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Rabbits – home learning for 8th June

Good Morning Rabbits

This week I have found some interesting activities for you on different websites and hope that you enjoy doing the tasks.

Spellings:  as usual, I would like you to look at the spelling page and write out the new words for this week.  Remember to use this time to practice your lovely handwriting too.

Maths:  You can access the white rose maths but if you prefer, there are daily maths tasks on MyMaths for you.  Just do one of them each day.

Year 2 lesson 1 answers

Year 2 Lesson 1 maths

Year 2 Week 7 maths video

year 3 lesson 1 anwers

Year 3 lesson 1 maths

Year-3-Week-6 Maths Video

English:  You can either do the BBC Bitesize today, or you can do this task that I have linked below:  Story Generator year 2 and Year 3

Grammar:  Please look at the link to your year group for the grammar tasks today.

Grammar Task  Year 2

Punctuation Tasks Year 3

Project:  This week it will be Games and Sports.  I know some of you will have seen that the sporting events around our country have been cancelled but that they are gradually going to be starting up again.  I am pleased about this – my husband is a big fan of Liverpool Football Club and wants them to win the championship by playing out the last few games, my mum is a huge Wimbledon tennis fan and will miss seeing her favourite players this summer, I will miss the cricket – I love watching the test matches.  So this week we will be doing activities all about sport and games that you enjoy.

Can you find pictures of all the bats, rackets, clubs or nets that you use in various games.  I have included a montage here below.  I would like you to begin the project with some drawing to create a front page for your booklet with drawings of as many different bats etc that you can find.

sport bats

Next:  using the knowledge that you all have of fractions, I would like you to create your own sports pitch.  It could be grass or tarmac, it needs to be a rectangle.  Within the shape you need to make two halves and within the halves you need to make two quarters.  You can then make any other fractions of the main pitch and explain what these are for – they might be areas where you score extra points, or where certain players cannot enter.  See what you can do with fractions on a sports pitch.

Have a great day

Mrs Cooke

Rabbits – Home learning for 5th June

Good morning and Happy Friday!

I have a few tests and quiz questions for you today for a change.  I also have some spelling reviews to see how you are doing on your spelling words.

Warm Up:  here is a fun maths game to get your brains busy this morning.  Link together the numbers that appear in the same times table.  Tables Star Bonds

Spelling Tests:  can you have a look at the correct sheet for your year group.

Year 2 Spelling Activities

Year 3 Spelling Task

Storytime:  I hope you enjoy this story from the Arabian Nights.


Maths:  Try this times tables test – you have one minute to do as many as you can!  Times Table Test

Project:  I have set a quiz for you to see what you now know about volcanoes.  It is just for fun but you should enjoy learning these facts.

Volcano Quiz

Rabbits – Home learning for 4th June

Good morning Rabbits

How are you all feeling today?  I have enjoyed this lovely sunny weather.

Handwriting:  can you do the handwriting task that is attached please?  I could only download the whole file – so just do the last two pages in the set.


English / Reading / Comprehension: please can you work on your year group task.  You will be thinking about rhyming words in you are in Year 2 and working with a poem.  In Year 3 you will be doing tasks all about a traditional story.

Year 2 English Task

Year 3 English task

Maths:  Year 2 have a fractions task to complete and then a domino activity to look at equivalent numbers:  Year 3 also have some fraction activities.

Y3 Maths Fractions

Year 2 Maths Fractions Task

Yr 2 Train Dominoes

Project:  I am sure you have lots to do with the animation that I set you yesterday, so for today I have some interesting facts about Volcanoes for you to read and a short film to watch.

Have a good day – Tomorrow will be a short spelling test and a quick quiz for you!

Mrs Cooke.

Well Being Wednesday from Mrs Viner

Well-being Wednesday
Hi 👋🏼 everyone!
Hope you had a fun half term 😊
This week I would like you to write some daily affirmations that are personal to you.
Affirmations are simple, positive statements declaring specific goals that can be used to encourage and motivate you.
You could write them on a poster or turn them into a song!
Here are mine to get you started.
I am grateful for my family 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦
My friends like me for who I am 💞
My thoughts and feelings matter 👍🏼
I don’t need to put to much pressure on myself 🙂
I’m not perfect, but that’s ok 👌
If you’d like to send me your ideas to I’d love to see them 😍
Take care 🌈
Mrs Viner

Rabbits – Home learning for 3rd June

Good morning Rabbits

It has been a great start to the week and I hope you are all back into the swing of things at home; mixing a bit of work with a lot of fun!

Handwriting – Please can you write out the spelling words for this week but I would like you to do this in a volcano shape.  I suggest that you draw the outline of the volcano on a piece of paper and then add the words to fill the shape of the volcano.

Reading:  I have two different reading tasks for you today – year 2 and year 3 but the year 3 task is quite advanced.  Good luck!

Year 2 Comprehension June 3rd

Year 3 (advanced) comprehension June 3rd

English:  please follow the BBC Bitesize for today.

