Rabbits – Home Learning for Tuesday 23rd June

Good Morning Rabbits

I hope you are all well and ready for some great learning today.

Brainteaser:  please have a go at this – how can you work out the answer?

How many squares can you see

Grammar:  Have a go at completing this task:  You can select the level you think best suits you.  Differentiated Activity Sheet Expanded Noun Phrases

English:  This activity is for you to use some of your imagination and referring to a wild animal, write a Haiku poem.  Watch this instruction video to help you to understand about these types of poems.


Now you can plan your own.  Use this sheet to help you assemble your ideas:

Haiku Planning Sheet

Haiku Rules Poster

Can you begin to write your Haiku?  What would your animal be – I might write one about an Eagle as they are my favourite wild animal.

Maths:  I have the following work sheets for your to do today:  If you prefer, you can access the BBC Bitesize Maths lesson.

Year 2 maths lesson

Year 3 maths lesson

Project:  we will continue today with the investigations into wierd and wonderful creatures.  Yesterday you were beginning some diary notes – as if you were an explorer.  Today, you are going to continue with this for one new animal species:

Please look at the youtube clip and make notes on the details about this animal.

Now you can write up your next diary entry as if you are the explorer who has first discovered these crazy creatures!

Now look at this piece of information about an amazing man who lived a long time ago.  He was called Lord Rothschild and he lived in a huge mansion in Tring which is in England, close to London.  He was quite mad, and had lots of amazing animals roaming on his lawn.  Look at the photographs in the link below.


I would like you to have a go at drawing the lawn at Tring Park – I have put a link to the photographs that are of the grounds now – I would love you to add drawings of some wildly weird animals that you would like to have striding around your lawn if you were living here.

I hope you enjoy your learning today.  Let me see the lovely things that you have been doing!

Mrs Cooke.




Hedgehogs Home Learning – Tuesday 23rd June

Hello Hedgehogs,

Did you have a good start to the week? The weather is supposed to be nice and sunny this week so I hope you’ll all be able to get out and about and enjoy the sunshine.

Here are today’s home learning tasks:


This link will take you to the phonics lessons:


Reception, your lesson will be uploaded at 10am. Year 1s, your lesson will be uploaded at 10:30am. If you feel like you need a bit of extra practice there is another lesson at 11:00am that focuses on blending sounds. After they have been uploaded the videos are available to view at any time throughout the day.

If you’re struggling to concentrate for the full video, try doing it in sections and have a break between each bit.

Fine Motor Skills:

Have a go at one of the activities from the grid below.

Fine Motor Skills Grid


Practise your handwriting and learn how to form the zigzag letters.



Reception: This week your learning will be based on the book ‘Zog’. Today you will be helping Zog count up all his stars.

Day 2: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/

Year 1: This week you will be practising counting to 100, partitioning and comparing numbers

Today you are partitioning numbers

Video: https://vimeo.com/430317914

Worksheet: Lesson 2 – Partitioning numbers

Answers: Answers – Partitioning numbers


Reception: Today you will listen to the story of The Crocodile Who Didn’t Like Water, by Gemma Merino. You will answer questions about the story, justifying your answers with the word ‘because’ to support your communication skills. You can extend this lesson by researching dragons and considering how they differ from crocodiles.


Year 1: Today you will have a chance to create your own creature. You will need to think carefully about the different parts of its body.



Do you know what a baby cow is called? Have a look at this powerpoint on Farm Animals and Their Young and then test your knowledge and see if you can match up the farm animals with their babies Farm Animal Babies.

If you have any problems or any work you’d like to send us to see please contact Nikki in the office and she will forward it onto us. We love seeing what you get up to!

Have a great day!

Miss Horton 🙂

Hedgehogs Home Learning – Monday 22nd June

Hello Hedgehogs,

I hope you had a lovely weekend and that you treated your daddies yesterday! I know that some of you are back at school now and some of you are working at home. I’ve got a bubble of children at Bomere Heath Primary School and we’re all really enjoying the maths.  Last week we made magic potions and wrapped each other up in toilet roll…just like in the story!! I spoke to Mrs Johnson this week and it sounds like you’re all having fun too! I hope you have a great week, please send over any pictures of what you’re getting up to!


This link will take you to the phonics lessons:


Reception, your lesson will be uploaded at 10am. Year 1s, your lesson will be uploaded at 10:30am. If you feel like you need a bit of extra practice there is another lesson at 11:00am that focuses on blending sounds. After they have been uploaded the videos are available to view at any time throughout the day.

