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Rabbits – Home learning for 1st June

Good Morning Rabbits and I hope that you all had a lovely half term.

I have put together some tasks for you today which will link in with the rest of the work through the week.  I hope you find it interesting!

Warm Up and Spelling Words:  I have included this wordsearch – please can you solve the puzzle and then write out the words three times for handwriting and spelling practice.

Engish:  BBC Bitesize lesson for today on

Maths: White Rose maths for today:

Year-3-Week-6 Maths Video

Year-2-Week-6 Maths Video



Grammar:  I have loaded a few activities onto Education City that will support you with some grammar learning this week – work through the tasks doing one each day.

Project:  I would like you to learn all about Volcanoes this week.  I have selected a few fun things to do that will get you used to the vocabulary such as the wordsearch at the start of today.  Here is a lovely little cartoon clip featuring two volcanoes – you may have seen this already:

The next powerpoint shows you how the earth’s crust is made up of different types of rock and materials.  A Slice Through The Earth

Please can you make your own version of a slice of the Earth?  You could draw it – or perhaps make it from play-dough or some other materials.  See what you can find in your garden – you have probably got rocks there – imagine that they are actually tiny bits of the earth’s crust!

A Volcano erupts due to the pressure from the heat of the Earth.  Can you imagine how hot it needs to be to explode like that?  Have you ever seen popcorn exploding?  That is the same type of thing – the heat from the pan, heats the inside core of the corn grain and the steam bursts the corn apart.

There are many legends surrounding volcanoes and for your reading task to finish off the work for today, I have set this story for you. Volcano Reading Activity

Have a super day

Mrs Cooke


Rabbits – home learning for Friday 22nd May

Good morning Rabbits and welcome to the end of the week and the half term!

I know it is a bit strange to think we are on half term next week – but we all need a holiday from things that we are doing – even if we are mostly home and not going to school or work.  Your parents probably need half term break too!

Spellings: So for today, I have a spelling test for you to do – select the correct spelling for each of the words and then check with the original list please.  Please open the Spellings page.

English:  BBC Bitesize have a nice lesson for you.

Maths:  I have a maths test for you – nothing too awful but it should be good to test your knowledge.

Maths Assessment Year 2 Fractions

Y3 maths assessment fractions

Reading: I have this comprehension task for you to do – read through and answer the questions.  Comprehension Task

Project: it is the last day of your food project and I have loved seeing the different things that you have all been doing this week.  Well done all of you for taking so much care with your work.

So I have have included a short clip from a wonderful film called “Cloudy With Meatballs”  my children watched this so many times when they were little.  Your job is to do exactly what the hero does in the story – to create a food machine that can make your favourite foods by simply pressing buttons.  I would love you to design this on paper and put in the various elements that you would need such as rolling pins if you are making pastry or flat bread – blenders if you are mixing herbs or fruits – some way of picking herbs and spices to make your food taste good.  The design can be as mad as you like – but you must also call it something!

Your machine has to be able to make a range of foods and you need to include the list on your design.

I really hope that you have fun with this project and you are able to use your creative brains to come up with some amazing things.

Have a super-duper half term everyone.  Have fun at home and I look forward to being in touch with you all in June.

Mrs Cooke



Rabbits – home learning for Thursday 21st May

Good Morning Rabbits

I got the job  of shopping for my family yesterday, and I was so excited to be out – but also to see the huge range of food that I can buy that comes from around the world.  The project today will be thinking about our multi-cultural food.  Please check over your spellings as I will pop a test on the page tomorrow.

Brainteaser:  I have put in a wordsearch for you this morning – I think you all enjoy doing these.  Food Wordsearch

Maths: I have included the maths tasks from white rose below.

Year 2 – Lesson 4 Maths

Year 2 Lesson 4 Answers

Year 3 Lesson 4 Answers

Year 3 Lesson 4 Maths

Additionally, I would like you to do some practical maths – in order to price your food menus, it is useful to add up costs then divide them between the number of people who are eating.  So … I would like you to work out how much you should charge for a portion of cake – please look at the attached task and see how well you can use your knowledge of fractions to solve the puzzles.  Good luck!   Cake Brain Teasers

English:  Please access the BBC Bitesize for today’s lesson.

PSHE: Mrs Viner has posted a lovely note to us all about kindness.  For today, can you read her post and do some things linked to the idea of being kind?

Project: As I said at the start, I was amazed at the different foods available from all around the world – and just in my local supermarket!  There was a whole section of Greek food with amazing sesame breadsticks, stuffed vine leaves and ice-creams.  I saw Mexican Potatas Bravas and Lime and lemon cake, I also found multi-coloured pasta from Italy, Romanian Meat Balls, German Sausage and pickled cabbage and Turkish soft cheese.  So for today – you are going to select a country from the list below and do a poster for me of their most famous food and drink items.  I would love to see pictures that you have drawn and also writing that explains the type of foods they have.

So here are my suggested countries – but if you know others – please do your own choice:  My favourite food from Australia would have to be Fairy Bread – very easy to make – but I am not sure I would want to try Erwtensoep snert – which is from Holland!









Have a happy day!

Mrs Cooke


Well Being Wednesday – from Mrs Viner

Well-being Wednesday
Good Morning 👋 all and what a lovely day it is! ☀️ The sun always makes me feel happy!
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the topic this year is Kindness.
Over the last few months I have not only seen many acts of kindness in the news (Captain Tom) and the community, I to have tried to play my part by being kind to others, by helping get shopping to some elderly people in our village and telephoning relatives who are on their own.

The added benefit of helping others is that it is good for our own mental health and wellbeing. 

It would be lovely if this week, you could share with me any acts of kindness that you have shown someone, or that have been done to you.

Just remember giving someone a smile 😁 or a wave 👋 could really make their day!

Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Viner 😃

Rabbits – Home Learning for 20th May

Good Morning Rabbits and I hope you are going to have some fun with this learning today.  I have loved seeing the work that you have done already on your maths and making some lovely restaurants and eateries.  Well done.

Spelling:  Can you check in the spelling page and copy out your spellings as usual – these are all words relating to food and cookery.

Reading: I have found a short story for you to read today – can you also go onto your own Reading Eggs to keep up with your reading tasks and as it is such a lovely day – why not take out some reading at lunch time – a book, comic, cook book etc and enjoy the weather.

English:  BBC Bitesize is offering today’s lesson please log on

Maths:  I have copied out the maths tasks for today from Whiterose:

Year 2 Maths lesson 3 answers

Year 2 Maths lesson 3

Year 3 lesson 3 answers

Year 3 Lesson 3 maths

Project:  continuing with food (one of my favourite topics!)  Here is a nice activity to make for the butterflies – it is a bar for butterflies – have a look at the instructions and see if you can find suitable equipment to make the bar.  Make a Butterfly Bar  alternatively, there is another one to make for birds.  apple_bird_feeder_tcm9-405020 if you do not have the necessary equipment.

Please take a few minutes to watch this youtube clip about the history of CHEESE.  (some of it can be a bit odd – but it is a fun cartoon)

Cheese has been made for many thousands of years – and this shows how it began almost by accident.  So for today’s topic activity I would like you to create a cheesy character – it might be a Strong Cheddar – who is a super-hero and saves onions from being eaten – or a Soft Brie that is hopeless at doing anything as it is runny all the time.  Create your cheese character – give them a name – and then I would like a short story about this cheesy being.   Imagine the adventure or journey a cheese might have?  You can set your story in a kitchen to begin with – but it could go beyond that.  Please have some fun and use that wild imagination of yours!



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