Dragonfly Class – the last day!

Well – you’ve DONE IT!! It’s been the most bizarre end to our year but we’ve finally made it to our summer holidays. So for today, as we always would, I want you to have FUN!

Some ideas:

🌟 Write a letter to your future self! What advice would you like to give yourself for September? What kind of things do you think it would be worth remembering on your first day back? What have you been proud of and what would you like to achieve next?

🌟 Create a piece of art that shows something about you right now; perhaps things you’ve been doing or something to reflect your feelings.

🌟 Bake / cook something to celebrate your final day!

🌟 Enjoy a walk where you can think about all the things you have achieved at Ruyton (you might need a very long walk to remember them all!)

🌟 Watch your favourite film or listen to your favourite music 🎶  I’m loving Moana at the moment!

🌟 Turn off your computer screens… challenge yourself to go make some memories!

Thank you for giving me such a lovely year of teaching. I’ve got such happy memories teaching you all and you’ve just added another year of reasons why I have the best job in the world. I can’t wait to see you all become Owls in September; have a happy, healthy and fun-filled summer and I’ll see you soon.

Lots of love,

Miss Whit xx


Eco-Schools Award.

4CB3B09A-7DB7-497F-BE3C-63C7D5484AD5We have recently been awarded the coveted Green Flag Award as part of our Eco-Schools work.

The school Eco-Committee spent many weeks before lockdown looking at the ten topics which form the award – Biodiversity, Energy, Global Citizenship, Healthy Living, Litter, Marine, Schools Grounds, Transport, Waste and Water. For each of these topics the children on the committee had to review what our school does well, and identify areas for improvement.

The committee then wrote an action plan together and began working through the points for development together and with the rest of the school. They collected evidence of this work as they went along, a mix of photographs, work done in classes and theme and topic day evidence.

Coronavirus put a stop to our final assessment visit, but the Eco-Schools organisation looked in depth at what we had done and all of our action plans, meeting minutes, evidence and findings, and decided that our school met all the assessment criteria. We passed the virtual assessment with flying colours!

A huge well done to everyone. You will spot our Green Flag flying proudly at the front of school very soon!

A message for our Year 5’s

Hi Year 5’s – we wanted to say a huge well done to all of you for everything that you have achieved this year.  You have all been utterly amazing and we are so, so proud of you all.  We are missing you all dreadfully but are looking forward to a time when we can be back together in September.  We know you will be awesome Year 6’s and will continue to make us proud.  Have a fantastic break and we will see you soon

Mrs Hollis and Mrs Henney x

Hedgehogs Home Learning Thursday 16th July

Dear Hedgehogs

Please find some fun and different activities for you to do at home today.

Today is the last day of the summer term, and the last day of the school year. Mrs Farmer, Miss Horton and I want to say a huge WELL DONE for all the hard work, smiles, laughter and help that you have all been very busy doing and giving to everyone at home, and some of you at school too. We are very very proud of the way you have all coped during this unusual time and we have missed everyone who has been working at home an awful lot.

We can’t wait to see you all in September, when you will be welcomed back to school and to our St John’s family with open arms. If are moving on to Year 2 and joining a new class, good luck and remember that you are always welcome to come and say hello to us in Hedgehogs!

Have a great summer!

Mrs Johnson

Sports Day at home!

I hope you enjoy taking part in some of these activities with your family at home. You can even print out a certificate for everyone too.

Home sports day task cards

Multi-skills home sports day

Sports Day Certificates

Colour scavenger hunt

Choose one of these sheets and go outside on a colour hunt! There are three slightly  different sheets to choose from Colour hunt

Art fun

Please select one or more of the art activities below.

Sunflower Fork Printing

Sunshine Dot Painting

Under The Sea Water Colour Painting

Mixed Media Flowers

Eco-Schools Award

4CB3B09A-7DB7-497F-BE3C-63C7D5484AD5We have recently been awarded the coveted Green Flag Award as part of our Eco-Schools work.

The school Eco-Committee spent many weeks before lockdown looking at the ten topics which form the award – Biodiversity, Energy, Global Citizenship, Healthy Living, Litter, Marine, Schools Grounds, Transport, Waste and Water. For each of these topics the children on the committee had to review what our school does well, and identify areas for improvement.

