Hedgehog Class Home Learning 06.01.2021

Good Morning Hedgehogs!

I hope that you all had a good day yesterday. It was lovely to have the chance to chat to some of you on the phone! Here’s today’s learning. There was some lovely work put on Tapestry yesterday so I’m really looking forward to seeing what you’ve been up to today.


Purple Group – Your sound today is “ss” (Phase 2). Watch the video below and then play the game on Phonics Play.



Green Group – Your sound today is “oi” (Phase 3). Watch the video below and then click on the orange arrow below the video for your activity.


Yellow and Orange Group – Your sound today is the alternative pronunciation of “ou” (Phase 5). You already know it as in cloud and yesterday you learnt it as in soup but now you need to learn it as in should! (Isn’t the English language tricky!) Work your way through the words in the PowerPoint and see if you can read them.

Phase-5_alt-pron_ou_DB2014 06.01.2021


To carry on the theme of transport and journeys, today I’d like you to find a picture of a place that you would like to visit. It can be anywhere in the world! Reception, you should then write a caption for your picture using your best sounding out. Year 1, you should write a few sentences about the destination that you have chosen. Please feel free to choose more than one picture if you want to practise a bit more!


Reception, have a go at this interactive activity and then see if you can answer some of the calculations in the second link. If you want to save printing, you could copy the calculations into your workbooks and write the answers straight in there.



Year 1, please go through the PowerPoint below. When you have done that, have a go at the worksheets. As yesterday, there are 3 different levels of challenge. Choose which one you think suits where you are currently working at – make sure that you are challenging yourself!




This afternoon would have been our PE lesson so it’s time to get active! Why don’t you have a go at this PE with Joe session…



In PSHE this term we would have been learning all about relationships. Today, ask your adult at home to spend a few minutes with you to talk about and answer the following questions:

  • How do we feel today?
  • How do we show/tell people how we are feeling?
  • How do others show their feelings?
  • How can we help if someone is feeling unhappy?

This is probably one of your most important tasks today. It’s really important that we all have an opportunity to talk about how we are feeling, particularly in these strange times! There is no physical work to do for this, please just spend some time talking.


Just a very quick reminder to keep practising your reading too! There are lots of free age appropriate eBooks that you can read at https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/

I can see that some of you have also been busy on reading eggs recently as well. Don’t forget to log in and make the most of this resource! Reception, you are all now set up on this and I have put the relevant information on Tapestry for you. If this is your first time on Reading Eggs, please log in and click on “My Lessons”. When the next screen loads, please complete the Placement Test. This will assess where you are currently working at and it will start you off on the right level for your current ability. It’s really important that the children don’t get any help reading with the placement test. If they do get help with it, the programme will start your child off on a level that will be too difficult for them. If you need any help with this or are unsure, please contact us at school or via Tapestry and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Have a lovely day all! That’s it from me this week but I’m really looking forward to catching up with you on Microsoft Teams next week. As always, if you have any questions or need to get in touch, please email me via the admin email address.

Mrs Farmer

Hedgehog Class Home Learning 05.01.2021

Good Morning Hedgehogs!

Happy New Year to you all! I hope that you all had a really lovely Christmas and enjoyed some special time with your family. I can’t wait to hear all about it! This isn’t how I envisaged our first day back together. I was really looking forward to being back in the classroom with you all but we’ve got lots of things planned and we’re hoping to be able to do lots of face to face teaching online with you. Please bear with us while we plan and put into action our next steps. Please find your learning for today below.


Purple Group – Your sound today is “ll” (Phase 2). Watch the video below and then complete the game on Phonics Play.



Green Group – Your sound today is “ow” (Phase 3). Watch the video below and then click on the orange arrow below the video for your activity.


Yellow and Orange Group – Your sound today is the alternative pronunciation of “ou” (Phase 5). You already know it as in cloud but now you can learn it as in soup! (Isn’t the English language tricky!) Work your way through the words in the PowerPoint and see if you can read them.



Today we were going to think about a journey that you regularly make. It could be the journey from your house to school, from your house to the shop or from school to your swimming lesson. I’d like you to draw a “path” of your chosen journey. Reception, you should then either label your “path” or write a caption for it. Year 1, I’d like you to write a few sentences about your “path”. Really show off everything that you have already learnt in school! I’m looking forward to reading your writing! If you share it on Tapestry, I’ll be able to see what you’ve done.


Today we were going to recapping the work that you did on addition last term. Please have a look at the PowerPoint and then complete an activity of your choice. There are 3 different levels. If you are super confident at doing this then have a go at the sheet on page 3. If you think you are comfortable at doing this then have a go at the sheet on page 2 and if you think that you need a little more practise at this then have a go at page 1. Your adults at home can find the answers on the last few pages.

