Science in Dragonflies

In science we are looking at sound. This afternoon we were exploring how sound can change over a distance. As part of this we created string telephones to demonstrate how sound travels. We discovered that we could hear clearly through the cups as the string and the cups are solid, so the particles are much closer together than the particles in the air, which is a gas. The sound energy can travel from particle to particle far easier in the solid string telephone, so the sound of our voices were louder over the same distance than it was in the air. We had a great time discovering how sound travels over distance!

Summer Term in Dragonflies

Welcome back Dragonflies Class, we hope you all had a lovely Easter break!

We have got lots of exciting things to look forward to this term; swimming, Liverpool for year 4 and school trips just to name a few! Below is our timetable for this term.

Time table summer 1

Our topic this term is ‘Would I rather live in Mexico City or Shrewsbury?’ We will be learning lots of interesting things about each place through comparison.

We will start swimming lessons from Friday 26th April, so everyone will need to be in PE kit and bring their swimming kit with them on Fridays. We will no longer have PE on a Monday afternoon, but PE will continue on a Tuesday.

Please find the knowledge organisers for subjects this term below.  The knowledge organisers will tell you what the children will be learning and some key vocabulary they will encounter this term. We hope you find these helpful, please let us know if there is anything you would like to discuss.

Mexico City vs Shrewsbury

Dragonflies – RE

Dragonflies – Online Safety

Dragonflies – Creating Media Photo EditingSummer term year 4 sound

Miss Hindley and Miss Lloyd- Jones

Dragonfly Class – Welcome Back

Welcome back to the new school year for 2023-24. We look forward to hearing all of your summer updates!

Here is Dragonfly Class timetable for this term:

Dragonfly Class Timetable Autumn 2023

Remember our school day starts at 8.45am with the door opening at 8.40am. A member of staff is always on the door to the hall so please feel free to use this as an opportunity to share communication.

Equipment will be provided in class, just make sure you bring Reading Books and Reading Diaries every day.

Clubs will resume in the third week; information will be sent with further details soon.

I look forward to seeing you all Tuesday 5th September at 8.45am!

Mrs Walters 🙂