A Prayer for these difficult times

Kate Gregory has written this prayer for us all and we wanted to share it with our school community.

Dear Lord,

The world feels a strange place right now.

Our classrooms are empty and it is hard to play with our friends.

At this time, please look after my friends, my family and the people in our community who live on their own.

Help us to remember that you are always there and that one day this will pass.


Up-dated information from Autism West Midlands

Please see the information below sent by AWM

Autism West Midlands will continue to offer advice appointments and support throughout the ongoing outbreak over the phone and via email.  Parents and carers can contact our small team directly as follows;

Mon, Tue, Weds              = Wendy Cowton            07900784186

Weds, Thu, Fri                  = Emma Hegenbarth       07881109480

Email                                   = shropshire@autismwestmidlands.org.uk


During this unpredictable and unsettling period we can offer guidance around;

  • Supporting children who are anxious and upset about the virus
  • Coping with change and uncertainty
  • Suggestions to keep them active and engaged


With the schools closing, and people becoming more isolated we know that such support will be essential for families.

Cross Country Event Reminder

The next cross country event is taking place at the Corbet school on Tuesday 6th November (first week back). 3.50pm start for Year 3 race then other year groups to follow. ALL children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 are very welcome to attend. As usual,  parent / guardian responsibility for transport please as this event takes place after school. Please see Miss Whit for support with this if necessary.

We had fantastic participation for the first event – thank you to all those who attended.

Dates for your diaries: Race 3 on 13th November, Final Race on 20th November.

Welcome back Owls

Welcome back Owl class; we hope that you have had a wonderful break and are ready for the new school year.

We have busy and exciting term ahead of us.  Firstly, we are going to study our local area in a combined History and Geography topic.  We will be finding out about how Ruyton XI Towns became a settlement originally and how it has changed over the years by looking at lots of different sources of information such as photographs, maps and census documents.  If anyone has any resources that they feel would be interesting, please send them into school.  In Science, we will be focusing on light for the first half of term and forces for the second half.  Our art topic this term is ‘People in action’ during which we will be drawing and sculpting people moving.  During our RE lessons for the first half of term, we will be finding out about how a mosque can help us to understand the Muslim faith whilst in the second half, we will be reflecting on incarnation.  Through our PSHE sessions, we will be discussing health and wellbeing as well as beginning to look at our relationships with others and how we should live in the wider world.  Our computing time will be spent initially discussing the importance of e-safety then moving onto designing an interactive game and code cracking.  PE sessions with Mr Hughes remain on a Wednesday afternoon and Mrs Henney will teach dance or gymnastics on a Friday.  Homework will continue to be given out on a Friday and bought back into school by Wednesday. Spellings will be given out and tested on a Friday also.

Enjoy the term and welcome back everyone!

Mrs Hollis and Mrs Henney