Hedgehog spellings 15th October 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Please find your spellings for this week below. Try to play some games at home and have fun learning them, as well as writing them down. This can be using chalk on the patio at home, or using a paintbrush dipped in water to write on the wall!

Thank you

Mrs Johnson

CAN group CAN 15.10.20

SHOULD group SHOULD 15.10.20

COULD group COULD 15.10.20

You can use this grid  Look cover write check  if you’d like to.

Hedgehogs Home Learning 15th and 16th October 2020

Hello to our lovely Hedgehogs at home!

All of your tasks and activities for today and tomorrow are below. Please let me know if you need a book to work in or any basic equipment. You can collect these from school – just email or phone school to arrange to collect them.

Thank you

Mrs Johnson


Phonics – I Spy and Read Activity – Phase 2 Set 1 and I Spy and Read Activity – Phase 2 Set 2

READING – Reading 15th Oct

SPELLINGS – CAN 15.10.20

English – Watch ‘Lost and Found’, our book this week. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRAAQ8EWzig  Talk about the characters in the story – the boy and the penguin. Can you describe them? What do they look like? What is their personality like? Can you think of a name for the boy? Why have you chosen that name? Talk about where the story takes place (the South Pole). What do you think it it like there? Why do you think that? Write your answers to these questions in your book.

Maths – Use the ladybird picture to explore different ways to make 10. You can use 10 buttons, 10 pieces of pasta or 10 paper clips to find out how many different ways you can make 10. You can write down what you found out in a number sentence eg 6 +4 = 10,  7+1 = 10.maths 15th Oct

Art – As it is harvest time and we are looking at self portraits in art, I thought it might be fun to make your face using fruit and veg, just like these pictures! Have a go!Faces


Phonics I Spy and Read Activity – Phase 2 Set 3 and sound out these words too:16th phonics (2) 16th phonics

READING – Reading 16th Oct

SPELLINGS – CAN 15.10.20

ENGLISH – If you were going to change the story ‘Lost and Found’, what could you change? For example, you might have a polar bear instead of a penguin, or a girl rather than a boy. Where would they go on their adventure? Talk about your ideas with an adult at home. Draw three boxes, and in box 1 draw or write what might happen at the beginning of your story. In box 2, what will happen in the middle of the story and in box three what will happen at the end of your story. You don’t need to write much detail, just notes, as you will use these ideas in more detail next week. An adult can write your ideas for you too.

MATHS – Today you can finger paint to try and remember all the different ways you found yesterday to make 10! You will need to print or draw lots of ladybirds to record all the different ways to make 10.

Maths 16th Oct

GOLDEN TIME – on a Friday afternoon, the children choose and activity from class to revisit, something they really enjoyed doing and would like to try again. We also play outside and have lots of fun. What are you going to choose for Golden Time?

Hedgehog Spellings 8th October 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Your spellings for this week are below. Please make sure you learn the correct list – your group name is on the front of the red spelling book we sent you to keep at home.

Thank you!

Mrs Johnson

CAN group – CAN 8.10.20

SHOULD group – SHOULD 8.10.20

COULD group – COULD 8.10.20

The sheet to use if you’d like to learn your spellings using look, cover, write, check is here Look cover write check but don’t forget to try games and fun ways of learning them too! Some ideas are in the front of your red spelling book.

Hedgehog Class spellings 1st October 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Your spellings this week are…

CAN group CAN sounds 1.10.20  and CAN words 1.10.20

SHOULD group SHOULD 1.10.20 or for more challenge do these words SHOULD 1.10.20 challenge words

COULD group COULD 1.10.20

Don’t forget, you can make learning these spellings fun and turn them in to a game (some ideas are in the front of your red spelling book) as well as using this sheet to practice writing them down Look cover write check.

Children have an informal spelling test each Thursday in class and we share the outcome with you on tapestry or by email.

Thank you.

Well done Max

Congratulations to Max in Owl Class for obtaining a fantastic award from Trinity College in London.  You may remember that Miss Whit had posted some photographs of Max’s artwork and details that he was applying for an Arts Award.  Well, we are delighted to say that here is a copy of that award and details of what Max had to submit in order to gain it.  Well done Max, you have worked so hard on this and we look forward to sharing more of your artwork.


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