Support For Families during the closures

Please see the e-mail from Telford and Wrekin Council offering support for people in need.

Shropshire Telford & Wrekin Beam – Phone-based support

Over the last 2 weeks we have been working on how we can continue to provide support for the young people who access our drop-in services.

From 2nd April 2020, Shropshire Telford & Wrekin Beam will be offering a call-back telephone service.

Please note that we are not offering a crisis or instant response service.

The support being offered is purely phone-based.  We cannot provide support via email, text/messaging apps or on video calling platforms.

Accessing call-back support:

Young people can email us at asking for support.  Once they have emailed, an automatic response will ask for some more information.  When this has been completed, a team member will contact them to discuss what help they need, and when the best time would be for a practitioner to call them.

Calls will be booked in with our practitioners within our usual drop-in times.

Accessing support without a call back:

Where a young person does not want to talk but still needs some support, they can still contact us via  We can send details of online resources, information and apps which can offer support.

Information for Professionals:

You can signpost any young people who you feel would benefit from knowing more about this offer to our website

You can also pass on the details as to how they get in touch with us.  Please ask the young person to contact us via

We won’t be able to contact young people unless the request for contact from our service has come from the young person or their parent/carer.

For all young people who are aged 13 and under, their parent/carer will need to make a request on the young person’s behalf.

As with our face to face drop-ins, the young person should want to engage with us, and be able to do so over the phone.

Information for Parents/carers:

If you feel your child(ren)/young person would benefit from our support, please take a look at our website

For young people aged 13+ please ask them to contact us via

For young people who are aged 13 and under, you will need to contact us on their behalf via

As with our face to face drop-ins, the young person should want to engage with us, and be able to do so over the phone.

We will continue to innovate and adapt as we need to. This is an enormous effort from every corner of The Children’s Society to ensure we can continue to offer support to the children and young people we work with.  For more information about how our charity is working at the moment, or to donate to our emergency Coronavirus appeal, please go to our website at


A Prayer for these difficult times

Kate Gregory has written this prayer for us all and we wanted to share it with our school community.

Dear Lord,

The world feels a strange place right now.

Our classrooms are empty and it is hard to play with our friends.

At this time, please look after my friends, my family and the people in our community who live on their own.

Help us to remember that you are always there and that one day this will pass.


Up-dated information from Autism West Midlands

Please see the information below sent by AWM

Autism West Midlands will continue to offer advice appointments and support throughout the ongoing outbreak over the phone and via email.  Parents and carers can contact our small team directly as follows;

Mon, Tue, Weds              = Wendy Cowton            07900784186

Weds, Thu, Fri                  = Emma Hegenbarth       07881109480

Email                                   =


During this unpredictable and unsettling period we can offer guidance around;

  • Supporting children who are anxious and upset about the virus
  • Coping with change and uncertainty
  • Suggestions to keep them active and engaged


With the schools closing, and people becoming more isolated we know that such support will be essential for families.