Hedgehogs Home Learning Thursday 2nd July 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Please find all of today’s activities below.

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Please choose an activity from the grid.

FMS activity grid


Reception children have two lessons each day. The first is at 10am for those children who are learning to blend sounds together. The second is at 11am and is aimed at Reception children who can blend confidently.

Year 1 children, your lesson is at 10.30am.



Please choose some new words to learn this week from the choices below. Here is the grid to write them on too. Look cover write check Please do them every day!

Reception first words to spell

Reception next words to spell

Reception hard words to spell

Year 1 words to spell

Year 1 challenge words – ready for Year 2


Please log in to Reading Eggs and choose some of the games and activities to play. All are designed to help you improve your reading and they are lots of fun!


Reception – Today you are going to plan a letter that you are going to write tomorrow. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-recognise-the-features-of-a-letter

Year 1 – Your lesson today is all about writing instructions and today you are going to start writing your own instructions. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-begin-to-write-my-instructions


Reception – Today you will be checking to see if Oliver, the boy in the story, has put the right labels on baskets of fruit and vegetables. https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Day-4-Olivers-Vegetables.pdf You can even then plan a kitchen disco!

Year 1 – Today you are going to be counting coins. Please watch the video here https://vimeo.com/432401953 and then do this worksheet Counting coins Year 1 – 2nd July. The answers are here if you need them. Counting coins answers


Today I’d like you to start a weather diary. Record what the weather is like when you start your school work, again after dinner and again before you go to bed. Has the weather been the same all day or has it changed? Do this every school day for a week and see what you can find out about the weather where you live.

You might like to use the sheets and do the activities below too, they are all about the weather.

Recording the weather – You could use this sheet to keep your weather diary.

Weather report sheet – You can make your own weather board to use each day

Paper Dolls and Clothes and Weather Cards for paper dolls – Dress the dolls in the right clothes for the right weather.



Rabbits – home learning for Thursday 2nd July

Good morning Rabbits – thank you for sending me some of the lovely work you have been doing.  It is great to keep in touch with you while you are home.

I hope you enjoyed the science task and the healthy tasks – it is sometimes good to remind ourselves to take good care of our minds and bodies.

Handwriting – have a go at writing out the spelling words from this week please.  This time, make them into a spiral – start with the words in the middle of the page and turn your page around and around to make a spiral of different words.

English:  The Little Boat film is still our main inspiration for writing this week.  You have done some work on thought bubbles and what the boat might be thinking as it moves along the sea.  Today, I would like you to think about the way the boat is slowly broken then slowly re-built.  I would like a paragraph (or two) that describes what happens to the boat.  You will need time connectives such as “next, then, after that, before long, after a while”  and you will then need to write down all the damage that took place.  The boat’s sail was torn, the bomb broke the wood and left a hole in the side.  Then do the same thing with the sequence of events that re-built the boat.

Maths:  Please take a look at the pages from UR Brainy.  These rely on you using your logical maths thinking to fill in the numbers and maths operation to solve the maths sentences.  You will soon get into the swing of this.


PSHE:  we have thought about our bodies, our minds, our skin and today we are thinking about our eyes.

Consider what you do to protect your eyes?  Do you do anything?  If you wear glasses, you might be protecting them from straining when you read or watch T.V.

Have a look at this clip from youtube.

Your eyes are delicate – they need to be taken seriously!

I would like you to make a drawing of an eye (it can be your eye or someone else’s eye)  Here is another clip to help you to help with the drawing.

When you have drawn your eye, can you add a box of information on how you can care for your eyes – use the information in the film to help you.

Have a great day!

Mrs Cooke

Hedgehogs Home Learning Thursday 2nd July 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Please find all of tomorrow’s activities below.

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Please choose an activity from the grid.

FMS activity grid


Reception children have two lessons each day. The first is at 10am for those children who are learning to blend sounds together. The second is at 11am and is aimed at Reception children who can blend confidently.

Year 1 children, your lesson is at 10.30am.



Please choose some new words to learn this week from the choices below. Here is the grid to write them on too. Look cover write check Please do them every day!

