Year 1: /y+oo/ as in unicorn, short /oo/ as in push
- unicorn
- music
- human
- uniform
- student
- push
- pull
- put
- full
- pudding
Year 2: /oa/ as in boat, /oa/ as in rope
- boat
- float
- coat
- cloak
- soaked
- rope
- globe
- stone
- note
- home
Year 1: /y+oo/ as in unicorn, short /oo/ as in push
Year 2: /oa/ as in boat, /oa/ as in rope
Ahead of Remembrance Day, in Hedgehogs we have been learning about the significance of the poppy as a symbol for remembrance. We have explored why the poppy was chosen as a symbol and some of the things that happen on Remembrance Sunday. We saw pictures of King Charles laying a wreath and created our own poppies using paint and tissue paper to join together as our own class wreath.
Here are this week’s awards…
Weekly Celebrations
School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):
Year 6 Eva for ‘Wisdom’ and ‘Perseverance’ – Eva has shown an improved level of confidence in all subjects, particularly Maths this week. She is trying hard to give things a go before asking for help. Well done Eva!
Year 5 Thomas for ‘Wisdom’ – Thomas always gives great answers to questions in every lesson. He explains new knowledge and concepts that he has learned with carefully thought out reasoning, which is outstanding to listen to.
Year 4 Blake for ‘Wisdom’ – Blake consistently demonstrates a positive attitude towards learning and is making great progress in Year 4. It is wonderful to see your growth and improvement! Keep up the hard work.
Year 3 Jacob for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Jacob has shown an improved attitude to learning and is always trying his hardest. I am so proud of the progress you are making! Keep up the hard work.
Year 2 Imogen for ‘Love’, ‘Hope’ and ‘Respect’ – Imogen is a delight to have in class! She works hard everyday and strives to improve. Well done Immy, you’re a star!
Year 1 Adrian for ‘Perseverance’ – Adrian has been trying really hard in our English lessons. He is remembering capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. His writing is improving every day!
Reception Olly for ‘Friendship’ – Olly has been a kind friend to everyone this week and a super helper in the classroom.
Bumblebees Ruairi for showing ‘Love’, ‘Tolerance’ and ‘Friendship’ – Ruairi has shown love to his brother all week who is new to nursery.
Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)
Congratulations to the following Golden Book winners (from class work and stars):
Other achievements…
Olly and Evie have completed their Level 1 Learn to Swim! They did a brilliant job of explaining everything they had to do to everyone. Great work, keep it up!
Eleni has completed her proficiency level 11 and 12 in gymnastics. Fantastic work Eleni!
Hallie came second place in a gymnastics competition at the weekend. She completed on the vault and on the floor. An amazing achievement!
Ruairi has completed his Wave Award 1 in his swimming lessons, we look forward to hearing about what you get up to next Ruairi!
Congratulations to all our winners this week!
Today we have received the following message from Oswestry Food Bank. Thank you once again for your generous donations!
At our school we use Picture News to explore current affairs and our place in the wider world as global citizens. As such, we are proud to have been recognised for the way we use their resources and are now one of their Advocate Schools!
Here are this week’s awards…
Weekly Celebrations
School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):
Year 6 Charlie for ‘Hope’ and ‘Perseverance’ – Charlie has shown remarkable improvements in his handwriting and quality of writing in general. We are very proud of how hard you are working to improve Charlie. Keep it up!
Year 5 Layla for ‘Trust’ and ‘Respect’ – Layla has worked very hard in all subjects this week. She loves to share her knowledge and show her work. Her lovely personality is a pleasure to have in Owl Class. Well done!
Year 4 Charlie for ‘Friendship’ and ‘Trust’ – Charlie has been a great friend this week, he always offers to help and shows great kindness towards his peers. Well done Charlie!
Year 3 Toby for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Toby has been trying really hard this week in Maths. He never gives up and has shown a wonderful attitude towards learning. Well done Toby!
Year 2 Hallie for ALL of our school values – Hallie is a star! She comes into school everyday with a positive attitude and an eagerness to learn. She is kind, helpful, polite and respectful. She is a joy to have in class!
Year 1 Harrison for ‘Trust’ and ‘Wisdom – Harrison has had a fantastic first half term in Rabbit Class. He is always enthusiastic about his learning and he wants to share his ideas with everyone. Great work – keep it up!
Reception Ethan for ‘Perseverance’ – Ethan has worked incredibly hard in phonics this year and he is making super progress because of his efforts.
Reception Rosie for ‘Perseverance’ – Rosie has shown fantastic determination and perseverance in learning her sounds. She never gives up and always tries her best.
Bumblebees Scarlett for showing ‘Love’, ‘Hope, ‘Trust’- Scarlett was very poorly in hospital last week. She is now back at school and has got stuck in with all activities with a huge smile on her face. Scarlett, we are so proud of you!
Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)
Other achievements…
Devon, Charley, Millie, Sophia, Robyn, Eva, Magnus, Percy, Thomas and Jamie took part in a tag rugby tournament at The Corbet this week. They finished 2nd as a school overall out of 9 schools. They were also given extra praise for their fantastic sportsmanship and teamwork shown throughout.
A special mention to Robyn who was commended on her perseverance, resilience and speediness!
Lottie, Lilly and Hallie all attend a gymnastics club and have all received certificates and badges for completing different stages. Amazing work girls, well done!
Olivia has received a certificate and badge for swimming 5m. She was very proud of herself and was very brave to stand up in front of the whole school to tell us all about it. Great job Olivia!
Laurie received player of the match, at his football game at the weekend. He also told us about how they won the match too – well done!
Aoife has also received a player of the match award at football for her excellent passing and team work! Well done!
Congratulations to all our winners this week!
This morning, Dragonfly class had a visitor from Shropshire Fire and Rescue! Firefighter Barry came to give the children a fire safety talk. We learnt about what we should do in the event of a fire, how we know if there is a fire and what to do if we catch fire. The children asked some excellent questions, we really enjoyed the visit!
Our Year 5 and 6 from Ruyton finished 2nd as a school overall out of 9 schools in tag rugby yesterday at the Corbet. We were given extra praise for our fantastic sportsmanship and teamwork shown throughout. Amazing work guys!!
We were so lucky to see a maize crop being harvested on our way to forest school this afternoon! We watched as the chopper chopped the maize into tiny bits and then sprayed it into a big trailer through the shoot. One of the farmers kindly bought some maize over to show us while he was waiting to load his trailer. How lucky to see this in action!
Then we learnt how to safely toast marshmallows on a campfire!