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Sports Day 2021

We were delighted to be able to hold our annual Sports Day today at Ruyton, even though it wasn’t our ‘usual’ occasion we still made the best of the current restrictions and held this annual favourite in our class bubbles. Tedsmore Green were the overall House winners on the day! Well done to you all.

We are thrilled to be able to share some of the races and our day via the video link below – please enjoy.

A huge well done and thank you to our fantastic children for such brilliant displays of sport – there was lots of laughter, some big smiles and plenty of determined faces! A fantastic morning all round. Thank you to the families of our school for your continued support.

Sports Day 2021



Easter raffle

The Friends of St John the Baptist School (our ‘PTA’) have launched their Easter raffle today. There are some great prizes!

Buy your tickets here 👇 and help support our wonderful school. Thank you 🐣


Following the governments announcement of the further lockdown in England, there is a letter to all parents on parentmail which has a link to the survey for keyworker places for this week.  The link to the survey is also below as we are having problems with uploading the parentmail (must be very busy!)  Please complete the survey as soon as possible if you need a place for your child in keyworker provision;

Well-Being Wednesday

Hello 👋
Hope you’ve all had a nice week!
Yesterday, I was busy updating the Mental Health notice board in the shared area with ideas from the children who are in school.
I asked the children to give me some positive adjectives to complete the following sentence:
Some ideas that I had where….
Be epic
Be happy
Be friendly.
But I would love to hear your ideas so that I can add them to the board!
Please email
Take care and BE YOU!
Mrs Viner 😃

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