Dragonfly Class – Welcome Back

Welcome back to the new school year for 2023-24. We look forward to hearing all of your summer updates!

Here is Dragonfly Class timetable for this term:

Dragonfly Class Timetable Autumn 2023

Remember our school day starts at 8.45am with the door opening at 8.40am. A member of staff is always on the door to the hall so please feel free to use this as an opportunity to share communication.

Equipment will be provided in class, just make sure you bring Reading Books and Reading Diaries every day.

Clubs will resume in the third week; information will be sent with further details soon.

I look forward to seeing you all Tuesday 5th September at 8.45am!

Mrs Walters 🙂

Weekly Celebrations 07.07.23

Weekly Celebrations :

Acorn Awards (earning House Points with two pupils chosen per class; awarded by teachers for class-based work / learning attitudes):

Freddie- For making a great impression in Breakfast Club

Freddie–  for a super transition day into Rabbit Class

Emelia– for fantastic art work

Zander– for being a brilliant role-model on move-up day

Charlie– for a great effort all week

Seren– for positivity

Thalia & Percy – for great Greek Olympics work

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

Plus an extra winner in Hedgehog Class as they had the most tickets this week 👏

Tennis Superstar!

Congratulations to Otto for earning awards through his tennis club this week – will we be seeing him at Wimbledon one day?!



Weekly celebrations 30.06.23

We’ve had website issues for a couple of weeks but are now up and running again… here are the weekly celebrations for the past two Fridays:

Acorn Awards (earning House Points with two pupils chosen per class; awarded by teachers for class-based work / learning attitudes):

Poppy – For super listening on the school trip

Millie– for super work and a positive attitude

Toby – for giving 100% in each lesson and listening well all week

Devon– fantastic discussion in class

Zander– for fantastic writing about the giant

Sebastian– for super perseverance in maths

Elsie – for being an all-round good egg all the time!

Elliot – for fantastic swimming achievements for North Shropshire

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

Plus an extra winner in Hedgehog Class as they had the most tickets this week 👏

Swimming Success!

Elliot has had massive success in his swimming this week. Mr Incles and Elliot has kindly sent us a swimming report:

North Shropshire West were competing against North Shropshire East, Telford, Bridgnorth and Shrewsbury – there are some great swimmers in here, so it was a competitive night.  NSW apparently usually come bottom, but collectively (all boys, girls races combined), managed a fantastic third place.  Nic was delighted.
There were individual races in backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and freestyle as well as freestyle relays and medley relays – 24 events in total.  Poolside was the usual hot, humid noisy chaos.
Elliot swam really well on the night.  He came third in his individual fly heat and qualified for the final.  In the final he had a great start but very narrowly missed out on the medals to finish fourth.
He swam the fly leg of the medley and he and the rest of the boys swam really well to get into the final.  In the final they went for it and Elliot swam the fly leg again and blitzed it, getting out the pool and lying down for a couple of mins he was so tired.  They placed third and Elliot picked up a medal for his efforts, which made his day/week/month!
Elliot – you are a superstar! Keep up the great effort.


Congratulations to our Athletics team who took part in the Area Athletics event at Bomere Heath. We had lots of certificates too…!

More swimming superstars!

Congratulations to Eleni and Harry for achieving their 5 metre badges!

Meanwhile, Eva completed the ‘challenge’ stage of her swimming journey…. Go Eva!

Tilly took a different take on swimming…. she completed a SHARK DIVE! Congratulations Tilly – how brave are you!

Happy Birthday to James and who turned FOUR and Imogen who turned FIVE!


Weekly Celebrations 23.06.23

Summer Term is flying by… 4 weeks left! Thank you to everyone who joined us for St John the Baptist Day yesterday, the children made us very proud; particularly the Year 6s who ran the service! See this link for more:

SJTB Day Service photos

Harry Johnson Bake-Off Winners!

We announced the final total for the Have Fun for Harry Day… See here for more:

Have Fun for Harry Day

Fun & Games Council also announced the Bake Off Winners…

Bake-a-selfie : Freddie (Owls)

Go Green: Ella (Owls)

Frog: Pheonix (Bumblebees)

Here are this week’s usual celebrations!

Weekly Celebrations :

Acorn Awards (earning House Points with two pupils chosen per class; awarded by teachers for class-based work / learning attitudes):

Freddie- For always showing kindness and understanding towards others

Amelia – A Rounders Club superstar!

Toby – for giving 100% in each lesson and listening well all week

Archie– for amazing art all week

Charlie– for a great effort all week

Emilia– for super speaking in Church

Bumblebees Star of the Week

Congratulations to Indiana for earning the Bumblebees Star of the Week; she has settled brilliantly into Nursery and she has only just turned 2!

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

Plus an extra winner in Hedgehog Class as they had the most tickets this week 👏

Two swimming distance badges in one!

Laurie really impressed us this morning; he showed off his 5 metres AND 10 metres swimming badges! Well done Laurie!

Happy Birthday to Ethan who turned THREE this week!

Coming up next week:

  • Wednesday – U10 Football @ school 3.15pm
  • Thursday – KS2 Area Athletics @ Bomere Heath
  • Friday – swimming for Hedgehogs & Owls