Our Year 5 and 6 from Ruyton finished 2nd as a school overall out of 9 schools in tag rugby yesterday at the Corbet. We were given extra praise for our fantastic sportsmanship and teamwork shown throughout. Amazing work guys!!
Weekly School Newsletter
Observing a maize crop being harvested!
We were so lucky to see a maize crop being harvested on our way to forest school this afternoon! We watched as the chopper chopped the maize into tiny bits and then sprayed it into a big trailer through the shoot. One of the farmers kindly bought some maize over to show us while he was waiting to load his trailer. How lucky to see this in action!
Then we learnt how to safely toast marshmallows on a campfire!
Cut your Carbon
Dear Parents,
Your child will be taking home a checklist today with information about cut your carbon. Our Owl Class eco warriors council talked about how important it is that we protect our greenhouse layer and reduce carbon emissions. So, on the sheet there are 6 things which you can do to help. It is not expected that you do all 6, but each one will make a small difference. I will be collecting completed checklists and will send them off for our school to enter a competition. Best of luck everyone!
Mr Arthur
Ladybird Numbers
Today in maths we have been learning about the composition of the numbers 1, 2 and 3. We had to hunt for ladybirds hidden in the leaves and talk about how their spots are organised on their wings. We learnt and used a stem sentence for each ladybird we found.
An example of our stem sentence is “3 is made from 2 and 1. 2 and 1 make 3.”
Weekly Celebrations – 18.10.24
Here are this week’s awards…
Weekly Celebrations
School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):
Year 6 Charley for ‘Tolerance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Charley has shown increased involvement and effort in all lessons this week. She has been really showing she wants to and can work hard to improve. Keep this up Charley. Well done!
Year 5 Robyn for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Tolerance’ – Robyn has very high quality presentation. She has worked so hard over the last few weeks and has deservedly earned herself a pen license. Well done Robyn, you are a superstar!
Year 4 George for ‘Friendship’, ‘Respect’ and ‘Wisdom – George has had a fantastic first week in Dragonflies! He has contributed well in class and has made friends with everyone. Keep up the hard work George!
Year 3 Harry for ‘Perseverance’, ‘Wisdom’ and ‘Friendship’ – Harry has been trying really hard this week in all parts of the curriculum but especially Maths! He is trying really hard to learn his times tables and is doing a fantastic job at it. Well done Harry!
Year 2 Jackson for ‘Love’, ‘Hope’ and ‘Trust’ – Jackson has shown a positive attitude to all his learning this week. He is showing his ‘can do’ approach, which is lovely to see!
Year 1 James for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom – James has worked so hard this week with his independent writing this week. He has thought of some fantastic ideas and he is working really hard on the presentation of his work.
Reception Isla for ‘Love’ and ‘Friendship’ – You are a wonderful member of our class. You try your best all the time, are always cheerful and a kind friend to all.
Bumblebees Alaska for showing ‘Love’, ‘Hope, ‘Trust’, ‘Perseverance’ ‘Tolerance’ and ‘Respect’- Alaska has been working so hard to improve her sitting and listening. What a great job you are doing – keep it up!
Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)
Other achievements…
Hallie achieved her 50m badge in swimming recently. Great work Hallie, we’re looking forward to seeing your 100m badge soon!
Rosie has completed her stage one in swimming. She told us she had to do lots of different things to achieve this. Great work Rosie!
Lucy and Millie have been attending knitting and sewing club with Mrs Gallimore and Miss Wilkinson. They have made their own owls! The girls said they have really enjoyed learning this new skill!
Congratulations to all our winners this week!
Owl Class – Science – Investigating Yeast
Owls experimented with yeast today in Science. Knowing that carbon dioxide gas is released when yeast is combined with sugar, we wanted to see what happens when more/less sugar is added to the same amount of yeast and warm water. This was done by attaching balloons to the tops of the bottles to observe the presence of any CO2 gas. They loved it!
Observational Drawings
We’ve started our new topic “Harvest” in Hedgehog Class this week. Yesterday, we learnt how farmers harvest their crops. Then we had a look at some vegetables and thought of some good words to describe them. After that, we did some observational drawings of a pumpkin, carrot, sweetcorn or red cabbage.
I think these are absolutely fantastic! (Especially as most of these children are still only 4!)