Up-dated information from Autism West Midlands

Please see the information below sent by AWM

Autism West Midlands will continue to offer advice appointments and support throughout the ongoing outbreak over the phone and via email.  Parents and carers can contact our small team directly as follows;

Mon, Tue, Weds              = Wendy Cowton            07900784186

Weds, Thu, Fri                  = Emma Hegenbarth       07881109480

Email                                   = shropshire@autismwestmidlands.org.uk


During this unpredictable and unsettling period we can offer guidance around;

  • Supporting children who are anxious and upset about the virus
  • Coping with change and uncertainty
  • Suggestions to keep them active and engaged


With the schools closing, and people becoming more isolated we know that such support will be essential for families.

It’s about time!

Rabbits are busy learning about time, how long things take, how clocks show times in different ways and having fun with time related games. time pic collage 001    In topic, we have been learning about the different food that Victorians ate, and how that is different to our diets.  The children wrote their own recipe books for Apple Dumplings, Trifle and Kedgeree – but nobody wanted to try rice, fish and fried eggs for their breakfast!

Everyone worked really hard on their Quest stories and they are now finished.  The children’s writing shows great imagination.

Next week we are continuing learning about Victorian food, treats and parties and as we approach Christmas we will be learning about the origins of our own Christmas traditions.  We will continue with Time as our maths topic and look at Roman Numeral clocks, digital clocks and other ways of showing time passing.

We are very excited to welcome a visitor to our school on Monday, Mr Davies is an Actor, storyteller and teacher who is coming to act as some Dickensian characters as we begin learning about Charles Dickens and his writing.  The children will become journalist for the morning and will be interviewing the characters for their newspaper report.  The Christmas tree is up in our Victorian Library looking very pretty indeed.Victorian Library 001

Cross Country Event Reminder

The next cross country event is taking place at the Corbet school on Tuesday 6th November (first week back). 3.50pm start for Year 3 race then other year groups to follow. ALL children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 are very welcome to attend. As usual,  parent / guardian responsibility for transport please as this event takes place after school. Please see Miss Whit for support with this if necessary.

We had fantastic participation for the first event – thank you to all those who attended.

Dates for your diaries: Race 3 on 13th November, Final Race on 20th November.