Max’s Art Project

We’ve been very impressed in school by the effort Max has made towards an art project during his lockdown time. We’ve already enjoyed his painting earlier in the term, but I thought you would all enjoy seeing the final project that Max has submitted; it is something Max should be very proud of and I know you will all be impressed by this final presentation.

Have a look at the link below which takes you to his work.

Max Arts Award

Congratulations Max for putting such brilliant focus into this and thank you for sharing your journey in art – I’m very proud of you.

A special assembly

Place2Be’s royal patron HRH The Duchess of Cambridge will lead an online assembly for the Oak National Academy today  (Thursday 18 June), during which she will speak about the importance of children’s mental wellbeing.

HRH leading virtual assembly

The theme of The Duchess’ assembly is ‘spread a little kindness’ and it is based on a lesson plan developed by Place2Be which is available on the Mentally Healthy Schools platform.The assembly encourages children to explore ways in which they can show kindness and recognise the benefits of kindness to others.

Oak National Academy is an online classroom providing video lessons and free resources to parents and teachers. It was created in response to the lockdown, supporting teachers educating their pupils remotely, and since its launch has delivered over 12 million lessons to children and young people.

During the assembly, The Duchess will say:

“Talking to someone, whether it’s a friend, family member, or teacher, is something you can do to make yourself feel that little bit better. And you can also play your part in helping others to feel better too, whether offering a friendly ear, or helping someone in need. Small acts of kindness can go such a long way. But as we help others, we mustn’t forget to nurture ourselves, by taking the time to focus on the things that make us feel happy too.”

As part of the assembly, The Duchess joined a video call with students from Waterloo Primary Academy in Blackpool, whose parents have been working on the frontline during the coronavirus pandemic. The children shared photographs they had taken and submitted to The Duchess’s Hold Still photography project, based around one of its central themes, ‘Acts of Kindness,’ and discussed some of the ways they had been spreading kindness themselves in recent weeks.

The assembly will live on the Oak National Academy website on Thursday 18th June.




Dragonfly Class – Thursday 18th June

Good morning Dragonflies,

There is a live assembly happening today and it is being delivered by the Duchess of Cambridge! She will be talking all about the importance of mental wellbeing among children. I can’t wait to watch the assembly live today at 11am – although I know you can catch up with it later if you prefer. Here is the link:

The Duchess of Cambridge’s Assembly

Here are today’s activities:

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: Can you create a sentence for each word?

Y3 Spellings Week 3

Y4 Spellings Week 3

Y5 Spellings Week 3

2. Maths: White Rose Maths links can be found below. I’ve also added a block of work on My Maths for those of you who enjoy it too.

Year 3

Year-3 Video Links

Y3 Lesson 4 Answers

Y3 Lesson 4 – Problem solving with addition and subtraction of fractions

Year 4

Year-4 Video Links

Y4 Lesson 4 – Round decimals

Y4 Lesson 4 Answers

Year 5

Year-5 Video Links

Y5 Lesson 4 – Adding decimals with a differen number of decimal places

Y5 Lesson 4 Answers

3. Reading: Log into Reading Eggs for a book to read and complete this week.

4. English: Two options…

1) Find today’s Bitesize activity

2) Follow the link below for Lesson 4/5 of the Oak Academy lessons this week.

Lesson 4/5 Story Writing

Other ideas:

Here is Mrs Hindson’s weekly schedule for Music:

  1. Y3/4



    1. I left my luggage (Day 4)

    This is a lot like a rhyme we have done in music lessons!

    2. ‘Chumbara’ (Day 9)

    3. As the sun rises on a new day

    4. Aint gonna let nobody turn me around

    5. I have a song to sing to think about


    Drumming Styles around the World

    Compare the ways people create different music with drums across the world. How is Japanese Taiko different from Brazilian Samba? Use the worksheet to write as many differences as you can.

    Taiko –

    Samba –


    1.Go to and log in.

    2.Enter your own username and password (The school office has these)

    Blown away. This is for Year 3 pupils.

    Click on this. Learn to play each of the pieces in order and move on at your own pace when you are ready.

    Assignments This is for Y4/5/6 pupils

    Click on this. There are three lessons. Click on the one that applies to you. Learn to play each of the pieces in order and move on at your own pace when you are ready.

    Violins Y4

    Get those violins out and practice playing Waltz and Hoe Down. If you don’t already know, find out what a Waltz and Hoe down are. This should help you play then in an appropriate way. If your violin is in school, then contact the school about picking it up.