If you’re struggling to concentrate for the full video, try doing it in sections and have a break between each bit.

Fine Motor Skills:

Have a go at one of the activities from the grid below.

Fine Motor Skills Grid


Practise your handwriting and learn how to form the zigzag letters.



Reception: This week your learning will be based on the book ‘Zog’. Today you will be looking at patterns and making your own rainbows!


Year 1: This week you will be practising counting to 100, partitioning and comparing numbers

Today you are counting to 100.

Video: https://vimeo.com/430314213

Worksheet: Lesson 1 – Counting to 100

Answers: Answers – Counting to 100


Reception: Today you will learn some features of reptiles. You will be thinking about what makes reptiles unique and choose your favourite reptile to describe. You can extend this lesson by using an encyclopedia to compare reptiles to other animal groups, talking about the similarities and differences.


Year 1: Today you will listen to an information text about a fictional creature called a green-winged flay. You will then answer some questions on it.



How well do you know farm animals? Have a go at this game What Am I? Farm Animal Game. You are given three clues and then you have to guess what animal is being described. Perhaps you could create some of your own clues and get your family or friends to guess the farm animal!

If you have any problems or any work you’d like to send us to see please contact Nikki in the office and she will forward it onto us. We love seeing what you get up to!

Have a great day!

Miss Horton 🙂

Dragonfly Class – Monday 22nd June

Good morning Dragonflies,

It will be a very different day for me today as I’m welcoming lots of children back into class! I look forward to seeing some of your faces and seeing how much you’ve grown (and how your lockdown hairstyles are looking!)

In other news, I’ve had the BEST weekend! I returned home from school on Friday to find Andrew was acting very strange… he disappeared into the living room then reappeared a few minutes later with… A PUPPY!!! Oh my goodness. I’ve fallen in love with the little bundle of gorgeousness – I just need to find a nice name! Briar is not such a fan… she currently thinks we should send her back pronto – she’s far too little to be any fun to B at all! She’s a bit grumpy and jealous! I’ll get some pictures up soon 💛🐾

Here are today’s activities:

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: ask someone to test you on how many you know BEFORE you start learning them.


Year 3 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 4 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 5 Spellings & Handwriting

2. Maths: White Rose Maths links can be found below. I’ve also added a block of work on My Maths for those of you who enjoy it too. Remember to watch the video and learn first!

Year 3

Year 3 Video link

Y3 Lesson 1 – Right angles in shapes

Y3 Lesson 1 Answers – Right angles in shapes

Year 4

Year 4 Video Link

Y4 Lesson 1 – Pounds and pence

Y4 Lesson 1 Answers – Pounds and pence

Year 5


Year 5 Video Link

Year 5 Lesson-1-Subtracting-decimals

Year 5 Lesson-1-Answers

3. Reading Eggs: There is a task ready and waiting for you 🙂

4. English: Two options

1) Find today’s Bitesize activity

2) Follow the link below for Lesson 1/5 of the Oak Academy lessons this week on instruction writing.

Instruction Writing Lesson 1/5

Other ideas:

  1. PE: Usually on a Monday we have our PE lessons so make a good effort on some sporting activity to day if you can! How about carrying on with the Virtual School Games activities!
  2. School Games Competition

2. Design a bookmark  – in school today we will be thinking about making our own bookmarks to keep in class. Can you make your own original design?


Happy Monday,

Miss Whit 🙂

Rabbits Home Learning for 22nd June

Good Morning Rabbits

Welcome to another week of learning.  I hope you are all well and happy.

I was very excited to find a bag of model toy animals last week – I like to collect odd stuff that I can use for work.  It got me thinking about this week’s project.  In my bag of animals I had some very weird and wonderful creatures and I know we have done a project on animals before – but this one will be all about bizarre creatures that exist in our world.  I think it will be fun!

To begin with….

Spelling and Handwriting:  please do some practice on your handwriting – I have some words for you to learn for spelling this week so use this as your handwriting for today.  The link below is a spelling and vocabulary game – you can do a new task each day this week.

Panda Polar Bear Gorilla Lion Elephant Anteater Cheetah Squirrel Tiger Fox


English:  Please view the Oak Academy English lesson for this morning.  You will find this on this link: https://classroom.thenational.academy/year-groups/

I have some additional English activities that link to our topic, you can access them through these:

link:  https://www.funenglishgames.com/worksheets/wordsearches/animal.html


Maths:  Please use the sheets linked here to continue working on measurement and shape.