Maths:  please work on the correct year group activity today:

Y3 Lesson 3 – Fractions of a set of objects (1) 2019

Y3 Lesson 3 Answers – Fractions of a set of objects (1) 2019


Project:  Today, I have set a more time-consuming challenge which should take you two days.  I hope that you have enjoyed learning a little about volcanoes.  You will have learned about the various vocabulary that is used, and also made a diagram about the Earth’s insides.  Today, I would like you to get crafty again.  Your challenge is to make an animation of a volcanic explosion.  You can use either drawings, models or pictures but you have to find a way to sequence the images so that they look like an explosion happening.

Drawing Animation:  we once made a zeotrope in class – a sequence of drawings that were slightly different each time but when you looked at them quickly, they appeared to be moving.  Here is a short clip that shows you how to create an animation using sketches.  I don’t think you need to see the whole thing – you will remember about drawing each picture slightly different –

Picture animation:  you can use pictures in a sequence, if you are able to find a series of still photos of a volcano eruption, you can sequence them and do the same action of flipping the pages to show the movement.

Model animation:  This is a bit more time consuming and tricky – but I think it is also a lot more fun and a wonderful challenge.  If you can model a volcano from clay, playdough or other modelling material, you can make the animation using a phone camera.  You need to take each picture then move the model a small amount. You can use different coloured clay or play dough for the lava flow and make it drip down the side of the volcano slowly.  See what wonders you can create!

I hope you have a wonderful day!

Mrs Cooke

Premier League Create a Character Challenge – all classes!

You may be interested in the attached activity happening today from the Premier League Primary Stars. There is a live event at 11.30am today too! Information and activities can be found below…

PLPS_CreateACharacterChallenge (1) PLPS_CreateACharacterChallenge_Template_Editable (1)



Rabbits – Home learning from 2nd June

Good Morning Rabbits

I hope you are all well and excited about learning today. I am so sorry to those who were unable to open some of the documents.  I have attached the word search to the spellings page for today.

Warm up – here is a crossword puzzle for you – but you have to complete it yourself!  Volcanos Crossword Puzzle  You will need to look at the vocabulary that I have also provided to work out the answers!

Lava  Plume  Crater  Magma  Volcanic Fissure

English:  Please see the BBC Bitesize lesson for today and the Education City grammar activity.

Maths:  Please select today’s lesson (lesson 2) for your year group.

Week 6 Lesson 2 Year 2 Answers

Week 6 Lesson 2 year 2

Week 6 Lesson 2 Year 3 answers

Week 6 Lesson 2 Year 3

Project:  To continue with Volcanoes, I have included some more information on how a volcano is formed.  Take a look at the powerpoint.  6. Structure of a volcano

Can you now do one of your amazing cartoon-strips for me?  I would like 8 squares each showing the sequence of the volcano’s eruption.  You can use vibrant colours and you need to explain in one sentence, what is happening in each of the pictures.  Remember this is an ACTIVE VOLCANO as it is exploding right now!  You could give your volcano a name – something that sounds exciting or from a distant place.

For your reading – I have included  a legend of a volcano – they are all around the earth and these legends that I will give you to read each day will show you where on earth they have appeared over the centuries:

Myths and Legends of the Alaskan Eskimo

Activity idea for everyone from Anouk: Puppetry!

Anouk has sent in a link to a brilliant website which is full of ideas linking to puppetry, in case this interests you.

I think the leatherback turtle puppet looks amazing! I’d love to make this, although I have a feeling my skills will begin with the ‘potato monsters’ or ‘playing with food’!


Team Collins South African Marathon!

We received a lovely update from the Collins family over half term that Jamie and Ella’s friends will be amazed to see!

To Jamie and Ella: We are so proud of you for all your achievements below and particularly for thinking about other children in need. You are an inspiration! Thank you for telling us all about it. I wonder what plan you have for June?!? 

Here is their update:

“Our family decided for the month of May …we would challenge ourselves to do the South African virtual Comrades Marathon, completing 90km by either walking or cycling.

We were thrilled to see Mrs Viner’s challenge of Harry’s Rainbow run🌈 and dedicated the first sponsored 10 km to Ella and Jamie’s “Harry’s Rainbow run”(see plotted it on our map.🐸🌈)

Thank you so much it was a really positive addition to our personal challenge and was good for the children to feel they were fundraising for a great cause! Jamie said “ I feel proud that I could be active in lockdown and do something good for the Harry Johnson Trust.”
I’ve logged and plotted their progress each week and there is an interactive virtual map. In South Africa this marathon alternates as an uphill race from Durban to Pietermaritzburg and then downhill the following year.
We followed the virtual 2020 route which is a down ‘run’ ( walk/ cycle for us!) from Pietermaritzburg to Durban. Normally it starts at 5.30am and cut off is at 5.30 pm ,thank goodness we had the whole of May!! We are thrilled to announce that Ella and Jamie finished their 90 km target this morning !!! They did a lap of honour around the Roundabout!🙂🌈🚲

The Comrades Marathon should be held on 14th June but has been postponed. We thought it was a good focus for our month of May activity, and our well-being really benefited , through the lockdown, from this too.👍🙂

A message from Jamie and Ella…
“Thank you for your challenge Miss Whitt and Mrs Viner we loved doing it!”
Please see pics of the progress map and pic collage.

thumbnail_Image thumbnail_Image (2) thumbnail_Image (1)

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