the second set of worksheets are common words. Please choose the right set for your child.

Reception handwriting wb 15th June 2020

Reception handwriting COMMON WORDS wb 15th June 2020

Year 1 – Please practice these words this week using cursive handwriting. Year 1 handwriting wb 15th June 2020


Please choose a book from Oxford Owls to read at home from the correct age group here https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/


Reception – Your lesson today is about memory maps https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/commit-instructions-to-memory-map

Year 1 – In the lesson today you will be thinking about writing in first person and past tense. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-use-the-first-person-and-the-past-tense/


Reception – Today you are using mathematical language. https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Day-3-Princess-Mirror-Belle.pdf

Year 1 – Please begin by watching the video and then move on to the worksheets. https://vimeo.com/428004616

Lesson-3-Make-equal-groups-sharing-2020 17.6.20

Lesson-3-Answers-Make-equal-groups-sharing-2020 17.6.20 answers


Please choose some of the activities in these challenge cards, based on Andy Goldsworthy art. Land Art Challenge Cards

Dragonfly Class – Tuesday 16th June

Good morning Dragonflies,

We had a fab day in school yesterday getting ready for bubble groups to return 😊 I then managed to run home just in the nick of time before the storm began!

Today is a special day for the Harry Johnson Trust which Mrs Johnson runs: its Harry Day. Do you remember we had a Bake Off last year?? There were some amazing cakes baked in bright green or frog-shaped! I seem to remember selfies too!  If you can today, I have one request for Harry Day: do something today that makes you or others smile and laugh! Please send me any evidence too by Friday 19th June! 💚🐸

Here are today’s other activities:

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: write them out as handwriting practise today.

Y3 Spellings Week 3

Y4 Spellings Week 3

Y5 Spellings Week 3

2. Maths: White Rose Maths links can be found below. I’ve also added a block of work on My Maths for those of you who enjoy it too.

Year 3

Year-3 Video Links

Y3 Lesson 2 – Add fractions

Y3 Lesson 2 Answers

Year 4

Year-4 Video Links

Y4 Lesson 2 – Compare decimals

Y4 Lesson 2 Answers

Year 5

Year-5 Video Links

Y5 Lesson 2 – Percentages as fractions and decimals

Y5 Lesson 2 Answers

3. Reading: Read your own book for 20 minutes or so today.

4. English: Two options… 1) Find today’s Bitesize activity 2) Follow the link below for Lesson 1/5 of the Oak Academy lessons this week.

Lesson 2 of 5: Story Writing

Other ideas:


Task 1: Look at the foods on this sheet: Different foods

How could you sort them? Can you sort them in two different ways?

Task 2: Read and understand the sheet attached; Food Categories It tells you the different food groups you should know and what each food group is beneficial for.

Can you sort the foods from Task 1 using the food groups?

Task 3: Here are some solutions: Food Groups and examples

Task 4: Think about the foods you have eaten and will eat later today.  Record your food diary and think about how much you’ve eaten of each food group. Have you had a healthy balanced diet? This video below helps to show how much you should eat of all the different groups.

A healthy balanced diet


I have tried to strike a healthy balance of food during lockdown but admittedly, I’ve not always been very well behaved! A lot of my school work has involved more sitting at the computer than usual too. Plus, the sunshine made me eat too much ice cream!  However… I’ve also done much more exercise to create a good balance and it has kept me healthy. I’m proud of the healthy balance I’ve managed to create and fit this in around my school work to give me some active breaks.

So if you see me out running, be sure to know I’ll be enjoying a Crunchie ice cream later in the day (it’s my current fave!)

How healthy is your diet and lifestyle?

Have a great day – sending you all a virtual hug for Harry Day 🐸

Miss Whit 🙂

Hedgehogs Home Learning Tuesday 16th June 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Please find all of today’s activities below. I hope you enjoy them.

Have a lovely day

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Please choose an activity from the grid.

FMS activity grid


Reception children have two lessons each day. The first is at 10am for those children who are learning to blend sounds together. The second is at 11am and is aimed at Reception children who can blend confidently.

Year 1 children, your lesson is at 10.30am.



Please choose some new words to learn this week from the choices below. Here is the grid to practice them on too. Look cover write check Please practise them every day!

Reception first words to spell

Reception next words to spell

Reception hard words to spell

Year 1 words to spell

Year 1 challenge words – ready for Year 2


Reception – Please practice these words this week. The first set of worksheets are single letters and the second set of worksheets are common words. Please choose the right set for your child.