Project:  Wild animals can be strange.  Have a look at this clip which shows and ocarpi:



This short film gives you LOTS of information about this animal.  I would like you to do the following:

You are an explorer.  You can give yourself a name if you like.  You are travelling around the the word and you come across this animal (Ocapi) for the very first time.  Your task is to create a travel diary this week. You will write it as if you are discovering new creatures in the wild and they have never been seen by anyone in England before.  You need to make a very careful record of each creature that you will come across.

Your diary must include lots of details about how the animal looks – you can use the descriptions given in the film.

Your diary must include where you found the creature (also in the film)

You need to make a sketch of the creature and explain what animal it is most like.

You will then need to do the same for the next animal – please watch this film and repeat the diary activity.


Keep the diary entry safe as you will need to add to this tomorrow.


Have a lovely day!




Hedgehogs Home Learning – Monday 22nd June

Hello Hedgehogs,

I hope you had a lovely weekend and that you treated your daddies yesterday! I know that some of you are back at school now and some of you are working at home. I’ve got a bubble of children at Bomere Heath Primary School and we’re all really enjoying the maths.  Last week we made magic potions and wrapped each other up in toilet roll…just like in the story!! I spoke to Mrs Johnson this week and it sounds like you’re all having fun too! I hope you have a great week, please send over any pictures of what you’re getting up to!


This link will take you to the phonics lessons:


Reception, your lesson will be uploaded at 10am. Year 1s, your lesson will be uploaded at 10:30am. If you feel like you need a bit of extra practice there is another lesson at 11:00am that focuses on blending sounds. After they have been uploaded the videos are available to view at any time throughout the day.

If you’re struggling to concentrate for the full video, try doing it in sections and have a break between each bit.

Fine Motor Skills:

Have a go at one of the activities from the grid below.

Fine Motor Skills Grid


Practise your handwriting and learn how to form the zigzag letters.



Reception: This week your learning will be based on the book ‘Zog’. Today you will be looking at patterns and making your own rainbows!


Year 1: This week you will be practising counting to 100, partitioning and comparing numbers

Today you are counting to 100.

Video: https://vimeo.com/430314213

Worksheet: Lesson 1 – Counting to 100

Answers: Answers – Counting to 100


Reception: Today you will learn some features of reptiles. You will be thinking about what makes reptiles unique and choose your favourite reptile to describe. You can extend this lesson by using an encyclopedia to compare reptiles to other animal groups, talking about the similarities and differences.


Year 1: Today you will listen to an information text about a fictional creature called a green-winged flay. You will then answer some questions on it.



How well do you know farm animals? Have a go at this game What Am I? Farm Animal Game. You are given three clues and then you have to guess what animal is being described. Perhaps you could create some of your own clues and get your family or friends to guess the farm animal!


If you have any problems or any work you’d like to send us to see please contact Nikki in the office and she will forward it onto us. We love seeing what you get up to!

Have a great day!

Miss Horton 🙂

Dragonfly Class – Friday 19th June

It’s Friday! Well done for logging in for another week.

I needed my flippers yesterday 🚴🏼‍♀️ going back and to from school where I got very wet, but it was great fun! Get out in the rain if you can – it can be so refreshing (Nicky will think I’m mad saying that).

I hope you all have a good weekend – mine looks like there will be lots of good food involved! So I best get running too 😊

Here are today’s activities:

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: Have your end of week test to see how well you’ve learned them.

Y3 Spellings Week 3

Y4 Spellings Week 3

Y5 Spellings Week 3

2. Maths:

For Friday’s fun challenges, you can spend your time on TT Rockstars or exploring Number Gym. Here are two games to play too:

Roll these dice


4. English: Two options…

1) Find today’s Bitesize activity

2) Follow the link below for the final lesson of the Oak Academy lessons this week.

Lesson 5/5

Other ideas:

  1. PE – spend time on your Virtual School Games challenge from Monday. Also check out this Friday Challenge activity: Primary All Stars Friday Challenge
  2. Topic (Ancient Greece): Aesop’s Fables

There is a book called Vita Aesopus that was first written in the 2nd century CE and says that Aesop was a very ugly slave who lived on the Greek island of Samos. At first he cannot speak but after showing kindness to a priestess of Isis, the Egyptian goddess made him not only speak but also a clever storyteller. 

