Fruit Tasting

After reading the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ this week the children took an interest in the different fruits that appear in the story.
Today they got to taste some fruits from around the world . The children tried Pomegranate, Watermelon, Mango, Passionfruit, Grapefruit and Apricot. All of the children thoroughly enjoyed the fruit and manged to finish every single piece!

The children said
Raya – ‘Raya eating fruit.’
James – ‘My favourite fruit was the watermelon because it was so yummy!’
Lottie – ‘I didn’t like the one with the spicy seeds in it.’
Nancy – ‘I didn’t like the Grapefruit but I liked the Pomegranate’
Jasmine – ‘I only liked the Watermelon’
Cody – ‘I liked all of them.’

DT Shelters – Santa’s Grotto!

Although we are well into Spring term, we took some time this week to look back on our DT project for Autumn Term which we finished during Christmas week (and took home for Christmas!)

Owl Class were challenged to build a structure out of wood and other materials which would make an effective shelter for Santa and his reindeers, but also bear weight (for heavy snowfall or the big man’s sleigh!) and also look festive too!

During this project we used computer-aided design for planning before building prototypes and finalising a design; then it was a case of saw, secure, glue, fix (and lots of re-fixes!) then decorate!

All the children met the demands of the task with flying colours! It was a pleasure to see the teamwork in flow and skills developed to enable everyone to produce a completed grotto. Please enjoy the selection of pictures below to show different parts of the process!

The finished projects:

The building process:

Visit to Café Eleven

Following the children’s interest of role playing in our ‘Bumblebees café’, we decided to visit a real life Café!
The children were very excited to go to Café Eleven in the village.
First we sat and watched Karen serve all of the people in the Café, we saw her preparing food, making coffee and taking money then putting it in the till.
We then got to read some magazines whilst we waited to place our order.
We were very excited to go up to the counter and have a look at all the food on display and then place our order. We all had Hot Chocolate and Oreo’s, they were delicious!
Karen then showed us some coffee beans which we got to hold and smell, she then showed us what it looked like after it was ground down into a coffee powder, we loved the feel and the smell of it.
After finishing our Hot Chocolate we got to have a look at everything that the Café sells. We learnt lots and had a great afternoon !

Fun in the snow

Bumblebees had great fun in the snow this morning !

Owl Class Egyptian Art

I think you will agree these Egyptian landscapes, created by a group of children in Owls this afternoon, are just fantastic… they were rightfully proud too!