Reception handwriting wb 15th June 2020

Reception handwriting COMMON WORDS wb 15th June 2020

Year 1 – Please practice these words this week using cursive handwriting. Year 1 handwriting wb 15th June 2020


Please choose a book from Oxford Owls to read at home from the correct age group here https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/


Reception – Today you are listening to a story about a girl called Maisie. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/hear-the-story-audio-retreival

Year 1 – Today you are going to draw a story map. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-commit-a-story-to-memory-82ce18/


Reception – Today you are counting spots! https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Day-2-Princess-Mirror-Belle.pdf

Year 1 – Please begin by watching the video and then move on to the worksheets. https://vimeo.com/428005936

Lesson-2-Make-doubles-2020 16.6.20

Lesson-2-Answers-Make-doubles-2020 16.6.20 answers


Today you are going to learn about the artist Andy Goldsworthy. Read the fact sheet and look at some of the photographs of his artwork. What do you notice about them? What kind of materials does he use? What kind of shapes does he make? Choose one of the photographs and see if you can recreate it using the same materials.

Andy Goldsworthy Display Photos Andy Goldsworthy Fact Sheet

Rabbits – home learning for 16th June

Good Morning Rabbits

Welcome to Tuesday’s learning

Thinking Task:  I have another task for you to wake up the brain cells this morning:

How many word problems can you write that use division.

E.g.  I have 12 sweets and 2 friends to share them with. How many sweets does each person get?

English:  You have a choice, either access the BBC Bitesize or you can continue with Oak Academy’s lesson for today. Remember to click on your own year group.


Maths:  I have a different task for your today – please see the links.  Each link has several pages – you need only do one page each day – I will add the same link for the next 3 days.

Year 2 Maths

Year 3 Maths

Project:  We are looking at some parts of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  You have designed costumes for some of the characters.  Today, I would like you to design some settings for the story.  You can do this in any way you like – a sketch or drawing, or you might do a 3D scene if you are able.  You could even do a collage using different pictures from newspapers or magazines.  Use your own imagination.

The various settings for the play are these:

A palace where the Duke and Duchess live.  It is in Athens (Greece) and has a very large garden.

A woodland or forest where the fairies live.  The King and Queen (Oberon and Titania) live there and it is magical.

A Town in Greece – very beautiful with white marble statues.  The workmen gather there to rehearse a play that they are going to perform.

You can select any of the settings (or all 3 if you wish) and design these for your project today.

I hope you have fun!

Mrs Cooke


Hedgehogs Home Learning Tuesday 16th June 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Please find all of your activities for tomorrow below. I hope you enjoy them.

Have a lovely evening

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Please choose an activity from the grid.

FMS activity grid


Reception children have two lessons each day. The first is at 10am for those children who are learning to blend sounds together. The second is at 11am and is aimed at Reception children who can blend confidently.

Year 1 children, your lesson is at 10.30am.



Please choose some new words to learn this week from the choices below. Here is the grid to practice them on too. Look cover write check Please practise them every day!

Reception first words to spell

Reception next words to spell

Reception hard words to spell

Year 1 words to spell

Year 1 challenge words – ready for Year 2


Reception – Please practice these words this week. The first set of worksheets are single letters and the second set of worksheets are common words. Please choose the right set for your child.

Reception handwriting wb 15th June 2020

Reception handwriting COMMON WORDS wb 15th June 2020

Year 1 – Please practice these words this week using cursive handwriting. Year 1 handwriting wb 15th June 2020


Please choose a book from Oxford Owls to read at home from the correct age group here https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/


Reception – Today you are listening to a story about a girl called Maisie. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/hear-the-story-audio-retreival

Year 1 – Today you are going to draw a story map. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-commit-a-story-to-memory-82ce18/


Reception – Today you are counting spots! https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Day-2-Princess-Mirror-Belle.pdf

Year 1 – Please begin by watching the video and then move on to the worksheets. https://vimeo.com/428005936

Lesson-2-Make-doubles-2020 16.6.20

Lesson-2-Answers-Make-doubles-2020 16.6.20 answers


Today you are going to learn about the artist Andy Goldsworthy. Read the fact sheet and look at some of the photographs of his artwork. What do you notice about them? What kind of materials does he use? What kind of shapes does he make? Choose one of the photographs and see if you can recreate it using the same materials.

Andy Goldsworthy Display Photos Andy Goldsworthy Fact Sheet

Fun in Blue Bubble!

There are three children in Blue Bubble with me (Mrs Johnson), and today has been all about laughter and smiles! The children have loved being together again for the last few days and we have been brilliant at washing our hands before and after every activity and after playing with  equipment. Lots of learning has taken place alongside our play and I’m looking forwards to doing it all again tomorrow!Blue Bubble 15 June 1

Blue Bubble 15 June 3

Blue Peter 6 badges of Summer

If you aged between 6 and 15 and are looking for something to do over the next few weeks, take a look at Blue Peter’s 6 Badges of Summer.  In June and July, you can work towards earning each of the 6 different badges: Green, Sport, Music, Blue, Fan Club and Silver and it looks like a brilliant way to stay busy.  Adults will need to send off an application for each of the badges but all details can be found by following the link below:


Good luck and let us know if you earn any!