Miss Whit 🙂

Hedgehogs Home Learning Thursday 18th June 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Please find all of today’s activities below. I hope you enjoy them.

Have a lovely day

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Please choose an activity from the grid.

FMS activity grid


Reception children have two lessons each day. The first is at 10am for those children who are learning to blend sounds together. The second is at 11am and is aimed at Reception children who can blend confidently.

Year 1 children, your lesson is at 10.30am.


Please choose some new words to learn this week from the choices below. Here is the grid to practice them on too. Look cover write check Please practise them every day!

Reception first words to spell

Reception next words to spell

Reception hard words to spell

Year 1 words to spell

Year 1 challenge words – ready for Year 2


Reception – Please practice these words this week. The first set of worksheets are single letters and the second set of worksheets are common words. Please choose the right set for your child.

Reception handwriting wb 15th June 2020

Reception handwriting COMMON WORDS wb 15th June 2020

Year 1 – Please practice these words this week using cursive handwriting. Year 1 handwriting wb 15th June 2020


Please choose a book from Oxford Owls to read at home from the correct age group here


Reception – In this lesson you are going to write some instructions.

Year 1 – In today’s lesson you are starting to write a recount.


Reception – Today you are making a number track.

Year 1 – Please begin by watching the video and then move on to the worksheets.

Lesson-4-Make-equal-groups-grouping-2020 18.6.20

Lesson-4-Answers-Make-equal-groups-grouping-2020 18.6.20 answers


Please watch the video and then have a go at the quiz, all about parts of a plant.

Rabbits – Home learning for 18th June

Good morning Rabbits

Well we are galloping towards the end of another week.  Time is flying!

Here is another brain-teaser to get you wide awake this morning:


Music:  Please follow the session for your year group:

Year 2: . Wake up

2. I like the flowers

3. The Doubling song

Listening Minute of Listening – Sound Map Listen carefully to the sounds around you. Use the worksheet to draw a map of where they are and describe their sounds.

Year 3: Singing 1. I left my luggage (Day 4) This is a lot like a rhyme we have done in music lessons!

2. ‘Chumbara’ (Day 9)

3. As the sun rises on a new day

4. Aint gonna let nobody turn me around

5. I have a song to sing to think about

Listening Drumming Styles around the World Compare the ways people create different music with drums across the world. How is Japanese Taiko different from Brazilian Samba? Use the worksheet to write as many differences as you can.

Taiko – Samba –

English:  You have lessons on line – you will be following either Oak Academy or BBC Bitesize so please continue with those lessons.

Maths:  I have the white rose maths links below.  If you would rather, here is a link to some different types of worksheets:

Year 2 Measuring

Year 3 maths

Project:  I hope you enjoyed the cartoon version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  For today, I want you to do a little research about Midsummer.  I have provided a link to information and I would like you to answer the questions on the sheet.

Summer Solstice

Summer Pudding:  here is a recipe for a traditional English pudding that we eat around this time of year

See if you can gather some of these ingredients and make your own some time.

Midsummer Traditions:

Did you know that Midsummer is also the celebration of St John the Baptist Day?  Have a look at this short piece of writing about the old English tradition.


In late 14th-century England, John Mirk of Lilleshall AbbeyShropshire, gives the following description: “At first, men and women came to church with candles and other lights and prayed all night long. In the process of time, however, men left such devotion and used songs and dances. The church fathers decided to put a stop to these practices and ordained that people should fast on the evening before,

Fasting is not eating any food – would you like to go without food all day on Saturday?  No, nor would I!

The Solstice means that the sun is out for the longest time – we have the longest day.  Can you list all of the things that you would do in the 16 hours of sunshine that we are going to have on Sunday?

Have a lovely day

Mrs Cooke.


Hedgehogs Home Learning Thursday 18th June 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Please find all of tomorrow’s activities below. I hope you enjoy them.

Have a lovely day

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Please choose an activity from the grid.

FMS activity grid


Reception children have two lessons each day. The first is at 10am for those children who are learning to blend sounds together. The second is at 11am and is aimed at Reception children who can blend confidently.

Year 1 children, your lesson is at 10.30am.


Please choose some new words to learn this week from the choices below. Here is the grid to practice them on too. Look cover write check Please practise them every day!

Reception first words to spell

Reception next words to spell

Reception hard words to spell

Year 1 words to spell

Year 1 challenge words – ready for Year 2


Reception – Please practice these words this week. The first set of worksheets are single letters and the second set of worksheets are common words. Please choose the right set for your child.

