Celebration Assembly – 17th November

Firstly, thank you to everyone who has donated to our Children in Need Bake Sale this week; your donations have been greatly received and there have been some amazing creations entered into our Bake Off (more photos to follow!)

Here are the Bake Off Competition winners for Children in Need 2023! Keep an eye on the School News for further details from our Courageous Advocacy School Council!

Sports News

This week saw a group of Year 4/5/6 children head off to the Corbet School for the School Games Competion. Our team played brilliantly and were very proud to WIN their group stage! The organiser commented on their talent and skills too. They were unfortunate to go out in the semi-final, but very much made Ruyton proud! Well done team!

Weekly Celebrations 

School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):

Year 6 – Amelia for ‘Respect’ – Amelia always meets class expectations and tries her best every day!

Year 5 Charley for ‘Friendship’ :  Charley has shown great friendship to others recently – she has shown she is looking out for others!

Year 4 Caitlyn for ‘Perseverance’, ‘Tolerance’ and ‘Wisdom’: Caitlyn has had an amazing week trying her best in everything!

Year 3 Logan for ‘Friendship’ and ‘Love’: Logan has been an amazing member of our school community – we will miss him very much! Good luck in your new home and school Logan!

Year 2 Toby for ‘Perseverance’ ‘: Toby has been working really hard in all parts of his learning this year – his attitude to learning is brilliant, keep it up Toby!

Year 1 Hallie for ‘Friendship’, ‘Love’ and ‘Respect’: Hallie is a joy to have in Rabbits – she is kind, friendly and always willing to help a friend in need – she is a fantastic role-model!

Reception Tommy for ‘Love’, ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Tolerance’: Tommy always quietly joins in with everybody and everything in class, he contributes with thoughtful answers and the biggest smile!

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

Plus an extra winner in Rabbits Class as they had the most tickets this week, and another for Rabbits for being the superstars of Worship this week 👏

Congratulations to all our winners this week!

Other celebrations:

Hallie has earned a fabulous Children in Need Badge from her Girl Guides for all her hard work – well done Hallie!

Congratulations to James who has earned his ‘Yellow Stripes’ for Martial Arts this week!






EFL Kids Cup @ Shrewsbury Town

We were delighted to be invited to the EFL Kids Cup at Shrewsbury Town to take part in a football tournament against other Shropshire schools.

Our team this year are working so hard in matches, with particular courage shown by our five Year 4 boys who are facing players two years older than themselves! But we don’t let this stop us at Ruyton 🙂

Although we didn’t win on the day, a great time was had and staff were impressed by the teamwork and sportsmanship shown. Well done team!



Weekly Celebrations – 10th November

Firstly, thank you to everyone who has donated to our Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal this week; your donations will be greatly received.

Sports News

We have LOTS to celebrate in our first week back. Head over to our sports page links to catch up with Year 3/4 Dodgeball at the Corbet School plus the KS2 Football team who participated in the Shrewsbury EFL Cup at Shrewsbury Town!

Sports News


Weekly Celebrations 

School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):

Year 6 – Elsie for ‘Perseverance’ – Elsie always gives 100% to all her classwork – especially writing. Well done Elsie!

Year 5 Alex for ‘Friendship’ :  Alex is a friend to everyone. He is working really hard and has been great in teamwork tasks.

Year 4 Seb for ‘Perseverance’: Seb is trying really hard in his handwriting – keep it up!

Year 3 Sky for ‘Perseverance’: An amazing effort in maths this week!

Year 2 Kohen for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’: Kohen has been working really hard on his handwriting. We have seen a massive improvement since the beginning of the year!

Year 1 Freddie for ‘Friendship’, ‘Love’ and ‘Respect’: Freddie is a superstar! He is a lovely friend to everyone, he is always a respectful and a delight to have in class!

Reception Oakley for ‘Respect’: For always having beautiful manners, being considerate and helpful to others. Well done Oakley, what a super end to the week 🙂

Bumblebees Freddie for ‘for trying his best to master new skills!’

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

Plus an extra winner in Owls Class as they had the most tickets this week, and another for Hedgehogs for being the superstars of Worship this week 👏

Congratulations to all our winners this week!

Other celebrations:

Blake has earned this fabulous Swimming Certificate for completing his 200 metres distance badge! This is incredible Blake, well done you!






Tag Rugby Tournament

Our Year 5/6 Tag Rugby team participated in the local area competition this week. They thoroughly enjoyed their morning getting covered in mud and refining their rugby skills with three other local primaries! Well done to the squad for such a great effort.

Past pupil Jack Viner & his incredible achievement

Every now again at Ruyton we get to hear about the successes of our past pupils. We always love to hear their journeys and know where their paths have taken them! Recently, Jack Viner (now 18!) has come to our attention due to his quite incredible achievements in his role for the Royal Navy. The reward he has received has been detailed below – we are all blown away by the story of the award and the bravery and determination Jack has shown in earning it whilst on a submarine. Jack – we are so very proud of you here at Ruyton and your story is in an inspiration to us all. 

The Molyneux Prize is named in honour of Lieutenant Commander Ian Molyneux, who was posthumously awarded the George Medal for sacrificing his life attempting to stop an armed shipmate running amok aboard HMS Astute in 2011.

The prize is awarded to the SSM streamed trainee who has displayed the qualities and ethos of the submarine karda and stood above the peers during initial training. This year the Molyneux prize is presented by Mrs Jill Molyneux, the wife of Lt Cdr Ian Molyneux.

This years winner of the Molyneux Prize is Able Seaman Jack Viner ex pupil at St John the Baptist Primary School.

Jack was nominated for this award during his shoreside period of submarine qualification and although the youngest on course, his desire and dedication to learning was impressive. Unfortunately Jack was taken ill (burst appendix), which resulted in his removal from the course half way through training. Upon recuperation (when he got better), he was eager to continue. Jack joined a new course and quickly settled with his new classmates. He was the first to step up and step forward and offer support to others and initiate study rooms. Jack stood head and shoulders above his peers. Throughout his training he has displayed courage, loyalty, discipline, integrity, and respect for others throughout.

He has since joined HMS Artful and his commitment to training has continued in abundance. Jack is an outstanding member of the submarine karda and an admiral winner of the Molyneux Prize.

Panathlon Bowling Event @ Shrewsbury

We were excited to be able to send a squad of 18 of our Year 3/4/5/6 children to a Panathlon Bowling event at Hollywood Bowl, Shrewsbury, recently. The event aimed to provide a wider range of children the opportunity to participate in a competitive event but in a friendly, fun atmosphere, whilst learning skills on bowling along the way!

Our staff were very proud of all our pupils and how they conducted themselves throughout the event, showing all our values in sportsmanship. Well done team!

Hi 5 Netball

A squad of our Year 5/6 had a great morning out on Wednesday at the local netball competition. Our team have been working really hard on learning the rules of the game and did us proud with their ability to perform the footwork and obstruction rules fairly! Well done to all the children involved.