With our ties to Liverpool, Owl Class spent some time at the end of last week creating some peace posters which convey what peace means to them. These are going to be sent to the Beatles Museum in Liverpool. Well done everyone.
With our ties to Liverpool, Owl Class spent some time at the end of last week creating some peace posters which convey what peace means to them. These are going to be sent to the Beatles Museum in Liverpool. Well done everyone.
We have been very excited at the arrival of this half term’s Reading Rocks and are enjoying sharing the new books with our friends.
Today we have been learning about how the dentist helps us to keep our teeth and mouths healthy. We talked about what it was like to go for a check up at the dentist and looked at some of the equipment a dentist might use.
Next, we talked about how to clean our teeth in little circles, how often we needed to clean them and for how long. We used Hey Duggee’s toothbrushing song to feel long two minutes is. Next, we practised cleaning teeth using toothbrushes and shaving foam!
We have had a busy week in Rabbit class. This week has been assessment week, the children have completed assessments in Reading, Writing, Maths, Grammar & Spelling. They have all worked so hard and tried their best, which is all that matters!
Check out some of the fabulous independent writing that took place this week based on Lily and The Snowman
Lily and The Snowman – Writing Inspiration
We have also started our new Geography topic on ‘Hot and Cold Places’. We looked through the knowledge organiser together to see what we would be learning about and any important vocabulary we might need to help us over the next few weeks. You can find all this term’s knowledge organisers on the Rabbits Class Information Page.
We learned about the equator and that the countries on or closest to the equator receive the most energy from the sun so are the hottest countries in the world. We then decided that the coldest places in the world must be furthest away from the equator, and located the Arctic and Antarctica on the globe.
In Science we have been learning about the weather. We talked about the different types of weather and what symbols are used to represent them. We acted out the different weather types. We then described pictures using symbols and words.
In RE we have been thinking about why Christmas is important to Christians. This week we thought about why light is important to Christians at Christmas time. We learned that Christians believe that lights represent the Star of Bethlehem on the night Jesus was born, that Jesus always brings light in the darkest of times and that light reminds Christians to spread goodness to each other.
We have ended the week with another PE lesson, this half term our focus is dance. Today we have been practising moving in a controlled way, and developing our coordination when turning. Our dance this week is based on The Great Fire of London – can you guess which part we are creating our dance about?
Our Nativity practise is well under way! The children have been busy learning the songs (and actions) and already know most of them off by heart. You will find the lyrics coming home soon – be warned they’re very catchy! If your child has a speaking part they will be bringing their lines home to practice.
I hope you’ve enjoyed hearing about what we got up to this week, we’ve got another busy week planned next week – including ‘No Pens Day’ on Wednesday!
Here are this week’s awards…
Weekly Celebrations
School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):
Year 6 Sophia for ‘Wisdom’ and ‘Respect – Sophia has done really well in her assessments this week. She is improving and showing hard work in all her subjects. Sophia takes pride in her behaviour and ensures her classmates behave too. Well done!
Year 5 Archie for ‘Trust’ and ‘Perseverance’ – Archie is beginning to show more confidence in class. He’s trying his best to put his hand up more to answer questions and to show his knowledge and understanding. Keep this up Archie!
Year 4 Charlie for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Charlie has been working really hard this term in all areas of the curriculum, his hard work and perseverance is paying off and this has been shown this week in his assessments. Well done Charlie!
Year 3 Floss for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Floss’s attitude to learning has dramatically improved in Year 3 so far. She is working hard to improve her handwriting and her confidence in Maths. Miss Hindley is very proud of how far you have come Floss!
Year 2 Mwaita for ‘Hope’ and ‘Perseverance’ – Mwaita has shown a fantastic attitude towards her assessments this week! She has approached everything with a positive attitude and has tried her very best.
Year 1 Memphis for ‘Respect’ – Memphis is always kind and respectful to his friends and adults around school. He is thinking carefully about the decisions he makes and how they impact him and other.
Reception Olivia for ‘Friendship’ – Olivia is a kind and caring member of Hedgehog Class. She is a good friend to everyone and always thinks of others.
Bumblebees Indiana for showing ‘Trust’, ‘Respect’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Indiana is always kind, helpful and respectful. She shows wisdom when talking about the things we are learning about.
Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)
Other achievements…
Evie, Layla, Emelia, Thomas and Lucy all attended a Year 5 Maths challenge this week. The had to work together to solve puzzles and decipher codes – it all sounded very complicated! They all had a great time and we’re very enthusiastic about the Maths that they had been doing.
Isla has been awarded her ‘Octopus 2’ swimming certificate and badge. Isla told us all the things she had to do to complete it, such as entering the water safely and blowing bubbles in the water! Well Done Isla.
Congratulations to all our winners this week!
As part of our learning about people who help us, we found out about the job of a lollipop person and how they help people cross the road. We talked about how we don’t have a lollipop person in Ruyton but our grown ups help us to cross the road safely. We learned the 4 rules of road crossing safety; Stop, Look, Listen, Think and then practised these outside, taking it in turns to be pedestrians, motorists and lollipop people.
This week we enjoyed the snow at forest school. Kris showed us the badger setts and told us about the animals that hibernate during the winter. It was rather chilly, so we enjoyed our hot chocolate and campfire even more than normal!
In Hedgehogs we have done lots of Children in Need activities today. We learned about why we were fundraising, designed a new bandana for Pudsey, did some Pudsey maths and danced!
A huge thankyou to everyone who baked, brought or donated money towards our cake sale in aid of Children in Need this week. We have enjoyed lots of yummy cakes! We will let you know how much we have raised soon.
Our star bakers are…
It was a very hard decision, we had lots of fantastic bakes to choose from…
An extra special thankyou to our fantastic Courageous Advocacy council members who set up and ran the cake sale.
Please complete the word search in your homework books. Can you find all of this week’s spellings?