The committee then wrote an action plan together and began working through the points for development together and with the rest of the school. They collected evidence of this work as they went along, a mix of photographs, work done in classes and theme and topic day evidence.

Coronavirus put a stop to our final assessment visit, but the Eco-Schools organisation looked in depth at what we had done and all of our action plans, meeting minutes, evidence and findings, and decided that our school met all the assessment criteria. We passed the virtual assessment with flying colours!

A huge well done to everyone. You will spot our Green Flag flying proudly at the front of school very soon!

Hedgehogs home learning Thursday 16th July

Dear Hedgehogs

Please find some fun and different activities for you to do at home tomorrow.

It is the last day of the summer term, and the last day of the school year. Mrs Farmer, Miss Horton and I want to say a huge WELL DONE for all the hard work, smiles, laughter and help that you have all been very busy doing and giving to everyone at home, and some of you at school too. We are very very proud of the way you have all coped during this unusual time and we have missed everyone who has been working at home an awful lot.

We can’t wait to see you all in September, when you will be welcomed back to school and to our St John’s family with open arms. If are moving on to Year 2 and joining a new class, good luck and remember that you are always welcome to come and say hello to us in Hedgehogs!

Have a great summer!

Mrs Johnson

Sports Day at home!

I hope you enjoy taking part in some of these activities with your family at home. You can even print out a certificate for everyone too.

Home sports day task cards

Multi-skills home sports day

Sports Day Certificates

Colour scavenger hunt

Choose one of these sheets and go outside on a colour hunt! There are three slightly  different sheets to choose from Colour hunt

Art fun

Please select one or more of the art activities below.

Sunflower Fork Printing

Sunshine Dot Painting

Under The Sea Water Colour Painting

Mixed Media Flowers

Congratulations Year 6 – class of 2020!

Well Year 6, you knew we would have to have the last word today!  What an amazing group you are; we were proud of you before but now you have made us prouder still.  We loved seeing you and hearing your fantastic speeches; you did us, your families and yourselves proud.

We also wanted to share and celebrate our award winners too.  You are all winners in our eyes and anyone of you could have had our awards but to those that did receive an award, congratulations.

*Thank you and well done to our Librarians:  Noah, Emma, Grace, Elsa, Dan, Maurice, Lily F and Lily S.  You have kept our Library buzzing with fun for our Key Stage 1 children; they will really miss your sessions.

*Well done to our recorder players: Elsa, Lily S, Laila, Dom and Mya.  It has been a pleasure to hear you play during worship.

*Congratulations to our art award winners Lily and Jack.  You have such creative talents and it has been a pleasure to share these gifts with you.  We hope you continue to develop these talents as you move onto secondary school.

*Congratulations to our PE/sportsperson of the year, Rory.  You are not only an able sportsperson but you are also a fantastic team player and supporter of your team mates.  You have made Miss Whit and all of your teachers so proud over the years.  Thank you for being such a fantastic ambassador for sport.

*Congratulations to our footballers of the year, Sam and Elizabeth.  Miss Whit has been thrilled with the way that you both perform on and off the pitch as players and supporters of each other.  You are both such brilliant ambassadors for sport in our school.

*Congratulations to Grace for winning the ‘Mick Berry Voice of the child’ award.  Here is one of the many reasons why you won it.  “Grace always has excellent ideas and organisational skills.  She took on the responsibility of writing minutes for our meetings and ensured that everyone knew what they had to do.”  Well done Grace; we have always been able to rely on you thinking of others and know that this will always be a strength of yours.


*Congratulations to Chloe for winning the ‘Toni Inman ward for perseverance and determination’.  Here is one of the reasons why: “Chloe approaches all aspects of her learning with a smile and doesn’t give up.”  Well done Chloe; it has been a pleasure to watch you flourish throughout your time in school.  No doubt, you will continue to blossom at The Corbet.


*Congratulations to our joint winners of the ‘John Roe maths award’, Dan and David.  Here is why: “Daniel totally transformed his attitude to maths adopting a ‘have-a-go’ approach and then conquered challenges like the times tables grid.” And, David, “From the moment he joined our school, he has worked so hard to achieve every goal, working particularly hard out of school.”  Well done to both of you for working so hard and demonstrating such positive attitudes.


