Leavers Hoodies!

How great do our Year 6s look in their new leavers hoodies? A huge well done to them for being such a brilliant year group and set of role models at St John’s. We also celebrated the end of SATs week with a nice big CAKE!


Celebration Assembly 12.05.23

First and foremost, a huge congratulations to our Year 6s for completing their week of SATs with smiles as big as THESE!

You look great in your Leavers hoodies too… we are so proud of each of you.

Here are our Weekly Celebrations :

Acorn Awards (earning House Points with two pupils chosen per class; awarded by teachers for class-based work / learning attitudes):

Year 6s! – For completing their SATs Week and showing such great attitudes

Thomas -for always concentrating and trying his hardest

Freddie – A brilliant week – well done Freddie!

Emilia – super effort with her handwriting

Tilly – for always producing neat, careful work

Dougie – For always trying his hardest

Lily – For always being willing to have a go – with a smile too!

Bumblebees Star of the Week

Congratulations to Harrison & Freddie for achieving Stars of the Week this week! They earned it for settling in to Bumblebees so well. Well done both, keep it up!

Golden Books

1st Award: Callum, Maverick, Poppy & Freddie

4th Award – James-Noah

9th Award – Elsie

10th Award – Amber, Elliot

13th Award – Arthur

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

Plus an extra winner in Rabbit Class as they had the most tickets this week 👏

Swimming Award

We celebrated Nancy’s AMAZING achievement of her 5m distance badge! As we always say, this is the hardest one to get. We are super proud of you Nancy- keep it up!

Evie also showed off her recent achievements – a 25m badge! Great work Evie 🙂


Ramadan & Eid

The children in Bumblebees have been learning all about the Muslim festivals of Ramadan and Eid. They enjoyed learning about why Muslims fast, when and what they eat during Ramadan and how they celebrate Eid.
The children were excited to see pictures of ladies and girls who had decorated their hands with Mehndi. Some of the children then made their own Mehndi hands with clay. Once dry, the children enjoyed painting them in bright colours, like the colours used to decorate houses for Eid celebrations.

Great work Bumblebees !

Shrewsbury Half Marathon 👏

A huge congratulations to all our amazing children who took part in the Shrewsbury half marathon on Saturday. You ran, you laughed, you smiled: you were an inspiration to us all! We couldn’t be prouder of each and everyone of you. Thank you to all the families too for their support on the day too 🙌