Read and explore about Aesop and his fables using the links below. Which fables are your favourite? Why?

http://read.gov/aesop/ – Selection of Aesop’s Fables to read online from the US Library of Congress;

https://www.umass.edu/aesop/fables.php – Other versions of the fables; https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06sdr13  – Audio versions of Aesop’s Fables; http://www.aesopfables.com/ – Other versions of the fables with audio and pictures; http://www.mythfolklore.net/aesopica/ – A collated list of the different versions of the fables.

Have a super weekend, missing you all very much.

Miss Whit

Hedgehogs Home Learning Friday 19th June 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Please find all of today’s activities below. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Please choose an activity from the grid.

FMS activity grid


Reception children have two lessons each day. The first is at 10am for those children who are learning to blend sounds together. The second is at 11am and is aimed at Reception children who can blend confidently.

Year 1 children, your lesson is at 10.30am.



Please choose some new words to learn this week from the choices below. Here is the grid to practice them on too. Look cover write check Please practise them every day!

Reception first words to spell

Reception next words to spell

Reception hard words to spell

Year 1 words to spell

Year 1 challenge words – ready for Year 2


Reception – Please practise these words this week. The first set of worksheets are single letters and the second set of worksheets are common words. Please choose the right set for your child.

Reception handwriting wb 15th June 2020

Reception handwriting COMMON WORDS wb 15th June 2020

Year 1 – Please practise these words this week using cursive handwriting. Year 1 handwriting wb 15th June 2020


Please choose a book from Oxford Owls to read at home from the correct age group here https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/


Reception – Today you will be using your instructions to build a house. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-follow-instructions-to-build-a-home

Year 1 – Today you will finish your recount. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-continue-to-write-our-recount/


Reception – Today you are making reflections. https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Day-5-Princess-Mirror-Belle.pdf

Year 1 – Your maths today is pirate themed! Year 1 19th June 2020 Making equal groups

Answers – Make Equal Groups – Sharing


Today Jamie is leading a ‘Peace Out’ session on Rainbows. https://youtu.be/hh58j2Yw6dg

Rabbits – Home Learning for 19th June

Good Morning Rabbits

So it’s Friday!  Happy Friday everyone.

Spellings:  For today, Year 3 need to do a spelling review of the words that are on your list.  Year 2 did the spelling task earlier on.

Grammar: Please have a look at the grammar exercises for your year group.

Grammar Task  (Year 3)

NelsonGrammar_Conjunctions  (Year 2)

Maths:  Please access MyMaths or do the sheets attached:

PSHE:  As you know, it is Father’s Day on Sunday (also the longest day of the year).  I imagine many of you are preparing something for your Dad or special person; here is a lovely poem that you might use if you want to make him a card.

When I scratched my knee,
Or if I bumped my head,
When I was afraid of the dark,
Or that thing under my bed,
When I cried in the night,
Or even in the day,
You were there for me
To make it all okay.

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/father

Reading:  Here is a lovely clip of a sweet story about a bear and his dad.  Have a look a the amazing art-work (illustrations) that go with the story.



Hedgehogs Home Learning Friday 19th June 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Please find all of tomorrow’s activities below. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Please choose an activity from the grid.

FMS activity grid


Reception children have two lessons each day. The first is at 10am for those children who are learning to blend sounds together. The second is at 11am and is aimed at Reception children who can blend confidently.

Year 1 children, your lesson is at 10.30am.



Please choose some new words to learn this week from the choices below. Here is the grid to practice them on too. Look cover write check Please practise them every day!

Reception first words to spell

Reception next words to spell

Reception hard words to spell

Year 1 words to spell

Year 1 challenge words – ready for Year 2


Reception – Please practise these words this week. The first set of worksheets are single letters and the second set of worksheets are common words. Please choose the right set for your child.

Reception handwriting wb 15th June 2020

Reception handwriting COMMON WORDS wb 15th June 2020

Year 1 – Please practise these words this week using cursive handwriting. Year 1 handwriting wb 15th June 2020


Please choose a book from Oxford Owls to read at home from the correct age group here https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/


Reception – Today you will be using your instructions to build a house. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-follow-instructions-to-build-a-home

Year 1 – Today you will finish your recount. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-continue-to-write-our-recount/


Reception – Today you are making reflections. https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Day-5-Princess-Mirror-Belle.pdf

Year 1 – Your maths today is pirate themed! Year 1 19th June 2020 Making equal groups

Answers – Make Equal Groups – Sharing


Today Jamie is leading a ‘Peace Out’ session on Rainbows. https://youtu.be/hh58j2Yw6dg