*Congratulations to Lily S for winning our ‘Andrew Radford Music’ award.  You are such a gifted musician across so many instruments Lily!  What a pleasure it has been to share this talent with you throughout your time at school.

*Congratulations to Henry for winning our ‘Overall Achievement’ award.  Here are a few of the many reasons why, “Henry is always up for a challenge and gives every task his all.”  And, “Henry always strives to share his enthusiasm throughout the school and all aspects of his learning.”  A well deserved award Henry; you have made us so proud in so many ways from your lunchtime maths club to team trees!  Keep it up; we know you will.


*Congratulations to Lily S for her ‘School Ambassador’ award.  Here are just a few of the reasons, “She is kind, considerate and always working hard in and out of the classroom,” and “Lily is well mannered and looks after the younger pupils well.”  Well done Lily; it is so lovely to see you recognised for your consistent positive attitude and your thoughtfulness of others.  We know you will continue this as you move onto secondary school.

So to all of you, it is time to say goodbye but we hope not forever.  We love to hear how you are getting on and remain immensely proud of you.  Remember, you will always be a part of St John the Baptist School class of 2020.

And to all the parents, carers and family members, thank you for all of your support throughout your child’s time with us.


Have a wonderful holiday,

Mrs Hollis and Mrs Henney


P.S  from Hrs Hollis – They made me have my photo taken!

A message to Year 6 from Mrs Foulkes

Just after your leavers’ assembly Year 6, we received this lovely email from Mrs Foulkes to share with you all:

Hi all,
I can’t believe it. Y6 has been and gone and you are looking back at all your memories in primary school and looking into the future to your move into Y7. No matter where you are going or who with, I know and you know that you have had the very best start to life at St. John’s and I am proud to have been a part of that journey with you. I probably wouldn’t recognise many of you now, so much will you have grown up and changed but one thing I know for sure, is that you will have a little nugget of gold inside of you all that will shine through and help you in your life ahead.
From ‘pond dipping’ in the River Perry to sailing across the River Mersey; the wonderful creations that you conjured up for homework projects to the thoughtful creations you would develop and share in Church and I can’t not mention Young Voices! You were an amazing group of young people to teach and share time with and I feel richer for having known you.
I wish you each and everyone of you  the very best for the future.
Good luck
Mrs. Foulkes


Hedgehogs Home Learning – Wednesday 15th July

Hello Hedgehogs,

Happy Wednesday! It’s been a very unusual term for us all, I was so looking forward to teaching you all when we started back after the Easter holidays but sadly that couldn’t happen. It’s been lovely to get to know you all through phone calls and pictures you’ve sent in. I can’t wait to meet you all in person after the summer holidays! Reception – you will make brilliant Year 1s and I’m sure you’ll be great role models for our new reception children. Year 1s you will have to pop to say hello and I know you’ll all have so much fun in year 2! Well done for keeping going with the home learning or keeping safe in your bubbles at school – you’ve all been superstars! You need to give your adults at home a big pat on the back and plenty of cuddles too for helping you with your learning – I hope you all manage to have a rest over the next few weeks 🙂

I hope you have a lovely summer holidays!


This link will take you to the phonics lessons:


Reception, your lesson will be uploaded at 10am. Year 1s, your lesson will be uploaded at 10:30am. If you feel like you need a bit of extra practice there is another lesson at 11:00am that focuses on blending sounds. After they have been uploaded the videos are available to view at any time throughout the day.

If you’re struggling to concentrate for the full video, try doing it in sections and have a break between each bit.

Fine Motor Skills:

Have a go at one of the activities from the grid below.

Fine Motor Skills Grid


Practise your handwriting and learn how to form the long ladder letters.



Reception: This week your learning will be based on the book ‘How many legs?’

Day 3: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/

Year 1: This week you will be learning time.

Today you will be writing the time.

Video: https://vimeo.com/436534112

Worksheet: Lesson 3-Writing time

Answers: Answers-Writing time


Adventure stories https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z8fbn9q

Today’s home learning focus is to understand setting and how it contributes to a good a story and to understand what an adventure story is.

Have a great summer holiday, stay safe and enjoy yourselves

Miss Horton 🙂