Addition Presentation 05.01.2021



Our topic for RE this term is “Why is the word God important to Christians?”

Christians learn about God from the Bible at church and at home. No one has ever seen God, but Christians believe he is behind all there is in the world; he is the Creator and giver of life. Christians believe his ways and thoughts are infinitely greater than ours.

Read through and discuss the story of Creation with an adult at home. We will talk about it more when we can speak virtually.

Story of Creation PowerPoint


It would also be great if you could spend a little bit of time outside today. Wrap up warm and play in your garden or ask an adult to take you for a walk. Have a lovely day and I hope to be able to speak to you all very soon!

Mrs Farmer


Following the governments announcement of the further lockdown in England, there is a letter to all parents on parentmail which has a link to the survey for keyworker places for this week.  The link to the survey is also below as we are having problems with uploading the parentmail (must be very busy!)  Please complete the survey as soon as possible if you need a place for your child in keyworker provision;


Hedgehog Class Spring Newsletter

Hello Hedgehogs!

I hope that you are all as excited to come back to school tomorrow as I am! I can’t wait to get back to it and spend some time with you all and get to know our new Reception children.

Mrs Johnson and I have put together our newsletter for the term and we’ve also included our topic overview so that you know what we’ll be learning about this term.

See you in the morning,

Mrs Farmer

Hedgehogs Newsletter Spring 2021

Hedgehogs Spring 2021 Overview of activities

Hedgehog children at home

Hello Hedgehogs at home.

Everything you need for yesterday today  has been sent home already, but just in case you aren’t sure, here are your tasks…

Write a list of words to describe the different Christmas things, such as tinsel. Little lists have been provided for you to do this.

Maths is Christmas addition and subtraction. Follow the code to colour your answers and see what pictures appear!

Phonics is all about unscrambling the words to help the elf label the presents correctly. The second sheet is colouring the picture according to the sound and colour code. Instructions are at the top of both sheets.

In music we will be singing Christmas carols – why not hold your own performance and sing your favourite carols to someone at home?!

We are holding a special Christingle in school on Thursday afternoon. You can find out about what a Christingle is here https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/how-you-can-help/fundraise-and-events/christingle/what-is-christingle. Have a go at making your own Christingle at home.

We are decorating some salt dough tree decorations to take home in art. You can find out how to make and decorate some yourself here https://www.thebestideasforkids.com/salt-dough-ornament-recipe/.

On Friday afternoon we will be watching a Christmas movie and playing games together. Choose a festive film to watch at home and a game you love to play with your family.

We hope you have a lovely Christmas and look forwards to seeing you soon!

Hedgehog children at home

Hello Hedgehogs at home.

Everything you need for today and tomorrow has been sent home already, but just in case you aren’t sure, here are your tasks…

Write a list of words to describe the different Christmas things, such as tinsel. Little lists have been provided for you to do this.

Maths for the next two days is Christmas addition and subtraction. Follow the code to colour your answers and see what pictures appear!

Phonics is all about unscrambling the words to help the elf label the presents correctly. The second sheet is colouring the picture according to the sound and colour code. Instructions are at the top of both sheets.

In music we will be singing Christmas carols – why not hold your own performance and sing your favourite carols to someone at home?!

We are holding a special Christingle in school on Thursday afternoon. You can find out about what a Christingle is here https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/how-you-can-help/fundraise-and-events/christingle/what-is-christingle. Have a go at making your own Christingle at home.

We are decorating some salt dough tree decorations to take home in art. You can find out how to make and decorate some yourself here https://www.thebestideasforkids.com/salt-dough-ornament-recipe/.

On Friday afternoon we will be watching a Christmas movie and playing games together. Choose a festive film to watch at home and a game you love to play with your family.

We hope you have a lovely Christmas and look forwards to seeing you soon!


Christmas Tree competition winners

We are pleased to share with you the winners of our Friends Of St John The Baptist Primary School ‘Christmas tree’ competition.

Children were asked to create something special at home on the theme of a Christmas tree, and we received lots of wonderful entries.

Our school Fun and Games Committee, which is made up of children from Year 2 to Year 6, chose the winners (names and faces had been removed from entries) and we are thrilled to share the deserving winners below.

Well done and thank you to everyone who entered!

Mya – Year 6
Liam – Year 5
George – Year 4
Amber – Year 3
Percy – Year 2
Caitlyn – Year 1
Phoebe – Reception
photo comp winner 1 photo comp winner 2 photo comp winner 3 photo comp winner 4 photo comp winner 5 photo comp winner 6