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Some Rabbit Flying Machines!

Here are the various designs and plans for Rabbit class’s own flying machines (and Sophia has also made her own paper plane with her big brother).  They are so inventive.  Well done Harrison, Amber, Lucy and Andreas.  Lucy has included this wonderful youtube clip of her flying carrot.  I can see Lucy is headed for a career in Science!

Andreas' Flying Machine

Andreas’ Flying Machine


Amber’s Flagmobile

Sophia's Paper Plane

Sophia’s Paper Plane

Andreas' Paper Plane

Andreas’ Paper Plane


Harrison’s Dronecopter.

Well-being Wednesday – from Mrs Viner

Well being Wednesday 
Hello 👋🏼 everyone!
I hope you are getting chance to enjoy the sunshine ☀️ while doing your daily exercise.
As I’ve said before being active makes you feel happy and motivated! So this week I’d like you to take a look at this fun challenge!
Mrs Johnson, on behalf of The Harry Johnson Trust has set up a 10k in May challenge. Where you have to walk, run or bike a total of 10K during May (that’s 6.2 miles). But don’t worry you don’t have to do the whole distance at once and it can be part of your permitted daily exercise.
Rhys completed ‘Harry’s Rainbow Run’ by doing a 2.2 mile run and a 4 mile bike ride! 🌈🐸
If you want to take part and raise funds for three amazing charities? Simply donate £10 to 2020 Challenge at and then walk or run a total of 10K during May.
Once completed send confirmation including your address to and I can arrange for a medal to be sent to you!Image
Good luck and stay safe!
Mrs Viner 😎

Bringing In The Sunshine – Shropshire Music Service

Our very own Mrs Hindson has been busy making a wonderful music video that she wanted us to share with the Ruyton families and children.  The song is called Bring In The Sunshine and has been recorded by the members of the Shropshire Music Service who bring their wonderful musical exertise to schools around Shropshire.  Well done Mrs Hindson!

Well-Being Wednesday from Mrs Viner

Well-being Wednesday!
Hello 👋 everybody, how are you all doing?
This week I wanted to speak to you about routines. Since being at home, I’m sure you and your family have settled into your own routines, balancing home-learning with free-time. But unlike normally, when you would be able to also go outside more, you now have to occupy your days slightly differently. So I have attached below a “Plan the day”, template that you might like to print off or you could make your own.

I don’t know about you, but I really like setting myself a daily goal to achieve by the end of the day! It gives me something to focus on and a great sense of achievement when I complete it! 👏

Now mine usually consist of cleaning my windows or mopping the floor 🙈 but I’m sure that you can come up with some fun and exciting things to do which I would love to hear about. 
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Mrs Viner 😊

Nursery Activities

Hi Nursery Children and Parents,

I hope you are doing ok and are keeping yourselves busy at home. I thought you might like some ideas for activities to continue your learning, ready for when we return. I’ve put a Tapestry entry on for everyone with these ideas and a couple of websites you might like to use. If you log in to your Tapestry account you will find the entry titled ‘Activities’. It would be lovely if you could add any comments or photos onto Tapestry of things you are doing and learning whilst at home. Any questions just ask via Tapestry.

Have fun and stay safe

Steph 😁

National Walking Month Lockdown Challenge – beginning today!

Today, Friday 1st May, is the beginning of National Walking Month! Consequently we are going to have a new Inter House Challenge with awards and a special guest team: the TEACHERS!

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Record how many steps you take on a walk each day  (if you bike, record this instead) but being mindful of the government advice and hour of exercise. For example, yesterday I ran 7,000 steps in my hours exercise. You could even do this around your garden! NB: By the end of the day I’ve usually walked around 20,000 steps but we are only counting the recommended HOUR of exercise.

2. Each Friday, send us your total steps for the week! That means sending in your weekly totals on Friday 8th May, 15th May, 22nd, May and 29th May to the school:

We will then calculate winning children, year groups, classes and houses for awards! 

If you miss a day, don’t worry! Just keep moving on the days you can.

Good luck!

Memo to the teachers:- WE CAN NOT LOSE TO THE CHILDREN! Get moving! 😆🏃‍♀️🚶‍♂️🚲 – Miss Whit 😊


A lovely surprise for our staff!

A huge THANK YOU to whoever delivered this gift to our school entrance yesterday. It will mean the world to our teachers (I know it’s made my day!) and I’ve no doubt it will take a special place in school for many years to come as a happy memory of this strange time.

Thank you from us all.



Mrs Farmer’s Easter arrival! 💙

We are incredibly excited to share some very happy news today which we’re sure the children will be eager to hear too… Mrs Farmer has had her baby!

Baby Flynn arrived on Good Friday weighing 7lb 4oz. Mrs Farmer is doing really well whilst we hear Henri can’t do enough to help look after his new little brother!

Congratulations to Mrs Farmer, Mr Farmer, Henri and Flynn (and Poppy of course 🐾)  – we are all so happy for your family and look forward to meeting Flynn very soon 💙.

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