Reception handwriting wb 15th June 2020

Reception handwriting COMMON WORDS wb 15th June 2020

Year 1 – Please practice these words this week using cursive handwriting. Year 1 handwriting wb 15th June 2020


Please choose a book from Oxford Owls to read at home from the correct age group here


Reception – In this lesson you are going to write some instructions.

Year 1 – In today’s lesson you are starting to write a recount.


Reception – Today you are making a number track.

Year 1 – Please begin by watching the video and then move on to the worksheets.

Lesson-4-Make-equal-groups-grouping-2020 18.6.20

Lesson-4-Answers-Make-equal-groups-grouping-2020 18.6.20 answers


Please watch the video and then have a go at the quiz, all about parts of a plant.

Dragonfly Class – Wednesday 17th June

Good morning Dragonflies,

I hope you are well and enjoyed catching up with Mrs Grogan yesterday! She had a lovely time talking with you all.

Remember to check out Mrs Viners post for Wellbeing Wednesday 😊

Here are today’s activities:

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: retest yourself and see how many you still need to master.

Y3 Spellings Week 3

Y4 Spellings Week 3

Y5 Spellings Week 3

2. Maths: White Rose Maths links can be found below. I’ve also added a block of work on My Maths for those of you who enjoy it too.

Year 3


Y3 Lesson 3 – Subtract fractions

Y3 Lesson 3 Answers

Year 4


Y4 Lesson 3 – Order decimals

Y4 Lesson 3 Answers

Year 5

Y5 Lesson 3 – Adding decimals with the same number of decimal places

Y5 Lesson 3 Answers


3. Reading: Log into Reading Eggs for a book to read and complete this week.

4. English: Two options…

1) Find today’s Bitesize activity

2) Follow the link below for Lesson 3/5 of the Oak Academy lessons this week.

Lesson 3/5 Story Writing

Other ideas:

  1. Violins – spend time practising your musical instruments
  2. PSHE – Check out Mrs Viner’s update for Wellbeing Wednesday.


Happy Wednesday!

Miss Whit 🙂

Hedgehogs Home Learning Wednesday 17th June 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Please find all of today’s activities below. I hope you have fun!

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Please choose an activity from the grid.

FMS activity grid


Reception children have two lessons each day. The first is at 10am for those children who are learning to blend sounds together. The second is at 11am and is aimed at Reception children who can blend confidently.

Year 1 children, your lesson is at 10.30am.


Please choose some new words to learn this week from the choices below. Here is the grid to practice them on too. Look cover write check Please practise them every day!

Reception first words to spell

Reception next words to spell

Reception hard words to spell

Year 1 words to spell

Year 1 challenge words – ready for Year 2


Reception – Please practice these words this week. The first set of worksheets are single letters and the second set of worksheets are common words. Please choose the right set for your child.

Reception handwriting wb 15th June 2020

Reception handwriting COMMON WORDS wb 15th June 2020

Year 1 – Please practice these words this week using cursive handwriting. Year 1 handwriting wb 15th June 2020


Please choose a book from Oxford Owls to read at home from the correct age group here


Reception – Your lesson today is about memory maps

Year 1 – In the lesson today you will be thinking about writing in first person and past tense.


Reception – Today you are using mathematical language.

Year 1 – Please begin by watching the video and then move on to the worksheets.

Lesson-3-Make-equal-groups-sharing-2020 17.6.20

Lesson-3-Answers-Make-equal-groups-sharing-2020 17.6.20 answers


Please choose some of the activities in these challenge cards, based on Andy Goldsworthy art. Land Art Challenge Cards

Rabbits Home Learning for 17 June

Good Morning Rabbits

Are you ready for more learning?

Here is a brain-teaser to get you started:  Brain teaser

English:  I have a starter task for you.  Then you can access either Bitesize or Oak Academy for today’s lesson:  Opposites Starter Game

Maths: Please continue with the pages from yesterday’s link.  I have shared it again today:

file:///H:/Home%20Learning%20Week%207/Year%203%20Maths.pdf  (Year 2)

file:///C:/Users/m.cooke/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe/TempState/Downloads/7609.pdf (Year 3)

Project:  I have a short clip for you to watch first of all. This is an animation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Before you watch it, please think of these two questions:

1.:  Where is the first scene set?  Do you know who’s house it is?

2:  The rustics (or workmen) are rehearsing a play – can you find out which characters are in the play?

You might like to see the whole film but it lasts about 20 minutes:

3:  Do you think Oberon and Titania are happy with each other – or cross with each other?

4. What type of character is Puck?


I hope you enjoy watching this animation.

Have a great day

Mrs Cooke.