Year 6 – photos of Owl class

Hi Year 6, we thought we would post a bit of information and a few pictures of what Owl classroom looks like ready for some of you to return to school this Thursday.

IMG_0803 IMG_0804 IMG_0805 IMG_0806


As you can see, the tables have been arranged a little differently  and there is just one person per table.  On each table, there is a box containing equipment such as: a writing pen, pencil, whiteboard and pen, ruler, rubber, highlighters etc as well as a dictionary/thesaurus.  There are also just two exercise books – one with squares for maths and one with lines for any written activities.  We will be following the same work that is set on the class page with Mrs Hollis teaching you on a Monday/Tuesday and Mrs Henney teaching on a Thursday/Friday. Over the next couple of weeks, all Year 6’s will be being set some transition work to complete for The Corbet so please check the Owl Class page regularly for details on this.

All other general information regarding timings for the day, clothing and food can be found on the letter sent out by Nikki last week.

If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact school.

Have a great day and see you soon,

Mrs Hollis and Mrs Henney


Dragonfly Class – Monday 15th June

Good morning Dragonflies,

I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekends. The thunderstorm yesterday was impressive – the thunder seemed to crackle endlessly over us! Can you remember what causes thunder and lightning? That could be a great place to start your day with a bit of research if you’re not sure (the Met Office has some good resources).

Met Office Resources

Here are today’s activities:

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: ask someone to test you on how many you know BEFORE you start learning them.

Y3 Spellings Week 3

Y4 Spellings Week 3

Y5 Spellings Week 3

2. Maths: White Rose Maths links can be found below. I’ve also added a block of work on My Maths for those of you who enjoy it too. Remember to watch the video and learn first!

Year 3

Year-3 Video links

Y3 Lesson 1 Answers

Y3 Lesson 1 – Order fractions

Year 4

Year-4 Video links

Y4 Lesson 1 – Write decimals

Y4 Lesson 1 Answers

Year 5

Year-5 Video Links

Y5 Lesson 1 – Understand percentages

Y5 Lesson 1 Answers

3. Reading Eggs: There is a task ready and waiting for you 🙂

4. English: Two options… 1) Find today’s Bitesize activity 2) Follow the link below for Lesson 1/5 of the Oak Academy lessons this week.

Lesson 1 of 5: Story Writing

Other ideas:

  1. PE: Usually on a Monday we have our PE lessons so make a good effort on some sporting activity to day if you can! How about carrying on with the Virtual School Games activities!
  2. School Games Competition

2. LanguagesThe colours of the rainbow... Have a look at the activities below to learn the french words for different colours. You could design your own rainbow!


French colour splats!

Rainbow colouring

Happy Monday,

Miss Whit 🙂

Hedgehogs Home Learning Monday 15th June 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

I hope you had a lovely weekend, enjoyed the sunshine and dodged the rain! Your home learning tasks for today are below. You don’t have to do both spellings and handwriting on the same days this week but I will include them each day in your home learning tasks.

Have a lovely day

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Please choose an activity from the grid.

FMS activity grid


Reception children have two lessons each day. The first is at 10am for those children who are learning to blend sounds together. The second is at 11am and is aimed at Reception children who can blend confidently.

Year 1 children, your lesson is at 10.30am.



Please choose some new words to learn this week from the choices below. Here is the grid to practice them on too. Look cover write check Please practice them every day!

Reception first words to spell

Reception next words to spell

Reception hard words to spell

Year 1 words to spell

Year 1 challenge words – ready for Year 2


Reception – Please practice these words this week. The first set of worksheets are single letters and the second set of worksheets are common words. Please choose the right set for your child.

Reception handwriting wb 15th June 2020

Reception handwriting COMMON WORDS wb 15th June 2020

Year 1 – Please practice these words this week using cursive handwriting. Year 1 handwriting wb 15th June 2020


Please choose a book from Oxford Owls to read at home from the correct age group here https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/


Reception – Today you are going to build a bridge! https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/language-focus-inventions

Year 1 – Please listen to this story of The Man In The Moon https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-listen-to-a-story-a1104f/


Reception – Today you are learning about shapes. https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Day-1-Princess-Mirror-Belle.pdf

Year 1 – Please begin by watching the video and then move on to the worksheets. https://vimeo.com/428005842

Lesson-1-Make-arrays-2020 15.6.20

Lesson-1-Answers-Make-arrays-2020 15.6.20 answers


Reception activity – can you put these pictures and sentences in the right order to show how plants grow?  Plant growth sequencing activity

Year 1 activity – what do plants need to grow? Plants need activity sheet