Reception first words to spell

Reception next words to spell

Reception hard words to spell

Year 1 words to spell

Year 1 challenge words – ready for Year 2


Please log in to Reading Eggs and choose some of the games and activities to play. All are designed to help you improve your reading and they are lots of fun!


Reception – Today you are going to plan a letter that you are going to write tomorrow. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-recognise-the-features-of-a-letter

Year 1 – Your lesson today is all about writing instructions and today you are going to start writing your own instructions. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-begin-to-write-my-instructions


Reception – Today you will be checking to see if Oliver, the boy in the story, has put the right labels on baskets of fruit and vegetables. https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Day-4-Olivers-Vegetables.pdf You can even then plan a kitchen disco!

Year 1 – Today you are going to be counting coins. Please watch the video here https://vimeo.com/432401953 and then do this worksheet Counting coins Year 1 – 2nd July. The answers are here if you need them. Counting coins answers


Today I’d like you to start a weather diary. Record what the weather is like when you start your school work, again after dinner and again before you go to bed. Has the weather been the same all day or has it changed? Do this every school day for a week and see what you can find out about the weather where you live.

You might like to use the sheets and do the activities below too, they are all about the weather.

Recording the weather – You could use this sheet to keep your weather diary.

Weather report sheet – You can make your own weather board to use each day

Paper Dolls and Clothes and Weather Cards for paper dolls – Dress the dolls in the right clothes for the right weather.

Well-Being Wednesday

Well-being Wednesday
Hi 👋🏼 everyone!
I hope you’ve had a fun week!
Lately, I’ve been thinking about all the things that I have not been able to do or missed because of lockdown. So my family and I have created a Jar of hope.
The idea is that every time you think of something you would like to do when the crisis is over, you write it down and put it in the jar.
It could be to visit someone special, go to the seaside or go out for a family meal. It’s up to you.
Therefore, what I would like you to do is write down some things that you are looking forward to and pop them in a special jar or box. You could also ask the other members of your family to write down their ideas too! Then when things are better, you’ll have something to look forward too!
I would as always love to hear your ideas! So please feel free to email me on, viner.l@ruyton.shropshire.sch.uk
Take care 🌈
Mrs Viner

Hedgehogs Home Learning – Wednesday 1st July

Hello Hedgehogs,

Pinch, Punch, first of the month!!

Here are today’s home learning tasks:


This link will take you to the phonics lessons:


Reception, your lesson will be uploaded at 10am. Year 1s, your lesson will be uploaded at 10:30am. If you feel like you need a bit of extra practice there is another lesson at 11:00am that focuses on blending sounds. After they have been uploaded the videos are available to view at any time throughout the day.

If you’re struggling to concentrate for the full video, try doing it in sections and have a break between each bit.

Fine Motor Skills:

Have a go at one of the activities from the grid below.

Fine Motor Skills Grid


Practise your handwriting and learn how to form the one armed robot letters.



Reception: This week your learning will be based on the book ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’. Today you will adding, taking away and helping Oliver sort his fruits and vegetables.

Day 3: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/

Year 1: This week you will be ordering numbers, counting and recognising coins and notes.

Today you will be recognising notes.

Video: https://vimeo.com/432401840

Worksheet: Lesson 3-Recognising notes

Answers: Answers-Recognising notes


Reception: Today you will recall the story Beegu, by Alexis Deacon, and draw a story map to help you remember the plot. You will consider the different ways Beegu felt throughout the story and what caused these feelings. You can extend this lesson by thinking of an action step for each part of the story, focusing on using facial expressions


Year 1: Today’s lesson is all about plural nouns. You will be learning about adding the suffix -s to a noun to make it plural.



Wildlife Wednesday: Get yourself a piece of paper and a pencil. Find a place to sit in the garden (or sit by an open window). If you’re outside pop a mark in the middle of the paper, if you’re by a window pop a mark at the edge of the paper. This mark represents where you’re sat. Close your eyes, be quiet and listen to the naturals sounds around you. Open your eyes and mark it on the paper with something that represents the sound and where it is in relation to you i.e. a bird at the top of their paper to represent a bird in the distance in front of them singing.

