Dragonfly Class – Friday Video Chat!

Hi everyone,

Hopefully you will have received a Parentmail from the Office with details about how to access Microsoft Teams. If not, please contact the office email.

As a practise run, I’d like to have a Teams Meeting tomorrow morning (Friday) at 9am. Hopefully you can make it – it will be an opportunity to practise with the programme, see each others faces and have a nice chat!

The lessons will all be up on the website as normal, but it would be great for us all to have a test-run with Teams.

I’ll hopefully see you all in the morning!

Miss Whit 🙂


Following the governments announcement of the further lockdown in England, there is a letter to all parents on parentmail which has a link to the survey for keyworker places for this week.  The link to the survey is also below as we are having problems with uploading the parentmail (must be very busy!)  Please complete the survey as soon as possible if you need a place for your child in keyworker provision;