I wonder what kinds of noises you’ll hear in your garden…

If you have any problems or any work you’d like to send us to see please contact Nikki in the office and she will forward it onto us. We love seeing what you get up to!

Have a great day!

Miss Horton 🙂

Dragonfly Class – Wednesday 1st July

Good morning Dragonflies,

Here are today’s activities:

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: retest yourself and see how many you still need to master.

Year 3 Spellings

Year 4 Spellings

Year 5 Spellings

2. Maths: White Rose Maths links can be found below. I’ve also added a block of work on My Maths for those of you who enjoy it too. Remember to watch the video and learn first!

Year 3

Year-3 Video Links


Y3 Lesson 3 Answers – Recognise and describe 3D shapes

Y3 Lesson 3 – Recognise and describe 3D shapes

Year 4

Year-4 Video Links

Y4 Lesson 3 Answers – Introducing line graphs

Y4 Lesson 3 – Introducing line graphs


Year 5

Year-5 Video Links


Y5 Lesson 3 – Calculating angles on a straight line

Y5 Lesson 3 Answers – Calculating angles on a straight line

3. Reading : Read your own book for 20 minutes or so today.

4. English: Two options

1) Find today’s Bitesize activity

2) Follow the link below for Lesson 3/5 of the Oak Academy lessons this week on setting description.

Lesson 3

Other ideas:

  1. Violins – spend time practising your musical instruments. Check out the music lessons we’ve posted too if you haven’t already.
  2. PSHE – Check out Mrs Viner’s update for Wellbeing Wednesday.

Happy Wednesday!

Miss Whit 🙂


Miss Whit 🙂

Rabbits Home Learning for Wednesday 1st July

Good Morning Rabbits – Happy Middle of the Week Day!

Today we will continue the writing task based on the short film – Little Boat.

We will have a look at the maths that are set on Bitesize and do some more reading from the short stories that I found on line.

Grammar:  Please can you do some short grammar tasks from the attached sheet that I have created.  You have to add a time phrase to the sentences:

Grammar Task

English:  yesterday, you wrote a part of the story and wrote a transition paragraph.  Today, you are going to focus on using speech in your story.

I would like you to use the speech bubble sheet (attached) and make some suggestions of what the boat would be thinking as it makes its way through the dark sea, the sea filled with rubbish and then when she gets broken and battered.  Think of a few sentences that might express how it feels.

thought bubbles

Can you then watch the very short part where the seagulls fly past and mend the sails.  Can you write a few sentences to explain what they did – how this helped the boat and what the boat might have thought.

Maths: bbc bitesize has a maths lesson for either year 2 or year 3.

If you prefer, I have included these maths-based challenges that you could do.

outdoor maths game

PSHE – More ideas for today are to think about how we can keep ourselves staying positive and happy.

Mrs Viner is excellent at giving us ideas for keeping well in our minds.  This is another way to do some ‘Self-Care’ to keep you positive.

Write a list:

You need a large piece of paper and a lot of coloured pens or pencils.

You need to write two columns (so draw a line down the middle of the paper)

One one side you are going to write “THINGS I KNOW”  and on the other side “THINGS OTHER PEOPLE TELL ME”

In the first column, you are going to list all the things that you KNOW you are good at doing, or you are good at being.  You could add anything that is positive and that is something you are aware of for yourself.

In the second column, you are going to write a list of all the things other people tell you that are positive.  Your parents will be telling you things all the time about how special you are, how wonderful you are, what lovely hairy you have etc.  You need to remember all the lovely things that people say about you – include your friends and me!  I have said some good things about all of you too.

Your list should be colourful, LONG and full of positive things about you.

When you finish the list – decorate the page and turn it into a picture by adding a pretty border.

Keep this and keep looking it at it.  You might persuade someone else in your family to make one too – Mums and Dads need plenty of encouragement you know!


Have a super day

Mrs Cooke.